Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Happens To Excess Sperm


THURSDAY, July 1 from 8:00 to 11:00 hours the Association of Brethren Cellucci will provide citizenship and those who wish to take a taxi from Piazza Risorgimento (in front of the pharmacy) to The Story of the Hospital Transfusion Centre Carbonara. Why is real holiday for everyone from those who suffer.
After breakfast free.
All donors will be sent blood tests (to home) after a week.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Anti Bacteria And Fungal Cure


06.12.2010 The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano has decided to give emphasis to the World Blood Donor Day by sending a message of greeting and appreciation for the highly humanitarian Italian blood donors always attentive and generous with their gift of blood to those who suffer.

The Head of State also emphasized the high ethical value of the donation of blood is an irreplaceable resource for social growth and maturation of individuals and expresses its best wishes to the associations that are daily involved in this case.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dezine Your Own Tech Deck


It 's been exactly one year now since I wrote the last article on this blog, a difficult but successful year of reflection, I would say beneficial.
One of my recurring thoughts were: it will be helpful, you helped someone?
I believe, indeed I hope so.
During that time, some have written to me, two people, even after making the oil and egg using it, I hope to benefit ... Other
to confirm improvement, if not the cure of macular dystrophy Fuchs , thanks to practical advice in the blog.
someone other hand, after reading the article, he asks (or rather, he insists on asking) il nome di qualche "Luminare della Medicina", che sappia guarirlo, nonostante gli stessi "luminari" abbiamo definitivamente e sbrigativamente dichiarato il problema, la cui causa resterebbe ignota, inguaribile, incurabile e fatalmente progressivo (più chiaro di così)...
Il blog lo avevo scritto proprio con lo scopo contrario: non delegare totalmente agli altri questo compito, perché la realtà delle cose è un'altra...
Aiutati che il ciel t'aiuta: questo è vero anche, vorrei dire soprattutto, in campo medico.
So che la maggioranza, oggi come in passato, non la pensa così, ma prima o poi dovremmo abbandonare le comode illusioni e ritornare the reality of natural phenomena, with their inevitable cause - effect.
Who is the cause of his ill cry himself ... I, however, say to do something, if necessary and as required, with the help of some "expert" in the industry.
With this hope, it's finally time to turn the page. Before long
publish a new blog, which, in addition to plenty of material, I have prepared the title. "Life, Man, Nature: The Search for Truth": .

For the time greeting and thank you all very much. Joseph

Good job, good life!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fine Wooden Walking Staffs


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Princess Cruise Line Entertainment Auditions

After the first day which was held on 24 April and to meet people in that circumstance had not been able to make a donation, the Brethren held a second day devoted to gifts that were collected ten bags of blood.

Thank you for your cooperation the police headquarters, which has provided electricity for the autoemoteca and the "Sports Bar" by Michele Sidella that offered a breakfast for donors.