Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Twilight Digital Copy

Italia happy-go-lucky, ovvero la futura strage degli innocenti

I learn from the news today, October 20, 2008, the Italian Government, through the law 'Gelmini' (DL137 conversion of 09/01/2008) recently approved, has allocated the sum of € 20 million for structural measures on schools in the Bel Paese. Great!

In Italy there are 57,000 schools, 42,000 public school system. 70% of the population lives in seismically active zones, and 40% in areas at high risk from earthquakes. A third of schools are at risk of earthquakes and at least one third of these are at high risk. A total of 22,800 schools are not in accordance with seismic. Of 6,000 schools that are most in need of structural earthquake-resistant, were selected from 2,000 high priority - but where are the funds?

In Italy, the last earthquake with an epicenter in the immediate vicinity of a large urban center was to Avezzano back in 1915. Died 90% of the population of 11,000 inhabitants. It 'good to remember that the average interval between an earthquake damaging (or lethal) and the next is less than 60 months. And not only occur in open country.

Worldwide, there are different earthquakes nei tempi recenti che hanno distrutto le scuole en masse . Ad esempio, 103 scuole sono crollate interamente e 2813 sono state gravemente danneggiate nel terremoto di Boumerdes in Algeria, 2003. Nel terremoto di Kashmir, nel 2005, 10.000 scuole sono crollate, ammazzando 17.000 bambini (dati incredibili, ma confermati dall'ONU e dall'OMS). Nell'evento sismico in Sichuan, Cina, maggio 2008, centinai di scuole sono diventate macerie, e in un sol complesso scolastico ben 500 ragazzi sono morti.

Alcuni anni fa sono andato a visitare una scuola, elementare e media insieme, in una zona montuosa dell'Italia centrale. L'edificio, in cemento armato anni 1950, era tremendamente fatiscente. La zona รจ in attesa di uno sostanzioso deadly earthquake. In 50 years had never practiced an evacuation of the school, and, judging from the cracked and rusty, even an intervention of structural adjustment. A local policeman told me, with evident satisfaction, that the structure was perfectly earthquake, based on what evidence I do not know.

Twenty million euro are probably sufficient to bring between 10 and 20 schools out of 6,000. The consequences of inaction could be like in San Giuliano di Puglia in 2002, but a much larger scale.

I feel a deep sense of fatigue, as a parent who has struggled against the bad education of her son throughout the day. Sooner or later it will be another major seismic event. If it happens when schools are not in use, will be a problem to find classrooms in post-emergency phase. If, however, happens when students are in school ... Potentially, expect a massacre of the innocents, followed by a period of agonizing moans, cries tearing, anger, accusations, cancellations, those defense, who resigned (after a decent interval, to reappear as if nothing had happened), etc.. Etc. . etc. So I'm tired.

Moreover, it is better that there be a national debate on these things. In certain areas of the peninsula, the level of fear and stress should be the stars. Better, perhaps, to put faith in a figure in robe, sitting on a cloud, extending the arms Heaven protects and who goes to school with his piety. [1] Or we can take refuge in the world smiles and songs of television.

If the National Government does not allocate funds (and I do not think that regions are able to do so), maybe you could have recourse to the four mafias? If it is true, as they say the media, which have a much greater turnover of large multinational domestic industry, would be easily able to do something. And when the mafia lords are not killing people, are known for their piety.

To have recourse to irony in this way means that I have been overwhelmed by anger and frustration. But it seems to me, in front of this carelessness, the school has taught (For young people, parents and older) only amnesia.

Postscript, NOVEMBER 25. 2008: The collapse of a ceiling to a school in Rivoli, near Turin, has killed a 17 year old boy and seriously injured some of his classmates. Apparently 7.5% of the funds needed for the adjustment of public schools (maybe not only concerns the seismic) are available, though the figure would be 12.5% \u200b\u200bif it were not for the bureaucracy associated with the delivery of funds . As in the case of San Giuliano di Puglia, only the death of the boys stimulates the arrival of the funds (with low winds), and attention to the problem. Meanwhile, reports from all parts of Italy published its The Republic Corriere della Sera and indicate a widespread lack of emergency planning, structural adjustment and interest by the authorities. This is a massive violation of the right of the child (or girl) to an education in safety, as outlined by the Coalition for Global School Safety, COGSS.

[1] A problem of the immediate result of Italian earthquakes, especially in the South, is that people unharmed runs to church to pray, while the churches are among the buildings under earthquake resistance. In a seismic event in eastern Sicily in the '90s, the villagers ran to the statue of the Madonna in the church. The building has barely survived the aftershocks, la la statua e l'altare sono crollati sui fedeli raggruppati sotto.

Articoli da leggere:-

Augenti, N, E. Cosenza, M. Dolce, G. Manfredi, A. Masi and L. Samela 2004. Performance of school buildings during the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake. Earthquake Spectra 20(S1): S257-S270.

Grant, D.N., J.J. Bommer, R. Pinho, G.M. Calvi, A. Goretti and F. Meroni 2007. A prioritization scheme for seismic intervention in school buildings in Italy. Earthquake Spectra 23(2): 291-314.

Sito da visitare:-

Coalition for Global School Safety,


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