Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vinyl Beadboard Adhesive

Natural Recipes ... Cereals

premise that the minerals and vitamins are localized in the outer part of the grain and then we find them only whole grains. What
favorite cereal and even the decision one way or the other of firing depends on the personal situation, but experiencing the observation and listening and coaching you can discover how to take better decisions.
After eating there is always an effect, a reaction both physical and mood: hot-cold, sleepiness, nervousness, fear or insecurity, but energy, humor, lightness, etc positivity.

The rice drink and SOYA (see Soybean yellow )
If rice is germinated you can cook along with other grains (germinated as soon as possible because you do not keep a lot).
E ' preferibile cuocere i cereali misti nelle zuppe, sia con le sole verdure o anche con i legumi, per valorizzare le reciproche caratteristiche.

FIOCCHI di Cereali misti conditi
Per una persona: metti tre o quattro cucchiai di fiocchi in un pentolino. Ricopri con l’acqua, un pizzico di sale e porta a bollire lentamente fino a che assorbono l’acqua. Chiudi con un coperchio e lascia gonfiare per qualche minuto.
Si possono mangiare salati: con un filo di olio, gomasio e umeboshi oppure dolci: con uvetta, sesamo o semi di girasole tostati.

Gli azuki sono un cibo adatto in molti casi di problemi ai reni, quindi è indicato particolarmente nel periodo invernale, or when these organs are put to the test cold.

Three cups of wholemeal rice (washed two or three times) - one and a half cup of quinoa boulgur.
A cup of azuki beans (soaked overnight) to six cups of water.
A teaspoon of honey and pinch of salt.
Bring to a boil and then lower the heat and cook slowly, half cooked, add the salt, cereals and honey.

A cup of quinoa for a cup of water and half cooked before,
a tablespoon of sesame oil,
two carrots and a leek cut into julienne ,
two tablespoons of ground almonds and one of raisins (not soaked).
Heat the wok, pour oil and add the almonds and raisins, after a couple of minutes, add carrots, leek and cook for ten minutes so that the vegetables remain crisp.
Finally add the already cooked quinoa and sauté for a few minutes. Season with salt and serve hot.

NOTE: The use of fresh vegetables and dried fruit to balance the desire for sweet and sweet ...

blown a bowl of cereal, a cup of sesame seeds and half of sunflower seeds, a spoonful of honey and sugar two full mascobado. Wash and drain well
sesame, heat the pan and add the seeds (sunflower those first) and toast, stirring
When they are well toasted, add sugar, stirring well until dissolved, then add honey, stirring well and long.
When everything is well blended, spread well together on a sheet of waxed paper to cool and then cut.


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