Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Masterbation For Womean

civil protection and the problem of terrorism

This report provides (a) some notes on the possible involvement of the civil protection forces in terrorist incidents, (b) a brief excursion to the problem of managing situations involving hostages. After the popular uprising in Seattle, London and Genoa, after the terrorist attacks in the United States, after the anthrax, and after attempting to poison the neighborhood of Rome, which contains the American Embassy, \u200b\u200bthere is a renewed interest in the matter of terrorism. We need a more innovative planning, and to review the scenarios it is based on the programming of actions. Civil protection is already involved in this process, but not without some difficulty, moral if not operational, when it comes to deciding what would be its proper role.

There are three main dilemmas in this area.

(a) It seems that you are risking to return to the civil defense civil defense, erasing a good chunk of the progress made in the democratization of the former. Civil defense is more authoritarian and more restricted: it is not a good system of management of natural disasters, even most of the technological ones. There is a risk that civil protection become tricked into the question of freedom of the individual.

(b) The principles of neutrality and impartiality, essential to the provision of emergency services could be compromised when the civil protection operates in conjunction with the police against protesters and Protestant. Meanwhile, the same terrorism is not always a matter of black and white.

(c) It 'very difficult to plan interventions aimed at combating terrorism. Terrorism (as the protesters) will try to outwit the steps of planning. In fact, he could read the plan for how to do it better. Moreover, the secret plan has many negative aspects. Moreover, it is unclear which entity should schedule an accident (a bomb in a suitcase or the explosion of a nuclear device in a power plant?). Terrorism is infinitely adaptable to the circumstances of the moment ...

The only sure thing right now is that the attacks of 11 September 2001 in America have changed the rules of the game in the field of emergency preparedness. How changed will depend on the type and extent of attack happens in the future, and therefore upon the performance of international relations. It is not a good time to make predictions.

Terrorism and Civil protewzione: general

Because terrorist incidents are different from other types of disaster:

- the basis is ill will and bad human behavior
- no events morally neutral language that all can be considered a common enemy;
- is a fundamental conflict of interests between legal and illegal behavior;
- usually, the police take absolute command of the situation.

Civil protection can be involved to provide:
- extinguishing fires;
- general assistance support for the forces in the forefront;
- help and assistance to victims;
- help the securing of damaged buildings;
- psychological support to victims;
- emergency medical services.

In emergency planning, is particularly difficult to construct scenarios for attacks, attacks, bombings, riots and popular uprisings: the protagonists of these events are always trying to confuse the authorities, sometimes at the last minute changing tactics on the basis of a 'reading' plans prepared, sometimes issuing warnings false or confusing. In such cases, emergency planning becomes redundant (at least in part), and it is to improvise tactics designed to defeat the malevolence.

Despite this, contingency plans designed to tackle terrorism should detail the forms of collaboration that will apply between the police and emergency services. Moreover, such forms of warning will be used in the event of a terrorist attack?

If it's barriers, cordons or perimeter of the scene of an accident, or a quarter of a city, where the grouping is the place for emergency vehicles? What signs and special procedures will be used to distinguish workers protection civilian police and terrorists (as compared with the rescue operations that communications by radio or telephone)? As will be integrated into the civil defense personnel in the operational structure of the police or the military and what roles should it take? As in the case of conflict situations, as it should guarantee the neutrality of the civil protection forces, in fact, how much should be neutral?

civil protection planning before the event should:

- try to ensure the safety of their personnel, their working conditions, and their means and tools;

- ensuring that workers protection calendar will not be put into a position where they could be taken hostage or become targets of terrorists (or by mistake of law enforcement);

- provide a high level of cooperation between the police (or military units) units and civilian aid;

- setting up a chain of command that reflects the reality of the situation.

It is possible that the structures and procedures that are scheduled for terrorism to be more authoritarian and 'monolithic' to those used for other emergencies.

Medical interventions (triage, transportation by ambulance and surgery) may be more costly and complicated in If the explosion of a bomb compared to other events of a similar size. This fact must be taken into account in planning.


what to do in case of hostage-taking?

In most cases, a situation that includes taking one or more hostages will be managed by one person (probably a police officer or police officer) who is well trained in negotiation techniques. It 'still useful for those involved in civil protection to know the elements of the problem and guidelines to manage it.

Typically, there are four types of people who take hostages

- professional criminals who take hostages quando una rapina falisce;
- persone che soffrono di disturbi mentali;
- terroristi;
- persone coinvolte in disturbi domestici o familiari.

Sebbene un incidente possa coinvolgere un singolo ostaggio o un intero aereo pieno di persone così trattenute, le tattiche del negoziato sono sostanzialmente le stesse. L'addestramento di un negoziatore dà enfasi alla pazienza, la tranquillità, la capacità di anticipare sviluppi e notare cambiamenti nella situazione, e l'abilità di rimanere in controllo dei negoziati.

Le regole d'arte sono:

- cercare di evitare il coinvolgimento nei negoziati di terzi (cioè, usare un negoziatore soltanto, preferibilmente without replacement by route);

- never try to embarrass or humiliate the individual who took the hostages;

- Always open questions and no air of opinion;

- never give in to ultimatums questions or recognize;

- try not to quarrel with the subject, be courteous and let me say his;

- try to interpret the situation and find out what would solve.

The typical negotiation to free hostages lasts between 8 and 12 hours. But the most critical period is that of the first 45 minutes, where it is essential to build a relationship with the person who took the hostages. Finally

well the situation to be managed well the involvement of mass media, especially radio stations. The individual who holds the hostages may have access to a radio, and listen to the news that may affect the path of negotiations, especially if he becomes angry. A good negotiator always tries to turn the anger of the cat to get to the release of the hostages without violence.

However, it is never easy to decide when it is necessary to stop the negotiations and sent inside the heads of leather ....!


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