Under the name of macular dystrophy Fuchs , renowned ophthalmologist and researcher, means quite a rare degenerative disease of the retina, especially in the macula or fovea, where there is maximum concentration of rods and cones, which allow a distinct central vision.
This disease, unknown cause, has a genetic component, involves a progressive loss of vision and can lead to blindness.
is defined irreversible, incurable or curable.
But is this true? The same
Anita says a big improvement with the self-treatment at points of the face, head and neck, associated with the retina.
I have to give some explanation on the meaning of inheritance.
Take for example haemophilia.
It 's a serious hereditary disease, linked to the only male (XY genetically ), recessive, which is not found in females, which only transmit because the presence of the defect on both X chromosomes (female) is incompatible with the life of the embryo.
females with one X chromosome sick, do not have the disease, because the second X chromosome, healthy, prevailing-
The male, who only has one X chromosome, if this is also ill, presents the full disease.
This is present from birth, incurable, and incurable, and always leads to death, uncontrollable bleeding.
There are other less severe forms, the para hemophilia , treatable and compatible with life.
A classmate of mine died from it have been transfused with blood infected with AIDS ... Back to
distrofia di Fuchs.
Questa compare in età anche molto avanzata, con una certa prevalenza per le donne.
Ciò significa che il gene malato non è da solo sufficiente a determinare la malattia.
Ci vogliono anche altri fattori
- Genetici: il gene stesso difettoso, nel corso della vita può subire ulteriori danni che lo rendono pienamente capace di esprimere la malattia.
Infatti non tutti i portatori del difetto s'ammalano.
Oppure, altri geni protettivi possono esser danneggiati per fattori acquisiti, tossico-metabolici, e non proteggere più.
- Stile di vita: accumulo di tossine, radicali liberi, etc, che danneggiano la retina, esponendola all'effetto del gene malato.
Questi errori sono employees by:
- too much food - too many animal products and sugar (acidosis, toxins, free radicals),
- lazy, dirty intestine,
- posture with neck tension, stress related with retinal
- shortness of breath (acidosis, tension )
- stress of daily life,
- state of mind, not least terrorism doctor in information about the disease. So
possible therapies.
Less food, meat and sugar.
bowel cleansing, fasting and diet: wild herbs, enzymes, probiotics, anthocyanins (eg blueberry). Correctional
. Auto
therapy related points.
Thanksgiving and forgiveness.
no fear of the diagnosis.
Surely all this will reduce the damage, delay, and with a bit ' courage to heal ...
Anita same practice will clarify some points that I have already explained and proposed in everyday life.
For my part, I will go for the fourth time in Africa, and the fiftieth outside Europe, as a volunteer.
My project is simple.
Providing the tools, scientific, effective, sustainable, non-toxic cure for malaria and TB.
These two are the most common and the leading cause of death in the world, with tens of millions of deaths annually.
researched and exploited African traditional medicine, but very rich increasingly abandoned for misinformation and interests of various kinds.
propose a course of study, to the degree in medicine, and provide the support necessary to kids in the leg, they can become local doctors, with an audience of over one hundred thousand inhabitants.
Then, they choose freely their knowledge and belief, such as practicing medicine.
Finally, make some hand pumps, because 's drinking water becomes, for all and forever, the source of life.
I wish you all a happy Easter.
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