Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nursery Decoration Rainforest

Friday, December 24, 2010

4 Year Old With Frequent Headaches


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blood For Money South Florida

Firenze con le catene (fisicamente e metaforicamente)

The 17 - December 18, 2010 I started from Lund, Sweden nell'Öresundsregion, I've been to Copenhagen and I arrived at San Casciano (Florence Province), through gli'aeroporti Copenhagen and Heathrow and centers of Rome and Florence. In all these places except Rome, it was snowing heavily. Lund A public transport normal traffic, except the railroad, where there were problems with opening the new gallery in Malmö, but not to bad weather. A Kastrup, Copenhagen Airport, the flight proceeded with difficulty, but peace of mind with the use of "normal" special procedures. In Florence there was a mess of abandoned cars, roads cleared of snow, people complain, people attempting to fix the chains on the wheels of their cars in traffic, and so on. It also looked to be amazed (although the six big snowfall last winter).

E' giusto notare che la Scandinavia è più attrezzata e organizzata perché ha contatto più pesante e regolare con il maltempo. E' anche giusto notare che il 17 dicembre Firenze è stato afflitto da una nevicata umida, abbondante, rapida e poco prevista. Ma ciò che è accaduto a Firenze in quel pomeriggio di dicembre è stato abilmente analizzato dallo studioso J.F. Rooney nel lontano 1967 (per Chicago, ma quasi esattamente come è successo nella prima città toscana). In altre parole, non era una situazione così insolita, e si spera che nel frattempo il capoluogo dell'Illinois abbia imparato le apposite lezioni.

Mentre la toscana era alle prese With snow, England was rather unprepared and even there the accusations flew. By coincidence, the British Government's strategy for dealing with emergencies was published in winter these days (UK Department for Transport 2010). The associated website ....

.... contains technical and economic analysis of the problem as attachments to an authoritative report of 148 pages. And all this is the result of an independent study, that is not influenced by political and governmental sources, but with objectivity and clarity of vision. Maybe the problem is not solved yet, but the road to the solution is open and cleared by preconceptions.

The solution to the periodic agonies we suffer in winter is still in planning these events, a pairing of emergency problems to be solved with the available resources (Alexander 2002). But in Italy, really, those plans? Plans that exist, and interoperability is a mismatch between layers, and services sectors? I think not. It deals with the human problems of the emergency in a robust and sustained? In 36 years of attending the beautiful country I do not remember a time when the Italian railways, for example, they did a good job of providing information to passengers when there sono disagi e interruzioni al servizio.

Seguendo l'analisi di Rooney (1967), aggiungiamo questa sequenza al registro dei rischi:
  • accade un'abbondante nevicata senza adeguata previsione e preavviso
  • la crisi inizia molto rapidamente durante un Venerdì pomeriggio nella stagione delle feste quando molta gente è in movimento
  • la neve è umida e pesante
  • e quindi si elenca le misure da prendere per garantire una rapida e efficace reazione.

Ops! Mi ero dimenticato che non esiste il registro dei risks. See UK Cabinet Office (2010) for an example of such an instrument.

I take this opportunity to greet with respect all operational aspects of civil protection in Tuscany who have worked with great commitment and sacrifice during this crisis. You deserve more support from official sources.


Alexander, DE 2002.
Principles of Emergency Planning and Management . Oxford University Press, New York, 340 pp.

UK Cabinet Office 2010. National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies . HMSO, London, 56 pp.

Rooney, JF, 1967. The urban snow hazard in the United States: an appraisal of disruption. Geographical Review 57: 538-559.

UK Department for Transport 2010. The Resilience of England's Transport Systems in Winter: An Independent Review.
Final Report, October 2010. HMSO, London, 148 pp.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Indiana

cartoline d'auguri

time ago some friends asked me to make a postcard to the Christmas theme ... there we will be exchanged between us ... I had never happen to make one and I realized that was not at all easy, especially after seeing them, were beautiful ... but this made me appreciate this kind of implementation and from time to time I attempt, leaving perhaps inspired by those who know more than me! here are some made by me with cloth, various cards, buttons and raffia

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Perfect Condolence

Aria di festa

The cake was coming evil, but the crepes .... buonissimeeeee
is almost time, I hasten to prepare you ... you're all invited!

miniature Christmas

these thumbnails of little angels, smileys etc. I have grossed Santa Claus last Christmas for "telethon"
but I think I'll just make this year to give to her friends, unfortunately, the photo taken with
little light and the phone is bad!

Porta Pia

A Porta Pia under the statue of the target are sprouted gazebo!
Not that this is a novelty for Rome, the city is always full of stalls selling all sorts of stuff, but here the atmosphere is already anticipating Christmas, do not expect balls, balls, decorations for the tree, but rather clothing gourmandises and accessories for connoisseurs, it seems that the crisis has made a clean sweep of the superfluous, to say this time you point to the point, and there is a reason, people passing by, looking more and more rarely puts his hand to the purse

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Avg Income For A Pilot In Canada

ultime elucubrazioni...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ocular Migraine Last For Days




lunedì dalle 16.30 alle 18.00

venerdi dalle 18.30 alle 19.30

sabato dalle 19.00 alle 20.00

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Does Jenna Jameson Look Like

sottopiatto all'uncinetto per natale e non solo...

starched and ironed, and here it is ... I imagine it to me so tight with the cutlery in a ribbon ... for glasses, napkins and everything else ... there's time!

Il lavoro é finito, ma sembra uno straccetto??? niente paura.....................c'é l'amido.......
Per inamidare il vostro capolavoro all'uncinetto procuratevi dell'amido(lo trovate nei negozi di detersivi) da sciogliere in un po d'acqua  immergete il vostro lavoro per qualche minuto, poi strizzate il centrino  e adagiatelo su di un piano coperto da un asciugamano con sopra un telo bianco,in modo che non si riempia di pelucchi ,tendete bene e asciugatelo col ferro da stiro (non usate il vapore)

appena fattoooooo!!!
 mi é venuto in mente di fare dei sottopiatto da regalare a natale e navigando in internet ho trovato questo schema di centrino che  ho adattato con
un giro color oro

and this is the pattern