in Kashmir in 2005 10.000 schools have been destroyed by the quake, 17,000 children died under the rubble and another 30,000 children lost their schools. While it is unlikely to occur in a situation like Italy, the earthquake in Kashmir has stimulated not only the river of Italian solidarity, but also an increased sense of fear about seismic vulnerability of the Italian schools, especially in view of the collapse of the school of San Giuliano di Puglia. In Italy, approximately 6.6 million children attend 60,000 schools. Many of the buildings are located in seismic zones and the funds to make them resistant to the earthquake are all inadequate. This remains a difficult dilemma from the point of being distressing than to choose such schools for seismic urgent and which should not include in the curriculum. There is also a lack of public debate, probably for fear of the consequences when parents realize that their children attend schools that have not been adjusted for risk.
This year, some scholars and practitioners have founded a group called International COGSS - Coalition for Global School Safety (Coalition for Global School Safety). The initiative starts from the principle that children and young people have a moral right not only to receive a formal education, but to have her safe. COGSS struggle to convince governments of all countries of the world to respect this principle. His website, cutting multinational, multilingual, is under construction / cogss / index.html . The objective of
COGSS is to provide the tools to Cash in on the positive experiences and best practices wherever you can identify something that is worth sharing. In protecting civil as we could not follow this line. For example, one of the most interesting documents and most important published this year is the ratio of the London bombings on July 7, 2005 compiled by a committee of MPs from the London Assembly, the "parliament" of the City of London (see www. / assembly / reports / general.jsp ). The authors of this report have not only reconstructed the dynamics of words in that tremendous day and emergency response to events, but also have collected the views of a wide range of representatives of civil protection for victims and survivors of the four outrages terrorist of any in London, and many others.
Some of the conclusions of the report are well known for some time, such as the need to improve cooperation between organizations in emergency situations that do not normally work together, or at least not cooperate in the same way in the absence of a crisis. Other findings should be repeated more often, for example on the need to strengthen channels of communication during major emergencies. The cell phone networks can get damaged (in London have now reached saturation), radio frequencies may be incompatible, and the radio may not operate in an underground or elevated. But the Commission found that the most pressing communication problems were those regarding the taking and the spread decisions. It 'necessary to give emphasis to the fact that in a state of emergency must be given clear and explicit orders to the right people at the right time, we must share decisions among the participating organizations, and must inform the players of civil protection of what they do, and that what not to do, the other protagonists of emergency operations.
The most interesting conclusion is that the London Committee of the civil protection needs of a substantial reorientation. So far it has occupied preferentially the assembly and the improvement of organizations, procedures and protocols, an approach that comes naturally from the need to create a system capable of operating. However, now the system should give greater play to the beneficiaries of his work: victims, survivors and citizens involved in accidents and all the people who need help in crisis situations. The service should be organized in terms of their needs, not only to facilitate the organizations and systems in the field.
This important observation underlines the benefits gained in the international arena when you share the experiences of civil protection. We need to increase and facilitate this sharing at all levels.
In Italy the modern civil protection system, superior in many ways, has not yet been tested by a major disaster, Fortunately, because who would want such an event happen? How will the next big event? What lessons will be learned? How many lessons can we anticipate and learn now, that does not repeat the usual mistakes in the future? We all know that preparing for emergencies is not a smooth linear process. As in war, there are long periods of waiting punctuated by brief periods of frenzied activity. But the waiting period can be devoted to the preparation, training and training.
In different regions of Italy you are creating the standard for training in civil protection. In Lombardy, for example, the regional standards for the training of emergency personnel, of wide application, is a very positive step and the result of patient preparation "in times of peace." A survey conducted dall'ANCITEL Lombardy, the research organization of the Association of Municipalities, has revealed the course of nearly 600 courses in the area of \u200b\u200bcivil protection. While so many is a very encouraging sign, we must impose a degree of order to the content, duration and quality of educational programs offered, and this will be the objective of the standard. It always amazes me that while the surgery to the brain can not rightly be practiced by people without the appropriate qualifications in the modern world of mass injury situations can be handled by people without training and sproviste di titoli. Davvero il processo di trasformare la gestione delle emergenze in una professione è lento ed arduo. Essa richiede una costante simbiosi tra il fabbisogno dei corsisti di formazione, i corsi che vengono offerti, i titoli e le qualificazioni che risultano, e il ricognoscimento ufficiale del risultato.
I delegati ad un recente convegno a Roma hanno notato l'esistenza di una spiccata differenza tra "lezioni identificate" e "lezioni imparate". In altre parole, non è sufficiente condurre un debriefing e elencare le cose che hanno bisogno di attenzione prima del prossimo disastro. Ci deve essere un chiaro processo di assorbimento delle lezioni e di svolgimento di azioni in base a ciò che indicano.
E' sorso in questi giorni the imperative to learn the lessons of recent events, like Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans and the Gulf states of Mexico in late summer 2005. At the same conference in Rome, the former director of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reflected on the lessons of Katrina, an event that the eminent Professor Quarantelli University of Delaware has called "the worst case of running a ' emergency I've ever seen in 65 years of study of disasters. " Due to an excessive concentration on preparation against terrorism, the U.S. federal government has actually "forgotten" the lessons of the natural disaster. Let's make the same mistakes are not made in Europe! Despite
questo, non bisogna sottostimare l'importanza delle preparazioni per gli oltraggi terroristici. Una vecchia maledizione cinese dice "che tu viva in tempi interessanti". Il filosofo antico fu convinto che una vita priva di eventi sarebbe più felice di una vita affollata di sensazioni assai forti. Intanto, i tempi moderni sono "interessanti" nel senso cinese. In questo momento è chiaro che la geopolitica abbia reso il mondo più pericoloso anziché più sicuro. Come risultato siamo tutti a rischio. Il sito web dello US National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism ( dimostra che gli oltraggi terroristici stanno diventando progressivamente più comuni e più estesi nel mondo. Il sito dimostra anche un'inquietante tendenza del numero di incidenti di crescere. Inoltre, il terrorismo non è soltanto un problema delle aree metropolitane. Dobbiamo affrontare il difficile compito di far sì in modo che la minaccia del terrorismo non sia né esaggerata ne sottostimata, e di fare così a tutti i livelli fino a quello delle unità operative e geografiche più piccole. La stessa cosa è vera rispetto al rischio di una pandemia di aviaria. Una cosa del genere è molto più di una minaccia alla salute: essa potrebbe, ad esempio, causare il colasso dei servizi essenziali a causa dell'assenteismo del personale. Infatti, in Francia l'aviaria viene considerata il pericolo nazionale più grave in assoluto, malgrado i rischi costituiti da eventi meteorologici e idrologici, nuclear accidents and a wide spread of social unrest.
So far these reflections have been a bit 'too black and threatening, but you must always pay homage to the positive side. The Italian civil protection can still be completed (the same is true in all countries of the world), but it is experiencing a period of rapid change and is already at the point of being able to serve as an example and inspiration for the rest of 'Europe in my opinion there is a system with better features. I recently had the pleasure of attending nell'inaugurazione the new operations center of the town of Signa near Florence. The ceremony was hit by the civil protection in Italy has become a large family, with a strong sense of shared goals and mutual respect. At this moment the country, and indeed the continent, does not realize to what this family needs, but one day will be aware, and many people appreciate his strength and the growing sense of preparation and professionalism. Good luck to all the protagonists of the Italian Civil Protection!
This year, some scholars and practitioners have founded a group called International COGSS - Coalition for Global School Safety (Coalition for Global School Safety). The initiative starts from the principle that children and young people have a moral right not only to receive a formal education, but to have her safe. COGSS struggle to convince governments of all countries of the world to respect this principle. His website, cutting multinational, multilingual, is under construction / cogss / index.html . The objective of
COGSS is to provide the tools to Cash in on the positive experiences and best practices wherever you can identify something that is worth sharing. In protecting civil as we could not follow this line. For example, one of the most interesting documents and most important published this year is the ratio of the London bombings on July 7, 2005 compiled by a committee of MPs from the London Assembly, the "parliament" of the City of London (see www. / assembly / reports / general.jsp ). The authors of this report have not only reconstructed the dynamics of words in that tremendous day and emergency response to events, but also have collected the views of a wide range of representatives of civil protection for victims and survivors of the four outrages terrorist of any in London, and many others.
Some of the conclusions of the report are well known for some time, such as the need to improve cooperation between organizations in emergency situations that do not normally work together, or at least not cooperate in the same way in the absence of a crisis. Other findings should be repeated more often, for example on the need to strengthen channels of communication during major emergencies. The cell phone networks can get damaged (in London have now reached saturation), radio frequencies may be incompatible, and the radio may not operate in an underground or elevated. But the Commission found that the most pressing communication problems were those regarding the taking and the spread decisions. It 'necessary to give emphasis to the fact that in a state of emergency must be given clear and explicit orders to the right people at the right time, we must share decisions among the participating organizations, and must inform the players of civil protection of what they do, and that what not to do, the other protagonists of emergency operations.
The most interesting conclusion is that the London Committee of the civil protection needs of a substantial reorientation. So far it has occupied preferentially the assembly and the improvement of organizations, procedures and protocols, an approach that comes naturally from the need to create a system capable of operating. However, now the system should give greater play to the beneficiaries of his work: victims, survivors and citizens involved in accidents and all the people who need help in crisis situations. The service should be organized in terms of their needs, not only to facilitate the organizations and systems in the field.
This important observation underlines the benefits gained in the international arena when you share the experiences of civil protection. We need to increase and facilitate this sharing at all levels.
In Italy the modern civil protection system, superior in many ways, has not yet been tested by a major disaster, Fortunately, because who would want such an event happen? How will the next big event? What lessons will be learned? How many lessons can we anticipate and learn now, that does not repeat the usual mistakes in the future? We all know that preparing for emergencies is not a smooth linear process. As in war, there are long periods of waiting punctuated by brief periods of frenzied activity. But the waiting period can be devoted to the preparation, training and training.
In different regions of Italy you are creating the standard for training in civil protection. In Lombardy, for example, the regional standards for the training of emergency personnel, of wide application, is a very positive step and the result of patient preparation "in times of peace." A survey conducted dall'ANCITEL Lombardy, the research organization of the Association of Municipalities, has revealed the course of nearly 600 courses in the area of \u200b\u200bcivil protection. While so many is a very encouraging sign, we must impose a degree of order to the content, duration and quality of educational programs offered, and this will be the objective of the standard. It always amazes me that while the surgery to the brain can not rightly be practiced by people without the appropriate qualifications in the modern world of mass injury situations can be handled by people without training and sproviste di titoli. Davvero il processo di trasformare la gestione delle emergenze in una professione è lento ed arduo. Essa richiede una costante simbiosi tra il fabbisogno dei corsisti di formazione, i corsi che vengono offerti, i titoli e le qualificazioni che risultano, e il ricognoscimento ufficiale del risultato.
I delegati ad un recente convegno a Roma hanno notato l'esistenza di una spiccata differenza tra "lezioni identificate" e "lezioni imparate". In altre parole, non è sufficiente condurre un debriefing e elencare le cose che hanno bisogno di attenzione prima del prossimo disastro. Ci deve essere un chiaro processo di assorbimento delle lezioni e di svolgimento di azioni in base a ciò che indicano.
E' sorso in questi giorni the imperative to learn the lessons of recent events, like Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans and the Gulf states of Mexico in late summer 2005. At the same conference in Rome, the former director of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reflected on the lessons of Katrina, an event that the eminent Professor Quarantelli University of Delaware has called "the worst case of running a ' emergency I've ever seen in 65 years of study of disasters. " Due to an excessive concentration on preparation against terrorism, the U.S. federal government has actually "forgotten" the lessons of the natural disaster. Let's make the same mistakes are not made in Europe! Despite
questo, non bisogna sottostimare l'importanza delle preparazioni per gli oltraggi terroristici. Una vecchia maledizione cinese dice "che tu viva in tempi interessanti". Il filosofo antico fu convinto che una vita priva di eventi sarebbe più felice di una vita affollata di sensazioni assai forti. Intanto, i tempi moderni sono "interessanti" nel senso cinese. In questo momento è chiaro che la geopolitica abbia reso il mondo più pericoloso anziché più sicuro. Come risultato siamo tutti a rischio. Il sito web dello US National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism ( dimostra che gli oltraggi terroristici stanno diventando progressivamente più comuni e più estesi nel mondo. Il sito dimostra anche un'inquietante tendenza del numero di incidenti di crescere. Inoltre, il terrorismo non è soltanto un problema delle aree metropolitane. Dobbiamo affrontare il difficile compito di far sì in modo che la minaccia del terrorismo non sia né esaggerata ne sottostimata, e di fare così a tutti i livelli fino a quello delle unità operative e geografiche più piccole. La stessa cosa è vera rispetto al rischio di una pandemia di aviaria. Una cosa del genere è molto più di una minaccia alla salute: essa potrebbe, ad esempio, causare il colasso dei servizi essenziali a causa dell'assenteismo del personale. Infatti, in Francia l'aviaria viene considerata il pericolo nazionale più grave in assoluto, malgrado i rischi costituiti da eventi meteorologici e idrologici, nuclear accidents and a wide spread of social unrest.
So far these reflections have been a bit 'too black and threatening, but you must always pay homage to the positive side. The Italian civil protection can still be completed (the same is true in all countries of the world), but it is experiencing a period of rapid change and is already at the point of being able to serve as an example and inspiration for the rest of 'Europe in my opinion there is a system with better features. I recently had the pleasure of attending nell'inaugurazione the new operations center of the town of Signa near Florence. The ceremony was hit by the civil protection in Italy has become a large family, with a strong sense of shared goals and mutual respect. At this moment the country, and indeed the continent, does not realize to what this family needs, but one day will be aware, and many people appreciate his strength and the growing sense of preparation and professionalism. Good luck to all the protagonists of the Italian Civil Protection!
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