retinopathy and macular degeneration
Anita Rossetti writes.
A year ago, after an eye check for a suspected retinal atrophy in the right eye, diagnosed eight years ago, has been diagnosed with retinal dystrophy of Fuchs.
specialist, second me very well prepared, I listed all the symptoms I had never given much weight: photophobia, fatigue in reading, lack of tearing and other things that I can not remember, but (maybe) , was present at the time. (Dear Anita, it was you who had the symptoms, or very well trained ophthalmologist?).
The ophthalmologist, very apprehensive, she began to get angry (? - Was very well prepared to get angry?), Saying that it was not retinal atrophy (thankfully), but a very serious and rare genetic disease, but in the end I said I was lucky because I was fine (see Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing ...) dystrophic and the area was the same size of the atrophy of the first eight years (and then improved by atrophy in Duchenne ...).
He prescribed corrective lenses for myopia and presbyopia as well, so as to prevent the progression of cataract, inoperable ... (Luckily he was fine, in fact, you are a healthy carrier of a treatise on optics, which even Descartes good ...).
I started with the exercises described below (recommended by the blog), previously found effective in curing a maculopathy a friend, at which a renowned ophthalmologist (hunger?) International had predicted an inevitable blindness.
My friend, today, is very well after a single treatment and little practice, prescribed by the doctor's blog ...
then himself (an ophthalmologist?), I suggested the diet to prevent cataracts , which my ophthalmologist (but how many you have, or are all your condo?) Had already seen the tracks, and more.
Today I'm fine, I read for hours, driving safely at night (by day, but I managed to smash the car into a guard rail ...), I do not have any pain. Noto instead, if they are tight, especially behind, the pain reappears, even if briefly. You can just relax.
How I improved the view.
Practical long, deep breath, held during the exercises, and breathing out while I make efforts.
covered his eyes with the palms of your hands warm and exhaling move your eyes in the four basic directions. It removes tension and improves the eyes. I
finger pressure: Tutt 'around the eye sockets, temples on the side of the eyes, cheekbones real pupils, and so the sides of the neck, bone joide , dimples on the occipital skull, temporomandibular joints and mandibular-mastoid apophysis, behind the ears. Finally
with the fingertips indexes, gently compress the eyeballs, beginning da quello che duole meno.
In tutto questo lavoro , mantengo le spalle il più possibile rilassate.
Anita Rossetti.
Cara Anita, grazie per la tua testimonianza, utile, oltre che per il tuo caso, per tutti i problemi agli occhi, in generale.
Grazie anche per avermi informato, dopo tanto tempo, che tu e la tua amica state bene.
Ho solo aggiunto brevi commenti, fra parentesi, per alleggerire un po' il testo...dopo averti chisto il permesso.
L'ho fatto soprattutto per informare le persone che non devono prendere alla lettera tutto ciò che alcuni medici dicono, specie quando minacciano eventi catastrofici, che poi non si realizzano.
Molti medici, oggi, non familiar with the meaning of Greek words Please use, see "atrophy" and "dystrophy, used as synonymy
... I have already explained in the comments yesterday.
Anita therapy many years ago, having decided assisting them in therapy. For this I took some liberties that guarantee you, will not let me get with anyone else.
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