Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vinyl Beadboard Adhesive

Natural Recipes ... Cereals

premise that the minerals and vitamins are localized in the outer part of the grain and then we find them only whole grains. What
favorite cereal and even the decision one way or the other of firing depends on the personal situation, but experiencing the observation and listening and coaching you can discover how to take better decisions.
After eating there is always an effect, a reaction both physical and mood: hot-cold, sleepiness, nervousness, fear or insecurity, but energy, humor, lightness, etc positivity.

The rice drink and SOYA (see Soybean yellow )
If rice is germinated you can cook along with other grains (germinated as soon as possible because you do not keep a lot).
E ' preferibile cuocere i cereali misti nelle zuppe, sia con le sole verdure o anche con i legumi, per valorizzare le reciproche caratteristiche.

FIOCCHI di Cereali misti conditi
Per una persona: metti tre o quattro cucchiai di fiocchi in un pentolino. Ricopri con l’acqua, un pizzico di sale e porta a bollire lentamente fino a che assorbono l’acqua. Chiudi con un coperchio e lascia gonfiare per qualche minuto.
Si possono mangiare salati: con un filo di olio, gomasio e umeboshi oppure dolci: con uvetta, sesamo o semi di girasole tostati.

Gli azuki sono un cibo adatto in molti casi di problemi ai reni, quindi è indicato particolarmente nel periodo invernale, or when these organs are put to the test cold.

Three cups of wholemeal rice (washed two or three times) - one and a half cup of quinoa boulgur.
A cup of azuki beans (soaked overnight) to six cups of water.
A teaspoon of honey and pinch of salt.
Bring to a boil and then lower the heat and cook slowly, half cooked, add the salt, cereals and honey.

A cup of quinoa for a cup of water and half cooked before,
a tablespoon of sesame oil,
two carrots and a leek cut into julienne ,
two tablespoons of ground almonds and one of raisins (not soaked).
Heat the wok, pour oil and add the almonds and raisins, after a couple of minutes, add carrots, leek and cook for ten minutes so that the vegetables remain crisp.
Finally add the already cooked quinoa and sauté for a few minutes. Season with salt and serve hot.

NOTE: The use of fresh vegetables and dried fruit to balance the desire for sweet and sweet ...

blown a bowl of cereal, a cup of sesame seeds and half of sunflower seeds, a spoonful of honey and sugar two full mascobado. Wash and drain well
sesame, heat the pan and add the seeds (sunflower those first) and toast, stirring
When they are well toasted, add sugar, stirring well until dissolved, then add honey, stirring well and long.
When everything is well blended, spread well together on a sheet of waxed paper to cool and then cut.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One Night In Paris Rick Salomon

It is time to ... Enzymes of wild herbs Multiple sclerosis

enzymes are derived from the fermentation of wild herbs and sugar, so you get a solution, resonating with the enzymes in our cells reactivate them, cleans the intestines and revitalizes our metabolism.

to clean the intestines and prepare to exploit the enzymes of wild herbs - and their fermentation process takes place, it is good in Meanwhile, start taking the chlorophyll a centrifugal wild herbs: wormwood, plantain, clover, nettle, mallow, and so on.
no more than one or two tablespoons a day because they are rich in potassium.
Note: the chlorophyll is found in tablets, but ....

Enzymes of wild herbs
intestinal enzymes to revitalize and balance the whole metabolism.
Collect at least three pounds of various wild herbs of the season, more variety possible: plantain, nettle, mallow, mugwort, horsetail (Equisetum arvense ), dandelion, coltsfoot, coltsfoot, clover, leaf primrose-strawberry-raspberry , Silene, Rosolina, wild spinach, chicory little, shoot some walnut, chestnut, apple and - only a few leaves or sprigs as too fragrant - fennel, sage and rosemary.
All herbs are good to avoid burdock, garlic, chives.
- Weigh and then wash,
- dry, do not wring or squeeze gently but as for the salad,
- mix well with equal amount of sugar (also white, then turns)
- leave a basin covered only by a sheet of cloth in a warm place and repaired so that it is almost always the same temperature for 10-15 days (depending on weather).
- Every day is cold but if even 2 / 3 times to bring heat, stirring gently to loosen and oxygenate even layers not in contact with air, bare hands or with gloves if you have wounds or skin problems.
Depending on the temperature will be ready in a week or two if it does not warm enough.

- Observe when bubbles appear in the liquid - not only when they are mixed - but first, at rest - it begins to ferment and should be decanted and filtered.
will not ferment too much alcohol and not because it would be more healing.
- Pour wrapped in a cloth to filter out even the remainder. Do not squeeze.
Then put a weight and run-off yet, these enzymes are used for massage.
Store in the fridge, not initially sealed, it would continue to ferment.
drink half a cup of coffee every day on an empty stomach in the morning or after a meal: you can experience makes us feel better - but continued for at least a month.
can replace a snack or dessert.
- The remaining grass is used for the bath enriched with mineral salts (.. and makes the skin soft and beautiful).
- Increases the will and personal well-being
- It helps to lengthen the breath

- For
massage - to remove the faeces
stagnant - to digest the food properly
- when the kids wake up at night
- when mestruazioni sono dolorose
E anche…
- per rinforzare i capelli, si usano nel risciacquo

In cucina
- Si può aggiungere alla pasta del pane
- del riso (risciacquando mezzora prima della cottura)
- per togliere le tossine della carne (es: come per la marinata - spalmare bene un pollo con una tazzina di soluzione enzimata e lasciare per qualche ora prima di cuocere).

Per alimentare e attivare la flora intestinale in cucina provare anche:

INSALATINI di Radici ed Erbe aromatiche
Tagliare a fiammifero carote e ravanelli, metterle in una terrina di ceramica con sale peperoncino e un pizzico di zucchero nero, a questo punto unire qualche leaf of fresh basil and thyme. Maintain at least a couple of hours but also two or three days: the longer the roots more time to ferment and are enriched with enzymes.
Add to taste, every day in salads.

cucumber salad
A sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, a teaspoon of salt, pepper and a pinch of black sugar, stir and cover with a plate and a weight to squeeze out the water. Leave covered by up to two hours a day and drain the water before using it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wedding Congratulation Cards Wording

1 - What is known yet on the retina

multiple sclerosis, little is known, although some things are known in detail.
E 'disease by car attack of the immune system that affects a particular structure of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord): the sheath of Schwann .
This is the coating of motor nerve fibers that provide the transmission of nerve impulses, isolating, protecting and nourishing the fibers themselves.
E 'consists of a series of wraps around the individual nerve fibers produced by a specialized cell in this function, the cell Schvann .
When the substance characteristic of this sheath, myelin is affected, for whatever reason, the nerve cell is damaged more or less severe, until his death and the subsequent repair scar.
This means that, at that point, the functions of that cell have been lost forever ...

Why this happens?
Conventional medicine, in short, I do not know, at most able to explain, in part, how.
would be a mistake of the immune system, notably by the great system of histocompatibility, which should ultimately recognize the world inside the body, avoiding to attack and destroy it.
This step, which occurs in the early days of development of the immune system, is one of the fundamental biological processes that make possible the life of the individual himself.

Why then, in this case, the immune system, at some point of life itself, it seems crazy, and attacks the noblest part of the anatomy of self, the central nervous system?
several assumptions were made, not convincing.
that it may be a virus "latent" and invisible, the famous Ninja virus or virus famous ghost, but never proved.
Still, the hypothesis of immune-toxic, heavy metals, eg. But this, at least statistically, does not cover.
And yet, the queen of assumptions: a failure of the usual DNA. Hypothesis is not sustainable ...
then? You are in darkness, as always happens in this type of disease, and are many.

What some are saying: jatrogena hypothesis, namely drugs, both for direct toxicity for a series of combinations of drug and myelin, which would cause the immune system to no longer recognize, in this masquerade, himself.
The classic example of death by "friendly fire" (remember the poor Callipari ?)...

Certainly this hypothesis, favored by homotoxicology (or detractors of the drug), it is not even considered by the worshipers of the "god" of pharmaceutical chemistry. Pure
this, however, is a hypothesis only partial and unsatisfactory, although illuminating: it should at least serve to avoid the intoxication by drugs useless 'lifestyle', but in this campo c'é la vittoria totale di due fattori: la paura e la disinformazione, conditi con l'aceto della malafede, l'olio del consumismo ed il sale della stupidità.

La malattia è nota, nei suoi caratteri peculiari da molto tempo, fin dall'ottocento, quando uno dei più grandi neurologi, e dei più attenti osservatori, Charcot ; ne riconobbe i sintomi essenziali: paralisi progressiva, rigidità e parola scandita ed inceppata, che la identificavano e distinguevano da altri tipi di paralisi.
Da quell'epoca, quasi nulla di nuovo ed utile è stato aggiunto.

La malattia, che compare intorno all seconda - terza decade di vita, procede a poussèes , periods alternating with periods of remission acute, mild to very severe forms.
generally allows many decades of survival, but alas, what a price!
Ben knows the family (often children) who assist these patients.
pushed to the extreme dependence, constipation horrible, with frequent need for manual emptying, and a mind that remains lucid until the end. I would not be misunderstood
, but this clarity of mind, often becomes an instrument of power over others that transcends the necessary stuff.
seems almost to read a script of the series "Aliens", also if not always the case (but often enough to make the assistant most of the assisted malt).

Even the most casual of readers, at this point, it should say " clara cum voice, cortisone and immune suppressors!
The results? Li knows anyone who has a family member affected, except for rare cases that fit her, where even the water in pills would be enough ...

You spit enough venom?
For now I would say yes, because tonight allotment for Africa ... Fortunately
... But what useful information you have given?
Wait, I have not finished ...

Tips: detoxify, but always, in every way (see: Principles for Food , probiotics and anti free radicals).
to commit the patient to the best of its capabilities, while avoiding unnecessary and harmful guilt in doing so.
by patients: get the minimum and thank - honestly - the best.
But it does not end here do so.

The next on my return.
Best wishes.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Repossessed Items For Sales


I started writing the blog on health at the request of my son Piero. in February.
About two thousand hits and 7000 pages read, in some way, and for many, would be a matter of some pride. I write
because I have a huge wealth of practical experience, made in the field, about fifty people traveling on business in the world (and I started that I had fifty years).
Perhaps the only specific character of my experience is that they are workable in practice, without drugs and anyone who has a health problem, but with a minimum commitment: the courage to heal, to be precise ...
With rich experience of my life lived, I could understand some principles of how to work with Mother Nature, but now everything seems to be a schizophrenic supermarket disposable ...
not use the blog for me to advertising.
pride, not increased a penny of my modest income ... Perhaps
many, although they have a problem, find it hard to ask for help.
As I wrote, I will respond to all publicly or privately, I ask you.
some time, a poor, through Google, is continuing to seek what is distal epiphysis, and finds himself reading everything (and more), brain, glands, metaphysics, God in a nutshell (quantum) etc ... No one has explained that
epiphysis (from greek: placed over something else), is general words, in this case the ends of a long bone, toward the feet ... (distal, of course, but not Stale, Madame Franco-Germanic 's eight hundred, who had both the distal epiphysis of the Stale in google ... its all there). If
me lo avesse chiesto...
Fra pochissimi giorni ritorno in Africa.
Internet dista novanta chilometri dal villaggio, ma manderò comunque qualche articolo...

Intanto ringrazio Stevie, che mi ha posto una domanda su di un problema molto diffuso ed a cui ho risposto privamente.
Lunedì prossimo inizierò una serie di articoli sulle malattie auto immunitarie, cominciando dalla sclerosi multipla.

Buona giornata.

PS: avete cliccato su mama Africa, qui accanto?
Fatelo, perchè e unico!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Homemade Horse Stalls

La retina è la struttura nobile ed essenziale della vista.
Le altre strutture dell'occhio, while admirable, are, in essence, a mobile support of the retina and the lens to focus.
cornea, lens, iris adjustments are now possible.
In the retina, surgery, particularly laser is limited to correcting vascular disorders ( retinopotia diabetic), to re-paste partial detachment, and more, but not to recall the part used for viewing, cones and rods.
In their essential structure, these are, from the evolutionary point of view, the result of a successful infection of primary cutaneous sensory endings, with proto-bacteria , carriers of pigment granules.
The spectrum of light, captured by pigment granules to -quantum mechanical phenomena is re-issued in the form of monochromatic wavelength, as the other frequencies captured by the granules.
The frequency emitted, in turn, is to stimulate resonance physical chemistry, ultra specialized nerve endings of the optic nerve: rods and cones.
While the former, common in the suburbs, they perceive the gray twilight vision and serve, the latter are sensitive to other frequencies of colors, many different kinds as there are frequencies, probably.
cones, stipatissimi, are present only in the fovea, then you need to view Daytime.
The rods move, coming to the surface in areas where they are mixed with the cones, in low light conditions, and vice versa.
Our color vision is trichromatic , such as television sets, but polychromatic.
senses, that is, a number of frequencies (colors), corresponding to the range of visible wavelengths, divided by Plank's constant .
As this small, the number of colors that is huge.
The pigment granules are the most well-known visual purple, for low-light vision, and lipofuxine sensitive to colored light during the day.
Several other pigments are also Note.
The individual wavelengths are then transmitted by the optic nerve to the occipital visual cortex, where is the subjective perception of visual phenomena.
This perception has many implications and these physical, physico , neuro-psychological, associative, integrative, stabilizers and mnemonic (or memory), to appear almost miraculous.
Wisdom of life!
will serve to point out that all the vegetable matter pigmented antocianidi , isoflavones, etc. (eg . Carrot, vegetable, blueberry, etc.), serve to maintain the integrity anatomo-functional retina.
Conversely, a diet based on animal products and sugar, if unbalanced, it ends up damaging ... Traetene the consequences!

In Colombia, I met an elderly teacher, who had devoted his life to the blind.
Well, this person was managed to recover to an embryo of view, projecting over the eyes of the blind the light colored sheets of highly reflective.
He did it with me also, with eyelids closed, and I must say it was a wonderful feeling.
stimulation of various frequencies induced regeneration, albeit small, cones!
But there's more.
He coached the blind to use touch as a function of the vicarious view, on pictures, black and white, brightly lit.
Well, some blind people were able to recognize, with fingertips, the shape of people, until you find ...
Is not that wonderful and encouraging to do everything possible to preserve the most precious of our senses?
I propose a rereading of the preceding Articles, without getting paralyzed by the panic sown by some terrorists in a white coat, even if in good faith.
Good job.

Excessive Flatulence In Newborn

retinopathy and macular degeneration

Anita Rossetti writes.

A year ago, after an eye check for a suspected retinal atrophy in the right eye, diagnosed eight years ago, has been diagnosed with retinal dystrophy of Fuchs.
specialist, second me very well prepared, I listed all the symptoms I had never given much weight: photophobia, fatigue in reading, lack of tearing and other things that I can not remember, but (maybe) , was present at the time. (Dear Anita, it was you who had the symptoms, or very well trained ophthalmologist?).

The ophthalmologist, very apprehensive, she began to get angry (? - Was very well prepared to get angry?), Saying that it was not retinal atrophy (thankfully), but a very serious and rare genetic disease, but in the end I said I was lucky because I was fine (see Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing ...) dystrophic and the area was the same size of the atrophy of the first eight years (and then improved by atrophy in Duchenne ...).
He prescribed corrective lenses for myopia and presbyopia as well, so as to prevent the progression of cataract, inoperable ... (Luckily he was fine, in fact, you are a healthy carrier of a treatise on optics, which even Descartes good ...).

I started with the exercises described below (recommended by the blog), previously found effective in curing a maculopathy a friend, at which a renowned ophthalmologist (hunger?) International had predicted an inevitable blindness.
My friend, today, is very well after a single treatment and little practice, prescribed by the doctor's blog ...

then himself (an ophthalmologist?), I suggested the diet to prevent cataracts , which my ophthalmologist (but how many you have, or are all your condo?) Had already seen the tracks, and more.

Today I'm fine, I read for hours, driving safely at night (by day, but I managed to smash the car into a guard rail ...), I do not have any pain. Noto instead, if they are tight, especially behind, the pain reappears, even if briefly. You can just relax.

How I improved the view.

Practical long, deep breath, held during the exercises, and breathing out while I make efforts.
covered his eyes with the palms of your hands warm and exhaling move your eyes in the four basic directions. It removes tension and improves the eyes. I
finger pressure: Tutt 'around the eye sockets, temples on the side of the eyes, cheekbones real pupils, and so the sides of the neck, bone joide , dimples on the occipital skull, temporomandibular joints and mandibular-mastoid apophysis, behind the ears. Finally

with the fingertips indexes, gently compress the eyeballs, beginning da quello che duole meno.

In tutto questo lavoro , mantengo le spalle il più possibile rilassate.

Anita Rossetti.

Cara Anita, grazie per la tua testimonianza, utile, oltre che per il tuo caso, per tutti i problemi agli occhi, in generale.
Grazie anche per avermi informato, dopo tanto tempo, che tu e la tua amica state bene.
Ho solo aggiunto brevi commenti, fra parentesi, per alleggerire un po' il testo...dopo averti chisto il permesso.
L'ho fatto soprattutto per informare le persone che non devono prendere alla lettera tutto ciò che alcuni medici dicono, specie quando minacciano eventi catastrofici, che poi non si realizzano.
Molti medici, oggi, non familiar with the meaning of Greek words Please use, see "atrophy" and "dystrophy, used as synonymy
... I have already explained in the comments yesterday.
Anita therapy many years ago, having decided assisting them in therapy. For this I took some liberties that guarantee you, will not let me get with anyone else.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Is The Survival Rate For Hod

macular dystrophy Fuchs and yet mom Africa

In response to Anita, but d ' general interest.

Under the name of macular dystrophy Fuchs , renowned ophthalmologist and researcher, means quite a rare degenerative disease of the retina, especially in the macula or fovea, where there is maximum concentration of rods and cones, which allow a distinct central vision.
This disease, unknown cause, has a genetic component, involves a progressive loss of vision and can lead to blindness.
is defined irreversible, incurable or curable.
But is this true? The same
Anita says a big improvement with the self-treatment at points of the face, head and neck, associated with the retina.
I have to give some explanation on the meaning of inheritance.
Take for example haemophilia.
It 's a serious hereditary disease, linked to the only male (XY genetically ), recessive, which is not found in females, which only transmit because the presence of the defect on both X chromosomes (female) is incompatible with the life of the embryo.
females with one X chromosome sick, do not have the disease, because the second X chromosome, healthy, prevailing-
The male, who only has one X chromosome, if this is also ill, presents the full disease.
This is present from birth, incurable, and incurable, and always leads to death, uncontrollable bleeding.
There are other less severe forms, the para hemophilia , treatable and compatible with life.
A classmate of mine died from it have been transfused with blood infected with AIDS ... Back to

distrofia di Fuchs.
Questa compare in età anche molto avanzata, con una certa prevalenza per le donne.
Ciò significa che il gene malato non è da solo sufficiente a determinare la malattia.
Ci vogliono anche altri fattori
- Genetici: il gene stesso difettoso, nel corso della vita può subire ulteriori danni che lo rendono pienamente capace di esprimere la malattia.
Infatti non tutti i portatori del difetto s'ammalano.
Oppure, altri geni protettivi possono esser danneggiati per fattori acquisiti, tossico-metabolici, e non proteggere più.
- Stile di vita: accumulo di tossine, radicali liberi, etc, che danneggiano la retina, esponendola all'effetto del gene malato.
Questi errori sono employees by:
- too much food - too many animal products and sugar (acidosis, toxins, free radicals),
- lazy, dirty intestine,
- posture with neck tension, stress related with retinal
- shortness of breath (acidosis, tension )
- stress of daily life,
- state of mind, not least terrorism doctor in information about the disease. So

possible therapies.
Less food, meat and sugar.
bowel cleansing, fasting and diet: wild herbs, enzymes, probiotics, anthocyanins (eg blueberry). Correctional
. Auto
therapy related points.
Thanksgiving and forgiveness.
no fear of the diagnosis.
Surely all this will reduce the damage, delay, and with a bit ' courage to heal ...

Anita same practice will clarify some points that I have already explained and proposed in everyday life.

For my part, I will go for the fourth time in Africa, and the fiftieth outside Europe, as a volunteer.
My project is simple.
Providing the tools, scientific, effective, sustainable, non-toxic cure for malaria and TB.
These two are the most common and the leading cause of death in the world, with tens of millions of deaths annually.
researched and exploited African traditional medicine, but very rich increasingly abandoned for misinformation and interests of various kinds.
propose a course of study, to the degree in medicine, and provide the support necessary to kids in the leg, they can become local doctors, with an audience of over one hundred thousand inhabitants.
Then, they choose freely their knowledge and belief, such as practicing medicine.
Finally, make some hand pumps, because 's drinking water becomes, for all and forever, the source of life.

I wish you all a happy Easter.

Best Way To Configure Pinnacle Game Profiler

Untitled 2

Since you do not do, write me.

"My dear lady can not come today because he has his usual painful masturbation (Sic).
will soon be back to normal masturbation ... "

" So hands to massage his lovely wife a respectful good wishes for a speedy recovery ... "

This delicious little scene took place forty years ago, at my house, for mouth of a nice person.
He wanted to talk about clean, it seemed the word menstruation a little unseemly.
Masturbation, more learned and little-used word, he seemed a good synonym.
As the saying goes from the frying pan into the fire.
My father, Catholic, Christian Democrat and a little convinced Puritan, went on to laugh for three days ... and so my mother, who suffered of Puritanism.
Everything I write belongs to the everyday life lived.
not need any fancy and no malice, because the fact, innocently, surpasses both.

(To be continued .. until you write, be warned!)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Write Wedding Card Close Friend

Il terremoto dell'Aquila del 6 aprile 2009 e il problema della previsione degli eventi sismici

The earthquake of 6 April 2009 Aquila has sparked heated debate in Italy about the possibility of predicting large earthquakes. The prediction of earthquakes has been a dream of many people involved in professional or amateur of earth sciences, and then an event like that of April 6, 2009 may appear as if it were a golden opportunity to demonstrate that the problem is solvable. Unfortunately, the prediction of earthquakes is a field full of half- verità, vicoli cechi, approssimazioni e delusioni. Esso viene offuscato ancora di più da periodiche dichiarazioni provenienti da ciarlatani che, di fronte al pubblico e ai mass media, riescono ad simulare una sembianza di credibilità (Dearing e Kazmierczak 1993). E' comprensibile che il pubblico a rischio, le pubbliche autorità delle zone sismiche e gli stessi ricercatori tengano alla speranza che ci sia un metodo attendibile di preavvisare le popolazioni di un evento sismico imminente, ma la realtà è assai più complessa.

Nell'ottica delle dichiarazioni del dott. Giampaolo Giuliani sulle anomalie nei flussi di radon che hanno preceduto il sisma abruzzese ( La Repubblica 2009), e del successivo dibattito the reliability of radon as an indicator of seismic activity, the objective of this short article is to clarify certain aspects of the problem of earthquake prediction. I will refer to observations obtained from the literature on social and physical warning of natural disasters and associated operational issues.

The prediction of earthquakes

The prediction of earthquakes can be divided between long periods of food-related initiatives, and short-term. As for the long term, there are good models of the seismicity of the Central that facilitate the detailed understanding of seismic zones and therefore the risk areas (Galadini and Gallo 2000). With reference to the average term recurrence intervals of earthquakes of a given destructive power are known (Costa et al 1995).

should be noted, however, that the registration of seismic events and the continued publication of new geophysical research help to refine the model geotectonic that necessitate periodic revisions to the anti-seismic regulations for the towns. In this way, the area most affected by the earthquake of April 2009 was included in the first category seismic (maximum likelihood) for a short time. Given the lack of active seismic retrofit programs, very few buildings had been adapted to the new rules. In fact, the seismic standards have a common fault of not protecting the existing buildings that in many cases constitute the majority of the housing stock and above all most at risk.

Radon and forecasting short-term

The forecast short-term refers to the ability to recognize the warning signs of a seismic event with days or hours before the event the main shock, that they can issue a notice in at-risk populations with enough time to request a specific response to social self-protection.

Radon (Rn-222) is a heavy, radioactive element that belongs to the category of noble gases or inert. It is present in many rock formations and can these transfers to and from the ground, in the form of heavy gas, or dissolved in groundwater or in the form of oxides with carbon or fluoride.

In the classical model of the generation of an earthquake, is a lively process of micro-cracks in the earth's crust where the earthquake was born. The constant opening and closing of small cracks may emit radon from the rocks and do accumulate in groundwater and, in gaseous form, into the soil. The imposing deformation processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fault under stress can cause a substantial increase in the flow of radon, followed by the hour before the strong shaking a sharp attenuation in the period in which the movement of the fault begins to dynamically spread and small cracks close (Scholz et al 1973).

methods of monitoring the flow of radon have been developed in the 70s (eg. Noguchi and Wakita 1977) and since then have been practiced in many seismic areas of the world, with continual improvements in precision instruments (Planinic et al 2004). Thus, in India through monitoring of soil gas radon and the radon content of some groundwater and Singh Virk (1994) were able to identify the "symbol" of an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to 7.0 in one week advance of the shock. Igarashi et al (1995) have found abnormalities in the flow of radon for months before the earthquake in Kobe, Japan, 1995, with a peak of this activity nine days before the main shock. The researcher islandese Hauksson (1981) ha avanzato l'ipotesi che più grande sarà l'eventuale terremoto, più territorio sarà interessato da anomalie del flusso di radon.

Malgrado diverse storie di successo nel monitoraggio del radon come precursore dei terremoti, in uno studio di Hauksson e Goddard sul radon nelle acque freatiche davanti a 64 piccoli terremoti avvenuti in Islanda il metodo ha avuto un'entità di successo di solo 14 per cento. Nella maggior parte dei casi, la prevista anomalia non si è manifestata e in sette casi l'anomalia è arrivata ma senza precedere attività sismica.

La ricerca di Claesson et alii (2004) ha rivelato precursori, non soltanto in radon, ma in 15 altri elementi e minerali, e questi sono stati attribuiti a processi di apertura e chiusura delle faglie, soprattutto in rocce fratturate e sature di acqua.

Valutazione della capacità premonitrice

Per quanto riguarda la generale abilità di prevedere i terremoti, e il ruolo specifico del radon, si può fare diverse osservazioni, come segue.

La generazione dei terremoti mette in moto processi geologici e meccanici assai complicati che danno luogo a sofisticati cambiamenti fisico-ambientali. Molti dei fenomeni che potrebbero dare luogo a precursori sono sepolti nella crosta terrestre e avvengono con temperature e pressioni altissime che impediscono sia il monitoraggio che la previsione. Perciò, rimane difficile prevedere eventi of which the elements are not easily replicable.

According to scientific consensus, all possible precursors should be considered, not only some choice. Thus, phenomena seismological, meteorological, electrical, magnetic, geochemical, geodetic and hydrological are involved. However, in the case of Parkfield, California, a period of precursors in the '80s and '90s gave rise to a seismic alarm duration of 18 months and a forecast of an earthquake measuring at least 6.0. During this period, scientists have been monitoring precursory phenomena intensively with 300 instruments, but the earthquake did not happen (Mileti et al 1994).

Many of the best prediction of an earthquake, using radon or other precursors, were performed after the event by "backcasting", which is the post hoc analysis of data collections. A case very well known than the Kobe earthquake that occurred at January 17, 1995. Many post-event analysis revealed precursory phenomena (see eg. Nagai et al 2002), but before the earthquake did not look for these signs because the estimates were focused initiatives in other parts of Japan.

In sum, the radon in some cases proved to be a good precursor, but there are few studies of its reliability. The aforementioned Icelandic (Hauksson and Goddard 1981) but not very hopeful.

forecast and warning

The long experience dei processi di previsione dei terremoti del Servizio Geologico statunitense (USGS) rivela che in molti casi le probabilità di avvenimento del sisma sono basse, e le 'finestre di tempo' della validità della previsione sono lunghe. L'imprecisione dei dati non aiuta a destare una risposta ottimale da parte dei beneficiari della previsione, ovvero le popolazioni a rischio (Geller 1997).

In ogni caso il problema della previsione a corto termine dell'evento sismico catastrofico è secondario a quello dell'uso che verrebbe fatto della previsione. Il termine 'preavviso' può essere definito come "una raccomandazione o un ordine di compiere un'azione in base ad una previsione a corto termine" (Alexander 1993). I preavvisi consistono components in physical, administrative and social (see figure). Thus, an alarm is to be interpreted by the relevant scientific, civil protection authorities and, if necessary, information is transformed into a practical form and transmitted to the public, which would be bound to give all'autoprotezione.

The lack of any of the three components makes the notice failed and potentially dangerous. Therefore, it is sufficient to inform the population of scientific anomaly if there are solid plans for evacuation, reception and made safe. Furthermore, although the precursory phenomena may be clear, their times of operation and validity are not easily interpretable. If you tratta di un fenomeno che vada avanti per mesi, non si può pensare che ci sia, da parte della popolazione a rischio, una lunghissima reazione temporanea che comprende la sospensione delle normali attività e l'interdizione di luoghi, prevalentemente urbani, che sono considerati pericolosi.

Nel campo della previsione dei terremoti il senno di poi è una triste afflizione. Ciò che è visibile o interpretabile dopo l'evento non lo è in ogni caso prima. La strategia più saggia sarebbe di concentrare gli sforzi sul potenziamento delle misure a medio e lungo termine, cioè la riduzione del rischio sismico, la pianificazione di misure per soccorrere e tutelare le popolazioni a rischio, e forse in terzo luogo il miglioramento links between the sides technical, administrative and social system notice. Before you can use the information on earthquake precursors in place, we must create a culture of sensitivity to seismic risk and self-protection. Otherwise, the forecast still would not be usable.


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