Depression: The evil man - a
This is one of the last items you publish on this blog.
Provided someone does not ask me something specific about your condition, use the email address found next to the name.
E 'duty to an article based on personal and professional, which sends a message hope and faith in itself.
But what I'm about to say will be in many ways shocking also a source of confusion, misunderstanding and, perhaps, rejection and anger .
from depression, there is no cure, much less , we can be cured: just goes out, recognizing that everything and everyone are already helping and supporting us in this direction, and that the last step only touches us themselves.
I said deliberately evil, and not the disease, and evil man, not humanity, since there are many who are depressed, depression, and depression itself is not an entity nosographic, nor a hereditary fate, or infection, nor a meteoropathy, disease or wear, or a disease or socio-economic deficit or excess, although sometimes it seemed so.
Another common misconception is to call everything depression, the depression is only true, as it were, the vestibule, the outline, the main road that leads there.
Many often come to believe of being depressed, whereas only in a kind of limbo, all in all comfortable and livable " without shame and without award", to quote again the words of the great Dante.
Infatti, tutti coloro che ancora riescono ad arrabbiarsi , a far colpa agli altri, a mettersi in dipendenza dagli altri con raffinata e sottile " ars vivendi" (o barcamenandi ...), sono ancora fermi ai primi gradini della depressione o, per così dire, non ne hanno ancora varcato l'Ade, l'Acheronte o, quantomeno, lo Stige .
Il depresso "vero", infatti, non sa arrabbiarsi con nessuno, né fare colpa ad altri, né condividere il proprio quotidiano con qualcuno che lo protegga ed assista. All this still requires a good energy boost, which he no longer has. Sa
only to blame himself, and angry only himself and his own life and does not tolerate the presence of others: in fact, try too ashamed of their condition.
Many of those who pretend to be suffering from serious depression at this point, you will already angry for what, by a deliberate provocation, I'm writing: do not worry, their case, after all, is not so bad !
The rest are things known and common enough to most people, though with different individual characteristics case.
fatigue for all: to perform the common actions of daily , washing, dressing, going out, talk, listen, store, feel your body, work, etc..
But even more, make choices, even easier, make decisions and take responsibility
at any level, although expressing minimum force of will. The depressed
is a bent twig at the slightest breeze.
We are especially skilled people, even at an unconscious level, in taking possession of the depressed and submit to their will or to his whim.
All and all, for the depressed, have the same power of a cult, and many of them take advantage. In particular
healers magicians, fortune tellers, groups pseudo spiritual, but also doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists low professional profile, especially those who, unable to heal themselves, dare to heal others, becoming a guide.
In fact, all of them, they end up creating a more or less calculated dependence, sometimes as long as the very life of the depressed, which is the surest way to survive as depressed, but not to heal ...
Everything I know, it may seem (and is) very hard, but take note of reality is the first step to save himself.
The greatest evil, however, is another.
E 'loss of affectivity, l'incapacità di provar gioia o dolore per ciò che ci circonda, di lacrimare e sorridere; é il deserto dell'amore, della compartecipazione, della pietas una parola, l'indifferenza.
Avete presente il cactus nel deserto, che sopravvive secco, spinoso, indifferente, ai decenni di siccità: tale è la vita del depresso...
Eppure, bastano quattro gocce di pioggia per farlo "riviver tutto e tutto rifiorire", riaprirlo quasi alla gioia di vivere, rivestirlo di colori (quanto nero e viola, oggi, nel mondo, e non è per moda: la moda studia solo le tendenze di fondo dell'animo umano, facendosene interprete a proprio vantaggio commerciale...).
Di che dobbiamo aver paura?
If Mother Nature sends, sometimes, four drops of rain even on the most arid deserts, which are enough to make them flourish, we must realize that sometimes it takes very sincere four tears, not paid on itself, but for someone else to do the same with their lives.
But we'll talk tomorrow ...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Air Conditioner Btu To Sqm Calculator
Pakistan - Afghanistan: memories from the front
This morning I drank the first cup of coffee along with Ahmed, a Pakistani who lives by selling necklaces on Italian beaches.
Smoking a cigarette together, he said that his country, now in full civil war, is dying of hunger ...
The Pakistani government, to secure American economic aid, has embarked on a civil war in the north, an area always under control of Al Qaeda , a stronghold of Pakistani supporters of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
desperate war that threatens to spread throughout the country and already considered lost more ...
Pakistan is situated between two fronts: to the east as India to the issue of Kashmir for over sixty years' struggle between the two countries, and west to Afghanistan, with the interposition of the so-called " tribal area," Pakistan formally, in reality no man's land, controlled by the warlords and the ethnic Pashtun Has always been at war with each other and against any attempt external submission.
smuggling of weapons and drugs are the fundamental economic basis, to ensure that those people a kind of perpetual invincibility, along with a fierce warlike character, independent of everything and everyone. And that since the time of Alexander the Great ... But back to
Ahmed. His name made me think of come to Ahmed Shah Massoud , hero of the independence of Afghanistan from the Russians, almost legendary myth of courage, love for your country, ideological moderation and personal morality: it is not took bribe from anyone.
was killed in an attack suicide, two Arabic (Tunisian, naturalized Belgians), September 9, 2001, two days before the attack on the Twin Towers.
was fighting, illegally yet another personal battle against the onslaught of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the valley of Panshjir from their workers.
But it was also clearly spoke out against the rampant corruption and growing dependence on U.S. government Karzai, recently formed, beginning, perhaps, to annoy them both.
He dreamed of a country free from outside interference, moderate and tolerant, morally immune from corruption, with an economy no longer dependent on opium market. L ' Afghanistan, in fact, is still the first manufacturer in the world.
few days before his death, he informed the UN of an imminent attack on American soil, and another to kill him, but was not heard nor protected. The same
Karzai, with considerable political cynicism, he was appointed, then, a national hero and has erected a mausoleum overlooking the valley of Panshjir.
Massoud, if it could talk, surely reject both.
proposed for posthumous Nobel Prize for peace, as Gandi , so far none has been received as at that time, the same Gandi ...
From Alexander the Great, the Russians, Americans, the Taliban, Bin to Laden and Al Qaeda : why so much interest in a poor country, without any special resources?
Its importance, enormous, is strategic.
And 'in fact, always been the crossroads between east and west, and between north and south, all the economic interests of the world, although with different specific characteristics over time.
Think of the oil and gas in Siberia, which should go there to be traded profitably .
Just as the "lion" Massoud was able to free the country from the yoke of Soviet imperialism, old and new, probably would be able to do the same with the Taliban, il corrotto regime attuale e l'espansione, sempre maggiore dopo l'undici settembre, dell'ingerenza americana (ed europea, Italia inclusa), in Afganistan .
Sicuramente, nella sua morte, ha giocato un ruolo determinante una eterogenea "convergenza d'interessi", non nuova alla storia del mondo, antica e recente...
Ora gli americani, sul punto d'abbandonare l' Irak al suo destino, sotto l'egida dell' Onu e con il concorso di molti altri, stanno per aumentare il loro ( e nostro) coinvolgimento in Afganistan .
Gli interessi in gioco sono infatti troppo grossi, e lo scudo ideologico (lotta al terrorismo islamico), è molto ben radicato world public opinion, as well as realistically credible and convincing.
But the warlords never moves for reasons ideals, if there were not even half of the range of strategic and economic supremacy, in this case, planetary. The September 11
then nearly erased the memory of Massoud , of \u200b\u200bwhich today no longer speak.
Three months after his death and the American intervention, I was in Peshawar, Pakistan, with a group of 'Italians.
I saw what was there left to see: the model field and well outfitted Sham s Hatù , but not the fields, to the west, where, not to die of hunger, ate grass meadows.
And I saw the biblical exodus of Afghans, fleeing from the bombing of the Americans. Millions of refugees from Pakistan who had officially rejected, although in vain, closed borders, they are already present on its territory more than six million refugees, old and new ...
I saw in tents placed on the bare mud, orphaned children, miraculously escaped from the rubble of Kabul, arrived there after five hundred miles of escape on foot. Supported
only by the mercy of other refugees.
Every night, some of the newcomers were dying of cold. You can die of cold, the lack of a blanket, in Pakistan, in December, when, two months later, one will die of heat already.
Any attempt to give something to those poor, resulting in a sort of revolt among thousands of people to grab a sweater, a blanket, a pair of socks ...
After doing some therapy with bare hands and bare ground within, say so ... preferred (but we were the only ones privileged, with passport and plane ticket in his pocket), I tried to solve, somehow, the problem of how to leave them something, without causing riots.
So as darkness fell, the bus that brought us back to the comfortable hotel rooms, I have thrown out the window, a little 'time, what was sweaters, warm clothes, even shoes on his feet, soon imitated by some other fellow travelers ...
As you can see, between wanting to help and create problems, the distance is short, yet something, however, you can try to do.
Today, millions of new refugees, this time Pakistanis are fleeing from Pakistan, burnt down by the new, yet another war, Pakistan to a more secure, but who knows how long.
For many of us here in the West, none of this is that a tragic event, among many in the world, worth more than a distracted look of the chair in front of the telly .
But who was there, even though eight years have passed, forget or turn your head, believe me, it's really impossible.
This morning I drank the first cup of coffee along with Ahmed, a Pakistani who lives by selling necklaces on Italian beaches.
Smoking a cigarette together, he said that his country, now in full civil war, is dying of hunger ...
The Pakistani government, to secure American economic aid, has embarked on a civil war in the north, an area always under control of Al Qaeda , a stronghold of Pakistani supporters of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
desperate war that threatens to spread throughout the country and already considered lost more ...
Pakistan is situated between two fronts: to the east as India to the issue of Kashmir for over sixty years' struggle between the two countries, and west to Afghanistan, with the interposition of the so-called " tribal area," Pakistan formally, in reality no man's land, controlled by the warlords and the ethnic Pashtun Has always been at war with each other and against any attempt external submission.
smuggling of weapons and drugs are the fundamental economic basis, to ensure that those people a kind of perpetual invincibility, along with a fierce warlike character, independent of everything and everyone. And that since the time of Alexander the Great ... But back to
Ahmed. His name made me think of come to Ahmed Shah Massoud , hero of the independence of Afghanistan from the Russians, almost legendary myth of courage, love for your country, ideological moderation and personal morality: it is not took bribe from anyone.
was killed in an attack suicide, two Arabic (Tunisian, naturalized Belgians), September 9, 2001, two days before the attack on the Twin Towers.
was fighting, illegally yet another personal battle against the onslaught of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the valley of Panshjir from their workers.
But it was also clearly spoke out against the rampant corruption and growing dependence on U.S. government Karzai, recently formed, beginning, perhaps, to annoy them both.
He dreamed of a country free from outside interference, moderate and tolerant, morally immune from corruption, with an economy no longer dependent on opium market. L ' Afghanistan, in fact, is still the first manufacturer in the world.
few days before his death, he informed the UN of an imminent attack on American soil, and another to kill him, but was not heard nor protected. The same
Karzai, with considerable political cynicism, he was appointed, then, a national hero and has erected a mausoleum overlooking the valley of Panshjir.
Massoud, if it could talk, surely reject both.
proposed for posthumous Nobel Prize for peace, as Gandi , so far none has been received as at that time, the same Gandi ...
From Alexander the Great, the Russians, Americans, the Taliban, Bin to Laden and Al Qaeda : why so much interest in a poor country, without any special resources?
Its importance, enormous, is strategic.
And 'in fact, always been the crossroads between east and west, and between north and south, all the economic interests of the world, although with different specific characteristics over time.
Think of the oil and gas in Siberia, which should go there to be traded profitably .
Just as the "lion" Massoud was able to free the country from the yoke of Soviet imperialism, old and new, probably would be able to do the same with the Taliban, il corrotto regime attuale e l'espansione, sempre maggiore dopo l'undici settembre, dell'ingerenza americana (ed europea, Italia inclusa), in Afganistan .
Sicuramente, nella sua morte, ha giocato un ruolo determinante una eterogenea "convergenza d'interessi", non nuova alla storia del mondo, antica e recente...
Ora gli americani, sul punto d'abbandonare l' Irak al suo destino, sotto l'egida dell' Onu e con il concorso di molti altri, stanno per aumentare il loro ( e nostro) coinvolgimento in Afganistan .
Gli interessi in gioco sono infatti troppo grossi, e lo scudo ideologico (lotta al terrorismo islamico), è molto ben radicato world public opinion, as well as realistically credible and convincing.
But the warlords never moves for reasons ideals, if there were not even half of the range of strategic and economic supremacy, in this case, planetary. The September 11
then nearly erased the memory of Massoud , of \u200b\u200bwhich today no longer speak.
Three months after his death and the American intervention, I was in Peshawar, Pakistan, with a group of 'Italians.
I saw what was there left to see: the model field and well outfitted Sham s Hatù , but not the fields, to the west, where, not to die of hunger, ate grass meadows.
And I saw the biblical exodus of Afghans, fleeing from the bombing of the Americans. Millions of refugees from Pakistan who had officially rejected, although in vain, closed borders, they are already present on its territory more than six million refugees, old and new ...
I saw in tents placed on the bare mud, orphaned children, miraculously escaped from the rubble of Kabul, arrived there after five hundred miles of escape on foot. Supported
only by the mercy of other refugees.
Every night, some of the newcomers were dying of cold. You can die of cold, the lack of a blanket, in Pakistan, in December, when, two months later, one will die of heat already.
Any attempt to give something to those poor, resulting in a sort of revolt among thousands of people to grab a sweater, a blanket, a pair of socks ...
After doing some therapy with bare hands and bare ground within, say so ... preferred (but we were the only ones privileged, with passport and plane ticket in his pocket), I tried to solve, somehow, the problem of how to leave them something, without causing riots.
So as darkness fell, the bus that brought us back to the comfortable hotel rooms, I have thrown out the window, a little 'time, what was sweaters, warm clothes, even shoes on his feet, soon imitated by some other fellow travelers ...
As you can see, between wanting to help and create problems, the distance is short, yet something, however, you can try to do.
Today, millions of new refugees, this time Pakistanis are fleeing from Pakistan, burnt down by the new, yet another war, Pakistan to a more secure, but who knows how long.
For many of us here in the West, none of this is that a tragic event, among many in the world, worth more than a distracted look of the chair in front of the telly .
But who was there, even though eight years have passed, forget or turn your head, believe me, it's really impossible.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
French Wedding Congratulation Card
Religion Religion Religion
am not at all synonymous, and not even comparable. Religion comes from the Latin
religere , ie collect formulas and rituals.
As you can see, we're already on a plane outward, though in itself not negative.
Religion is from the late Latin religiositas , with a meaning already released from the previous year, reported the inner plane and subjective research of absolute and eternal values.
For many enlightened minds, is synonymous search for truth.
Einstein said that, in all ages, many atheists, rejecting the partial figure of a god, made in the image of human failings, were and are true seekers of God as truth.
Religion leaves no doubt: this refers to differences in the dogmatic, theological, ritual and external, imposed by the successors of the great enlightened human spirit ( Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed , to name only in chronological order best known), which produced, in order, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, in their various sects ...
I do not want to comment on this level, I think, beyond the outer form, are equal tutte, nel loro senso originario più profondo.
Gandi , il più grande profeta dei tempi moderni (ed il più frainteso, odiato e deriso, al di là delle dichiarazioni ufficiali e della retorica celebrativa), ha detto cose molto illuminanti su questo argomento.
Ai vari missionari cristiani di tutte le sette, che pullulavano ( e pullulano) in India, i quali, facendogli notare la vicinanza del suo insegnamento a quello di Gesù, gli chiedevano di convertirsi al cristianesimo, rispose, con profondo rispetto: potrei farlo nel momento in cui, questi amici, mi dimostrassero, con il loro comportamento, di mettere in pratica il Suo insegnamento...
Preferisco, nell'attesa rimanere Hindu faithful to my home and try to follow in my daily practice the 'essence of Indian sacred texts, especially the Githa , the Riga and Uphanishad.
Jesus founded a religion based on love alone, but was misunderstood ... Thus, even with special characters for each, they also Mahavira, Buddha and Muhammed.
omit any consideration of their current religion, their recent history and the old ... each face itself, in the depths of his conscience: it is not so important.
What matters in choosing a good teaching, is to try to put it into practice, in daily life, following the basic principles.
remember only two sentences from the Bible: "Do not build temples, if not in your heart" and "There are those who say Lord, Lord, but who does the will of my Father who is in heaven ...". A
Lomé, the capital of one of the poorest countries in the world, while the People's Assembly building is less decent of a stable model, such as Bavaria, there is a building so large, lavish, futuristic as I have not seen in Italy, not even in Milan (Milan, and is not Lomé !).
You understand it is a bank ...
Here they are the real and unique cathedrals of the modern era, templi di quell'unico dio ormai da (quasi) tutti adorato, ricercato, invocato, fino alla più sfrenata idolatria.
Speriamo che nel suo nome, non si compia in pratica, quella unità di tutti i credenti di tutte le religioni, così a lungo-ed inutilmente- invocata, predicata e retoricamente proposta dai grandi capi religiosi, specie nella nostra attuale "aurea Aetas ".
am not at all synonymous, and not even comparable. Religion comes from the Latin
religere , ie collect formulas and rituals.
As you can see, we're already on a plane outward, though in itself not negative.
Religion is from the late Latin religiositas , with a meaning already released from the previous year, reported the inner plane and subjective research of absolute and eternal values.
For many enlightened minds, is synonymous search for truth.
Einstein said that, in all ages, many atheists, rejecting the partial figure of a god, made in the image of human failings, were and are true seekers of God as truth.
Religion leaves no doubt: this refers to differences in the dogmatic, theological, ritual and external, imposed by the successors of the great enlightened human spirit ( Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed , to name only in chronological order best known), which produced, in order, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, in their various sects ...
I do not want to comment on this level, I think, beyond the outer form, are equal tutte, nel loro senso originario più profondo.
Gandi , il più grande profeta dei tempi moderni (ed il più frainteso, odiato e deriso, al di là delle dichiarazioni ufficiali e della retorica celebrativa), ha detto cose molto illuminanti su questo argomento.
Ai vari missionari cristiani di tutte le sette, che pullulavano ( e pullulano) in India, i quali, facendogli notare la vicinanza del suo insegnamento a quello di Gesù, gli chiedevano di convertirsi al cristianesimo, rispose, con profondo rispetto: potrei farlo nel momento in cui, questi amici, mi dimostrassero, con il loro comportamento, di mettere in pratica il Suo insegnamento...
Preferisco, nell'attesa rimanere Hindu faithful to my home and try to follow in my daily practice the 'essence of Indian sacred texts, especially the Githa , the Riga and Uphanishad.
Jesus founded a religion based on love alone, but was misunderstood ... Thus, even with special characters for each, they also Mahavira, Buddha and Muhammed.
omit any consideration of their current religion, their recent history and the old ... each face itself, in the depths of his conscience: it is not so important.
What matters in choosing a good teaching, is to try to put it into practice, in daily life, following the basic principles.
remember only two sentences from the Bible: "Do not build temples, if not in your heart" and "There are those who say Lord, Lord, but who does the will of my Father who is in heaven ...". A
Lomé, the capital of one of the poorest countries in the world, while the People's Assembly building is less decent of a stable model, such as Bavaria, there is a building so large, lavish, futuristic as I have not seen in Italy, not even in Milan (Milan, and is not Lomé !).
You understand it is a bank ...
Here they are the real and unique cathedrals of the modern era, templi di quell'unico dio ormai da (quasi) tutti adorato, ricercato, invocato, fino alla più sfrenata idolatria.
Speriamo che nel suo nome, non si compia in pratica, quella unità di tutti i credenti di tutte le religioni, così a lungo-ed inutilmente- invocata, predicata e retoricamente proposta dai grandi capi religiosi, specie nella nostra attuale "aurea Aetas ".
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lorena Herrera En Bikini
Sulla home page di questo Blog compare, da qualche tempo pubblicità non richiesta nè desiderata, nè condivisa, da parte di (elenco parziale): Fiat, Ferrari, SAI, Telecom, Skipe, Sky, Tele +, Tele 2, Alice, Lottomatica, Meridiana, Sconti EU, eDreams, finanziarie varie, etc.
I will try to remove it and hope to succeed.
Meanwhile, I invite you to be wary of the reliability of companies that advertise free so pirate.
The updated list here soon.
I apologize to readers for the inconvenience.
nice day.
Sulla home page di questo Blog compare, da qualche tempo pubblicità non richiesta nè desiderata, nè condivisa, da parte di (elenco parziale): Fiat, Ferrari, SAI, Telecom, Skipe, Sky, Tele +, Tele 2, Alice, Lottomatica, Meridiana, Sconti EU, eDreams, finanziarie varie, etc.
I will try to remove it and hope to succeed.
Meanwhile, I invite you to be wary of the reliability of companies that advertise free so pirate.
The updated list here soon.
I apologize to readers for the inconvenience.
nice day.
Monday, May 18, 2009
New Business Development Process
oil 2 egg - digressions and variations on theme
A few days ago I got home safe and sound, as they say ...
"Gate gate, compared , parasamgate , bodhi Siva," which means "gone, gone, gone beyond, on the other side, safe and sound." (Sanskrit, from the Heart Sutra).
I had arrived in Togo on April 21, the same day of an attempted coup, carried out by the brother of President Faure Egnessambé , while he was in China on a state visit ...
When you say "snakes relatives, sometimes it seems true, but look a bit '!
I had arrived not with the arrogant complacency of Julius Caesar "Veni Vidi Vici . And yet the French-
him to envy, as we envy, angry, in seeing Bartali, that sad face of Italian on the run, that long nose on top of a climb (Paolo Conte). Then, quite rightly, have ceased to envy, in 1940, when we have them stab in the back ... but never mind. " I arrived with
the sole purpose of preparing the oil of egg, as it was. As two
loyal readers have expressed great interest in the alchemical transformation, I want to say a few words on the subject.
The word alchemy, chemistry today, derives from the Arabic Al- Kimiya , the (research) of the Philosopher's Stone, in turn, from the greek Philosophia, the love of wisdom.
The meaning was physical and metaphysical research, through the wisdom, inner spiritual transformation, as well as material, of which gold has always been a symbol.
From a physical point of view, gold, until now, was only produced by nuclear fusion processes, and not by alchemical transformations, for electromagnetic phenomena that occur at the level of outer electron orbitals of type quantum-probabilistic. Almost unbelievably
, among others, Thomas Aquinas wrote a treatise on alchemy ...
(Then he beams at all, with the Summa Theologiae ).
The ancient alchemists were often chosen souls, eclectic scholars, motivated by the desire to seek the truth in a global scientific, spiritual and religious ... but then with the media, which were empirical.
not have produced hardly any damage to others, but, often, and many benefits to this, many have ended at the stake.
Modern chemists, although not producing only benefits, no end to the stake (thankfully), but often, that Vanity Fair is that the hall of the Institute for the Nobel prizes in Stockholm ... For
successive distillations, we tried to pull the quint 'subtle essence of the matter, a kind of spirit of things, while the crucible was used to transform the heat, the natural world of matter into new substances, etc. .
The preparation of oil ' egg sums up two fundamental principles of alchemical transformations: the physical essence of biological life, of' creative energy of life force, egg yolk, in fact, and the power transformer-purifying fire ...
why it's so powerful.
Chemists today can easily identify and name all the thousands of molecules that form in the process, but name does not always mean even understand ...
Although it is not chemical, I tried to say something, but I want to add more. You know
speck (the original one, almost impossible to find), or smoked fish?
Not only are they a delight to the palate, but make substances rot. Hundreds of molecules
antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, are formed in the process of fumigagione , some of which are highly toxic, such as derivatives ciclopentanopeiidrofenantrene (and same name inspires fear dark), a potential carcinogen. And such products should be taken in small doses. But the oil
egg also contains something else.
Among other things, phospholipids and fatty acids rich in double and triple bonds (if it does not burn too!), Known to be effective in reducing the risk of thrombosis and heart attack, the powerful cholesterol-lowering effect of anti-aggregating and ... (But this will mean big word ?)...
words, in fact, until are not put into practice, for example in the treatment of tuberculosis, but not all. Even a heart attack, angina, hypotension, fatigue, illness croniche virali, batteriche, parassitarie, come ho potuto verificare più volte...
Nella tubercolosi, ad es ., anche piccolissime dosi (sicuramente non tossiche), ce la fanno, in pochi giorni, anche nei casi più gravi e con i ceppi più virulenti.
Ricordo, invece, che l'attuale terapia antitubercolare, prevede l'associazione da due fino a sette sostanze, (mediamente tre), per sei mesi l'anno, per tre anni e con risultati per niente certi e definitivi in tutti i casi.
Si, ma l'olio d'uovo non é scientifico...
Questo lo dici tu e te lo fa dire la tua ignoranza e la tua visione parziale e preconcetta...
E poi, scusate tanto, ma se anche fosse così, chi cares ...!
A few days ago I got home safe and sound, as they say ...
"Gate gate, compared , parasamgate , bodhi Siva," which means "gone, gone, gone beyond, on the other side, safe and sound." (Sanskrit, from the Heart Sutra).
I had arrived in Togo on April 21, the same day of an attempted coup, carried out by the brother of President Faure Egnessambé , while he was in China on a state visit ...
When you say "snakes relatives, sometimes it seems true, but look a bit '!
I had arrived not with the arrogant complacency of Julius Caesar "Veni Vidi Vici . And yet the French-
him to envy, as we envy, angry, in seeing Bartali, that sad face of Italian on the run, that long nose on top of a climb (Paolo Conte).
the sole purpose of preparing the oil of egg, as it was. As two
loyal readers have expressed great interest in the alchemical transformation, I want to say a few words on the subject.
The word alchemy, chemistry today, derives from the Arabic Al- Kimiya , the (research) of the Philosopher's Stone, in turn, from the greek Philosophia, the love of wisdom.
The meaning was physical and metaphysical research, through the wisdom, inner spiritual transformation, as well as material, of which gold has always been a symbol.
From a physical point of view, gold, until now, was only produced by nuclear fusion processes, and not by alchemical transformations, for electromagnetic phenomena that occur at the level of outer electron orbitals of type quantum-probabilistic. Almost unbelievably
, among others, Thomas Aquinas wrote a treatise on alchemy ...
(Then he beams at all, with the Summa Theologiae ).
The ancient alchemists were often chosen souls, eclectic scholars, motivated by the desire to seek the truth in a global scientific, spiritual and religious ... but then with the media, which were empirical.
not have produced hardly any damage to others, but, often, and many benefits to this, many have ended at the stake.
Modern chemists, although not producing only benefits, no end to the stake (thankfully), but often, that Vanity Fair is that the hall of the Institute for the Nobel prizes in Stockholm ... For
successive distillations, we tried to pull the quint 'subtle essence of the matter, a kind of spirit of things, while the crucible was used to transform the heat, the natural world of matter into new substances, etc. .
The preparation of oil ' egg sums up two fundamental principles of alchemical transformations: the physical essence of biological life, of' creative energy of life force, egg yolk, in fact, and the power transformer-purifying fire ...
why it's so powerful.
Chemists today can easily identify and name all the thousands of molecules that form in the process, but name does not always mean even understand ...
Although it is not chemical, I tried to say something, but I want to add more. You know
speck (the original one, almost impossible to find), or smoked fish?
Not only are they a delight to the palate, but make substances rot. Hundreds of molecules
antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, are formed in the process of fumigagione , some of which are highly toxic, such as derivatives ciclopentanopeiidrofenantrene (and same name inspires fear dark), a potential carcinogen. And such products should be taken in small doses. But the oil
egg also contains something else.
Among other things, phospholipids and fatty acids rich in double and triple bonds (if it does not burn too!), Known to be effective in reducing the risk of thrombosis and heart attack, the powerful cholesterol-lowering effect of anti-aggregating and ... (But this will mean big word ?)...
words, in fact, until are not put into practice, for example in the treatment of tuberculosis, but not all. Even a heart attack, angina, hypotension, fatigue, illness croniche virali, batteriche, parassitarie, come ho potuto verificare più volte...
Nella tubercolosi, ad es ., anche piccolissime dosi (sicuramente non tossiche), ce la fanno, in pochi giorni, anche nei casi più gravi e con i ceppi più virulenti.
Ricordo, invece, che l'attuale terapia antitubercolare, prevede l'associazione da due fino a sette sostanze, (mediamente tre), per sei mesi l'anno, per tre anni e con risultati per niente certi e definitivi in tutti i casi.
Si, ma l'olio d'uovo non é scientifico...
Questo lo dici tu e te lo fa dire la tua ignoranza e la tua visione parziale e preconcetta...
E poi, scusate tanto, ma se anche fosse così, chi cares ...!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Port Royale Patch Update
It's time ... The ill-thin horsetail
Horsetail or Equisetum (Equisetum Arvense )
In the fields in the ditches, wet places but also in clay soils, in a kind of spring is asparagus, which is the fertile part, with dell'equiseto spores.
While this disappears, check the sterile green ear that looks like a small fir tree and goes high up to a meter, you can collect, even in summer (and the tips begin to yellow).
E 'a plant archaic group of cryptogams, which do not produce flowers or seeds (and spores), no leaves, twigs and only one pseudo fusto.
Per arrivare fino ai nostri giorni ha avuto un grande successo evolutivo e particolari doti di resistenza a tutte le malattie. Anche per questo ci é molto utile.
Ricchissima di Sali minerali: calcio, potassio, magnesio, silicio, zinco
mineralizzante e depurativa :
- nelle carenze di Sali minerali, per rinvigorire le ossa, elasticizzare le articolazioni, nella sciatica, per rafforzare unghie capelli.
- nella cura delle malattie renali e vescicali.
- nella prevenzione del cancro, per l’alto contenuto di silicio e zinco e probiotici.
- è preziosa quando c’è uno stato d’animo di paura
Si utilizza fresh or dried.
should be annoyed - not the sun - but in a better ventilated and quickly move often.
can be used in many ways: by internal and external
Infused with the fresh shoots in spring
A teaspoon dried or fresh spoon for a cup of cold water when it comes to a boil reduce heat and simmer ten minutes and then filtered. Becomes orange-red.
You can prepare at least a liter and drink it throughout the day.
- in a gentle way to clean the intestines, and then the blood
- to find a mood light positive. Use fresh
a handful - or a heaping tablespoon of dried horsetail-per liter of water, cold water. Simmer at least three liters slightly, then add fresh water up to body temperature.
Making gradually enema three times, not all together, start with a pint of water, relax then repeat.
For lumbago - depression. Allow to marinate
horsetail - for a night, 100 g of horsetail - In the morning heat and add more water so that the kidneys are immersed (the water can be reused).
pack - humid
applying the treatment area, the manciate di pianta secca. Coprire con un panno caldo-umido e sostituirlo con altri, appena tende a raffreddare: per almeno un’ora.
E ancora:
-per un pediluvio rilassante
-per sciacquare i capelli
In cucina
L’asparago, che costituisce la parte fertile, si può cucinare con le uova strapazzate.
I germogli freschi di primavera, passati in una pastella di uovo, acqua, farina e sale, vengono poi fritti . Il fritto ha un effetto ricaricante sui reni (2-3 germogli e il fegato non subirà alcun danno).
Si può usare per rinvigorire o curare le piante nell’orto.
Horsetail or Equisetum (Equisetum Arvense )
In the fields in the ditches, wet places but also in clay soils, in a kind of spring is asparagus, which is the fertile part, with dell'equiseto spores.
While this disappears, check the sterile green ear that looks like a small fir tree and goes high up to a meter, you can collect, even in summer (and the tips begin to yellow).
E 'a plant archaic group of cryptogams, which do not produce flowers or seeds (and spores), no leaves, twigs and only one pseudo fusto.
Per arrivare fino ai nostri giorni ha avuto un grande successo evolutivo e particolari doti di resistenza a tutte le malattie. Anche per questo ci é molto utile.
Ricchissima di Sali minerali: calcio, potassio, magnesio, silicio, zinco
mineralizzante e depurativa :
- nelle carenze di Sali minerali, per rinvigorire le ossa, elasticizzare le articolazioni, nella sciatica, per rafforzare unghie capelli.
- nella cura delle malattie renali e vescicali.
- nella prevenzione del cancro, per l’alto contenuto di silicio e zinco e probiotici.
- è preziosa quando c’è uno stato d’animo di paura
Si utilizza fresh or dried.
should be annoyed - not the sun - but in a better ventilated and quickly move often.
can be used in many ways: by internal and external
Infused with the fresh shoots in spring
A teaspoon dried or fresh spoon for a cup of cold water when it comes to a boil reduce heat and simmer ten minutes and then filtered. Becomes orange-red.
You can prepare at least a liter and drink it throughout the day.
- in a gentle way to clean the intestines, and then the blood
- to find a mood light positive. Use fresh
a handful - or a heaping tablespoon of dried horsetail-per liter of water, cold water. Simmer at least three liters slightly, then add fresh water up to body temperature.
Making gradually enema three times, not all together, start with a pint of water, relax then repeat.
For lumbago - depression. Allow to marinate
horsetail - for a night, 100 g of horsetail - In the morning heat and add more water so that the kidneys are immersed (the water can be reused).
pack - humid
applying the treatment area, the manciate di pianta secca. Coprire con un panno caldo-umido e sostituirlo con altri, appena tende a raffreddare: per almeno un’ora.
E ancora:
-per un pediluvio rilassante
-per sciacquare i capelli
In cucina
L’asparago, che costituisce la parte fertile, si può cucinare con le uova strapazzate.
I germogli freschi di primavera, passati in una pastella di uovo, acqua, farina e sale, vengono poi fritti . Il fritto ha un effetto ricaricante sui reni (2-3 germogli e il fegato non subirà alcun danno).
Si può usare per rinvigorire o curare le piante nell’orto.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Decorated Cookie Cakes Cake/cookie Decorating?
: TB
Detta anche tisi (dal greco ftysis , consunzione), scientificamente tubercolosi, per i caratteristici noduli che ne costituiscono la base anatomo - patologica, é da sempre il male più temuto, che suscita orrore e vergogna, paura ed umiliazione, vituperio e desolazione.
Associata alla miseria ed ai vizi, anzi, agli stravizi, specie quelli legati al sesso , alla masturbazione, alla prostituzione, alla lussuria, ma anche al sovraffollamento, alla promiscuità, all'aria viziata delle case più malsane e povere, eccolo il male che simboleggia tutti i mali dell'umanità, dai suoi albori ai nostri giorni.
E' superata, nella cattiva reputazione, solo dalla peste, che però hit and run (while TB can last decades) and leprosy, caused by mycobacteria, such as TB, but it has very low infectivity, at least in advanced stages of disease.
Almost all are infected, but relatively few if they get sick. It
die each year about two million, more than AIDS, but less than for the hunger and the diseases of affluence: atherosclerosis, stroke and diabetes.
L 'acronym, TB, shows that the name itself, tuberculosis or, more modernly, tuberculosis, is a taboo ...
long as Redi and Spallanzani did not demonstrate that the spontaneous generation does not exist, the worst prejudices, which I mentioned above, were also stronger hypotheses on its origin.
Then came the great Pasteur, to demonstrate the microbial origin of many diseases, and Koch (in the drawing), which identified the mycobacteria in sputum of patients. The same
Koch also discovered the cholera bacillus.
Both are Nobel laureates in medicine.
infinite works in the literature to have a protagonist the disease itself.
Among all, just mention "The Lady of the Camellias" by Dumas , which Verdi set to music admirably as significant, of La Traviata.
A bit 'to play down, let me digress a little. The first of
Traviata at La Fenice in Venice, with the presence of Verdi, was a resounding flop, you want the topic rude, want because the leading soprano was, according to the fashion of the time, rather ... robust, ruddy and compact, inspiring laughter, cackling and whistles at the time of the tragic end to "consumption".
Verdi, in a stormy night, he returned to coach at Villa Condulmer at Mogliano , where he was a guest. For
fury of fate, the coach, under a deluge, overturned in a ditch ...
At the same villa, now "Hotel de charme" is still visible on the plane on which he composed some pieces of his work, which became a success universal.
But back to TB. The bacterium that causes is characterized by having a membrane structure is very resistant to withhold the staining (method Ziello - Nillsen ) even after washing with absolute alcohol and sulfuric acid, of being insensitive to common antibiotics and to be highly contagious, even at concentrations of minimum environmental standards.
also is spread by droplets of saliva that emit breathing and speaking.
Fortunately for us immune, even though she was (almost) all infected, 90-95% infection unscathed.
In poorer countries, however, for many reasons, the morbidity is much more high. P-Aminosalicylic Acid
, acid hydrazide isonicotinico , streptomycin, ethambutol , rifampicin and pyrazinamide are the drugs most known and used in therapy.
Many, we are no longer used, because extremely toxic, for example . streptomycin, which almost always results in deafness and damage to the liver and kidneys (but equally other toxic).
In Africa, however, the low cost, are still very much used. The cure is
(one case), completely free, but lasts for years, dispensaries are often very distant, there is no money to pay for gasoline, information is lacking, and the shame does the rest ... Add
that, currently, there are emerging strains extremely virulent and insensitive to all known drugs, even in multiple associations, and the picture is complete.
egg oil, of which I spoke at length in the previous article, has proven almost shocking effective in all cases, until the terminal stages ...
Well known in Japan, where he was born, sold in pharmacies and well-studied at the university level, immediately after the Hiroshima bomb and Nagasaghi , the same fate as many other noble and good traditions in Japan: the oblivion and no official recognition, even to cover the interests of multi national drug.
Many other natural products are now being studied, because the disease, either by the multi-resistance, do you want for the new ultra-virulent strains, is creating panic in the scientific community, but the prejudices, especially when they cover an enormous interest die hard.
I left the village, in Togo, a supply of oil enough egg to try to treat all cases of TB, even in villages and for many years.
I hope the cooperation of my friends there, even because maybe I will not be in Togo.
I want to bring the same product in other countries, and learn the use of new remedies, natural and effective.
not boast any personal merit, I have no expectations of any kind, other than the health of sick people ...
I just want to thank and bless that doctor, dead for many years and his grandmother, real humble benefactors of humanity.
But for them and those like them, there will never be any Nobel, only one of his own conscience. Thanks
Africa, thanks for everything and everyone, see you soon in some other memorable, wonderful and terrible country!
Detta anche tisi (dal greco ftysis , consunzione), scientificamente tubercolosi, per i caratteristici noduli che ne costituiscono la base anatomo - patologica, é da sempre il male più temuto, che suscita orrore e vergogna, paura ed umiliazione, vituperio e desolazione.
Associata alla miseria ed ai vizi, anzi, agli stravizi, specie quelli legati al sesso , alla masturbazione, alla prostituzione, alla lussuria, ma anche al sovraffollamento, alla promiscuità, all'aria viziata delle case più malsane e povere, eccolo il male che simboleggia tutti i mali dell'umanità, dai suoi albori ai nostri giorni.
E' superata, nella cattiva reputazione, solo dalla peste, che però hit and run (while TB can last decades) and leprosy, caused by mycobacteria, such as TB, but it has very low infectivity, at least in advanced stages of disease.
Almost all are infected, but relatively few if they get sick. It
die each year about two million, more than AIDS, but less than for the hunger and the diseases of affluence: atherosclerosis, stroke and diabetes.
L 'acronym, TB, shows that the name itself, tuberculosis or, more modernly, tuberculosis, is a taboo ...
long as Redi and Spallanzani did not demonstrate that the spontaneous generation does not exist, the worst prejudices, which I mentioned above, were also stronger hypotheses on its origin.
Then came the great Pasteur, to demonstrate the microbial origin of many diseases, and Koch (in the drawing), which identified the mycobacteria in sputum of patients. The same
Koch also discovered the cholera bacillus.
Both are Nobel laureates in medicine.
infinite works in the literature to have a protagonist the disease itself.
Among all, just mention "The Lady of the Camellias" by Dumas , which Verdi set to music admirably as significant, of La Traviata.
A bit 'to play down, let me digress a little. The first of
Traviata at La Fenice in Venice, with the presence of Verdi, was a resounding flop, you want the topic rude, want because the leading soprano was, according to the fashion of the time, rather ... robust, ruddy and compact, inspiring laughter, cackling and whistles at the time of the tragic end to "consumption".
Verdi, in a stormy night, he returned to coach at Villa Condulmer at Mogliano , where he was a guest. For
fury of fate, the coach, under a deluge, overturned in a ditch ...
At the same villa, now "Hotel de charme" is still visible on the plane on which he composed some pieces of his work, which became a success universal.
But back to TB. The bacterium that causes is characterized by having a membrane structure is very resistant to withhold the staining (method Ziello - Nillsen ) even after washing with absolute alcohol and sulfuric acid, of being insensitive to common antibiotics and to be highly contagious, even at concentrations of minimum environmental standards.
also is spread by droplets of saliva that emit breathing and speaking.
Fortunately for us immune, even though she was (almost) all infected, 90-95% infection unscathed.
In poorer countries, however, for many reasons, the morbidity is much more high. P-Aminosalicylic Acid
, acid hydrazide isonicotinico , streptomycin, ethambutol , rifampicin and pyrazinamide are the drugs most known and used in therapy.
Many, we are no longer used, because extremely toxic, for example . streptomycin, which almost always results in deafness and damage to the liver and kidneys (but equally other toxic).
In Africa, however, the low cost, are still very much used. The cure is
(one case), completely free, but lasts for years, dispensaries are often very distant, there is no money to pay for gasoline, information is lacking, and the shame does the rest ... Add
that, currently, there are emerging strains extremely virulent and insensitive to all known drugs, even in multiple associations, and the picture is complete.
egg oil, of which I spoke at length in the previous article, has proven almost shocking effective in all cases, until the terminal stages ...
Well known in Japan, where he was born, sold in pharmacies and well-studied at the university level, immediately after the Hiroshima bomb and Nagasaghi , the same fate as many other noble and good traditions in Japan: the oblivion and no official recognition, even to cover the interests of multi national drug.
Many other natural products are now being studied, because the disease, either by the multi-resistance, do you want for the new ultra-virulent strains, is creating panic in the scientific community, but the prejudices, especially when they cover an enormous interest die hard.
I left the village, in Togo, a supply of oil enough egg to try to treat all cases of TB, even in villages and for many years.
I hope the cooperation of my friends there, even because maybe I will not be in Togo.
I want to bring the same product in other countries, and learn the use of new remedies, natural and effective.
not boast any personal merit, I have no expectations of any kind, other than the health of sick people ...
I just want to thank and bless that doctor, dead for many years and his grandmother, real humble benefactors of humanity.
But for them and those like them, there will never be any Nobel, only one of his own conscience. Thanks
Africa, thanks for everything and everyone, see you soon in some other memorable, wonderful and terrible country!
Monday, May 11, 2009
What Does W/w Mean On Medicines
egg oil - an alchemical transformation. Let's talk about Einstein
Yesterday, finally, I prepared the egg oil.
This is a recipe, centuries-old tradition derived from Japanese popular.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a Japanese doctor had become famous throughout the world for the amazing effects he achieved in the treatment of tuberculosis. Famous
to the point that was enough to direct a letter to Dr. TB, Japan, this was duly delivered.
One day, finally, he revealed the secret of his medicine: no secret, the recipe was her grandmother's oil for the preparation of an egg!
So today I want to talk at length and detail of this recipe, having repeatedly and several parts of the world occurred in the extreme effectiveness of this remedy to heal what's grandmother, has always been the most feared (and also the most widespread) disease, tuberculosis.
What follows is a chronicle, almost live, an alchemical transformation through the heat, I also tried to document photographically.
I did buy fifty eggs at the market near the village, because here, despite some micro hen house, a gift from a Japanese non-profit organization, preferring to let the hens free because, they said, they grow better, do not get sick and the meat is good (but also because , indoors, should be fed, and here everything is precious ...). So
the eggs are dispersed in the forest for the pleasure of snakes and other animals, which abound everywhere (you often find them at home).
Of the eggs I used only the red ones. The fifty clear were snapped between the neighbors: valuable and tasty food (and we'll throw in the sink ...).
I have served a very useful (and fragrant) oil stove, and a heavy aluminum pot, with the shape of " pot au feu ", that is rounded and a bit 'narrow at the top.
This pot is a direct descendant, in some ways, the crucible of the alchemist.
In it I paid the fifty red and I turned on the flame to medium heat.
The greatest care must be made to keep the heat moderate so all does not end up burning. We need therefore a bit 'patience, jackets preparation time is two or three hours, depending on the quantity of eggs.
The ladle (a tree branch), must never stand still. With this , manipulated in various ways, are mixed, grind and squeeze clots that are formed quickly.
This is the stage of "scrambled eggs" when the temperature exceeds 45 ° C, proteins begin to coagulate, joining the one to the other, through hydrogen bonds between the airport terminals NH amino acids and the COOH .
At this stage there is a slight change from G (protein dispersed in the aqueous phase), gel (water enclosed by plots of protein).
Other links are formed between the sulphydryl (SH ) of sulfur amino acids, abundantly present in the egg, facilitating the creation of a clot. These are groups that give the characteristic odor to rotten eggs.
mixing and grinding the bulk of the clot, the water dispersed in the gel begins to rid the form of steam.
This phase, in which they turn a beautiful yellow yolks - always darker brown egg and lasts a long time, over an hour.
Towards the end of this phase, when temperatures will reach the entire mass of 100 ° C, the residual water will boil, forming a vapor cloud of light, which will raise the remaining egg fragments, a first bubble, the vapor bubble.
Now the temperature can rise above 100 ° c, and d fragments' coagulated egg will begin to groan the first signs oil: cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids (including lecithin and others).
At this point, the flame goes down, not to cause frying oil that is being formed.
phase of mad flies. When the heat
has begun to release the first sulfhydryl residue , a smell, I started to hear buzzing flies.
In a short time, from the four corners of the world, thousands of flies, of all shapes, sizes and colors, they formed a real cloud, all around the pot, throwing like crazy to suck debris and micro spray leaked from the pot.
Among other things, in a few minutes, they did clean up waste left in the shells.
I had never seen anything like it: they were to feed and care for their illnesses ...
I understood to be on the right track ...
Meanwhile, the small blue cloud of steam, began to be replaced the first oil fumes, always darker.
The smell, the mixture of smells: sulfur, oil, oil begins to scorch, permeates everything, and a worthy stench of the last circle of hell will bind almost inextricably to all: T-shirt, hair, even sandals ... In comparison, a cigarette seems to look like a spring morning ...
Everything now begins to groan and hiss: "As a strain of green ch 'is burned by one of the sides, another from cries and moans, to smoke that goes away" (Dante, Inferno ).
further lower the heat, always stirring, while in the second bubble is formed, the boiling oil.
Residues solids tend to come together again in a second clot, more mellow, flowing, slightly glassy, \u200b\u200blike caramel.
oil begins to separate by mass.
facilitate the separation, by tilting a bit 'the pot and bring the gang in training on the one hand, leaving space for the oil bubble that forms.
Raising the maximum flame for half a minute and turn off everything. Pick up the spoon, solid mass will come off entirely, petrified in pure carbon.
Wait for everything to cool, then filter and decant into dark glass bottles with dropper.
is the oil of egg, everlasting, incorruptible, ready to heal even the most severe cases of tuberculosis ...
But we'll talk another day.
Yesterday, finally, I prepared the egg oil.
This is a recipe, centuries-old tradition derived from Japanese popular.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a Japanese doctor had become famous throughout the world for the amazing effects he achieved in the treatment of tuberculosis. Famous
to the point that was enough to direct a letter to Dr. TB, Japan, this was duly delivered.
One day, finally, he revealed the secret of his medicine: no secret, the recipe was her grandmother's oil for the preparation of an egg!
So today I want to talk at length and detail of this recipe, having repeatedly and several parts of the world occurred in the extreme effectiveness of this remedy to heal what's grandmother, has always been the most feared (and also the most widespread) disease, tuberculosis.
What follows is a chronicle, almost live, an alchemical transformation through the heat, I also tried to document photographically.
I did buy fifty eggs at the market near the village, because here, despite some micro hen house, a gift from a Japanese non-profit organization, preferring to let the hens free because, they said, they grow better, do not get sick and the meat is good (but also because , indoors, should be fed, and here everything is precious ...). So
the eggs are dispersed in the forest for the pleasure of snakes and other animals, which abound everywhere (you often find them at home).
Of the eggs I used only the red ones. The fifty clear were snapped between the neighbors: valuable and tasty food (and we'll throw in the sink ...).
I have served a very useful (and fragrant) oil stove, and a heavy aluminum pot, with the shape of " pot au feu ", that is rounded and a bit 'narrow at the top.
This pot is a direct descendant, in some ways, the crucible of the alchemist.
In it I paid the fifty red and I turned on the flame to medium heat.
The greatest care must be made to keep the heat moderate so all does not end up burning. We need therefore a bit 'patience, jackets preparation time is two or three hours, depending on the quantity of eggs.
The ladle (a tree branch), must never stand still. With this , manipulated in various ways, are mixed, grind and squeeze clots that are formed quickly.
This is the stage of "scrambled eggs" when the temperature exceeds 45 ° C, proteins begin to coagulate, joining the one to the other, through hydrogen bonds between the airport terminals NH amino acids and the COOH .
At this stage there is a slight change from G (protein dispersed in the aqueous phase), gel (water enclosed by plots of protein).
Other links are formed between the sulphydryl (SH ) of sulfur amino acids, abundantly present in the egg, facilitating the creation of a clot. These are groups that give the characteristic odor to rotten eggs.
mixing and grinding the bulk of the clot, the water dispersed in the gel begins to rid the form of steam.
This phase, in which they turn a beautiful yellow yolks - always darker brown egg and lasts a long time, over an hour.
Towards the end of this phase, when temperatures will reach the entire mass of 100 ° C, the residual water will boil, forming a vapor cloud of light, which will raise the remaining egg fragments, a first bubble, the vapor bubble.
Now the temperature can rise above 100 ° c, and d fragments' coagulated egg will begin to groan the first signs oil: cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids (including lecithin and others).
At this point, the flame goes down, not to cause frying oil that is being formed.
phase of mad flies. When the heat
has begun to release the first sulfhydryl residue , a smell, I started to hear buzzing flies.
In a short time, from the four corners of the world, thousands of flies, of all shapes, sizes and colors, they formed a real cloud, all around the pot, throwing like crazy to suck debris and micro spray leaked from the pot.
Among other things, in a few minutes, they did clean up waste left in the shells.
I had never seen anything like it: they were to feed and care for their illnesses ...
I understood to be on the right track ...
Meanwhile, the small blue cloud of steam, began to be replaced the first oil fumes, always darker.
The smell, the mixture of smells: sulfur, oil, oil begins to scorch, permeates everything, and a worthy stench of the last circle of hell will bind almost inextricably to all: T-shirt, hair, even sandals ... In comparison, a cigarette seems to look like a spring morning ...
Everything now begins to groan and hiss: "As a strain of green ch 'is burned by one of the sides, another from cries and moans, to smoke that goes away" (Dante, Inferno ).
further lower the heat, always stirring, while in the second bubble is formed, the boiling oil.
Residues solids tend to come together again in a second clot, more mellow, flowing, slightly glassy, \u200b\u200blike caramel.
oil begins to separate by mass.
facilitate the separation, by tilting a bit 'the pot and bring the gang in training on the one hand, leaving space for the oil bubble that forms.
Raising the maximum flame for half a minute and turn off everything. Pick up the spoon, solid mass will come off entirely, petrified in pure carbon.
Wait for everything to cool, then filter and decant into dark glass bottles with dropper.
is the oil of egg, everlasting, incorruptible, ready to heal even the most severe cases of tuberculosis ...
But we'll talk another day.
Friday, May 8, 2009
How To Produce Electro
In these torrid African nights, tormented by the sweat that never ceases and the bites of mosquitoes, nuisance and potentially dangerous (it is impossible to avoid, but anyway I artemisia), I get up very early, in the heart of night, and read.
I brought with me a single book: "How I see the world - The theory of relativity" by Albert Einstein, Newton Compton, 2006.
I can not hide the tremendous admiration and sympathy I feel for this great character, not only in science but also on the human.
drew him, as a value to that of other great figures in history: Socrates, Leonardo, Giordano Bruno, Schopenhauer, to name a few.
In his youth he was troubled by economic suffering, misunderstanding and isolation imposed by the company at the time.
Perhaps because of this he decided to devote his whole life in search of truth, beauty and justice (these are his words).
Almost anyone, even today, he really understood, not only as regards the theory of relativity, but also for the latest, brilliant insights, still refused, despite scientific evidence. In particular, the theory of wave field and that of the fifth universal repulsive force, now well established, but deliberately ignored, because too inconvenient ... (science is not always neutral and objective). The current
current "winner" of theoretical physics is headed Bohr and his Copenhagen school , and product, limited to Italy, such as physical Fermi and Rubbia . This same current
came to humiliate the genius of Einstein, in his later years, forcing it to semi of unsound mind and forcing him to retract his big, breaking insights, which I mentioned earlier.
Unfortunately, that same school has produced, among other things, the atomic bomb (A and H) and nuclear power plants.
Returning to Einstein, and I quote her comment that documents the high human and moral values: "The true measure of a man is determined by examining to what extent and in what sense he has come to get rid of 'I'.
However, I can not pull over to such figures as Einstein Buddha, Jesus or Gandi .
Perhaps his biggest mistake, which then had to suffer for the rest of his life, was to push the President Rooswelt , with the full force of his authority to release the enormous economic funds to build, first Hitler's most terrible weapons of mass destruction: the atomic bomb. That same
that in 1945, destroying hundreds of thousands of lives (even today continue to die) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II.
At the same time, however, he also begins the era of materialism consumerist, greedy and selfish that characterized, albeit in a different way, the Marxist and capitalist world, and today, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, continued to conduct, alas, the historical moment in which we live ...
I think that the evil one can not fight and defeat the evil itself, but Einstein, although for understandable reasons, was desperately distressed by the idea that Hitler could win the war and conquer the world ...
Shortly before his death he wrote a very high moral testament against war. After his death
Bertrand Russel gave it to those to whom it was intended: the mighty of the earth and the most important scientific circles. But unfortunately
is know, these people, even if they listen, they never put into practice these tips ...
For this reason, I think, Jesus gave his message to the pure in heart and poor in spirit, and testified Gandi , shot to death, his practical philosophy, based on non-violence.
Nonostante questo, tuttavia, Eistei n sarà a lungo ricordato come uno dei più grandi geni della recente storia della'umanità.
E giustamente.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Elmo Rhyming Invitations
News from
Sono ritornato in Africa, nel villaggio di T., anche se con qualche piccola difficoltà di percorso.
Voglio rassicurare tutti gli amici che seguono il blog: sto bene, e così pure l'artemisia che avevo piantato il mese scorso.
L'ho trapiantata, ed ora una decina di piantine sono la nuova sfida alla malaria e la nuova, piccola speranza per il futuro.
Non sta per niente bene, invece, la cavalletta, quella che ogni notte distruggeva i nuovi germogli d'artemisia.
Having completed its growth cycle, is dead as a doornail at the foot of Artemisia, and so I photographed ...
Ah, grasshopper, grasshopper, you who innocently every night, you eat the hopes of Africans, perhaps you'll never know how many two-legged locusts, perhaps out of jealousy or envy, or perhaps only for greed, they do the same What!
few days still prepare the egg oil to treat tuberculosis.
I saw the man who three weeks ago he was dying.
Within days, thanks to olive egg, has regained energy, appetite and strength.
He began to live, move, work ... and smile as you can see that into the picture.
Even the children at risk of dying from malaria after treatment with artemisia and transfusion of blood from his father, has healed completely.
I feel a little 'more calm and serene.
Against the dark sky, the first glimmers of dawn design the profile of distant hills, wrapped in a light fog.
A new day is about to begin, as every day, always and as always ...
The dawn of a new African morning, as old as the mountains, like the young new shoots of Artemisia, erupted in the middle of the night, drawing the background of clear sky, geometric patterns of palm shrouded in silence, to meet the light.
Good day to all
About the epidemic of influenza A H1N1, I inform you that the green soybean has already proved effective in eradicating the disease (see the blog soy).
the alarm, however, only serves to further depress the immune system.
On the other hand, because the disease is not as dangerous, is already a back seat, in the media.
The vaccine will be ready in months, when everything is already forgotten, and the virus, perhaps, no longer the same ...
Sono ritornato in Africa, nel villaggio di T., anche se con qualche piccola difficoltà di percorso.
Voglio rassicurare tutti gli amici che seguono il blog: sto bene, e così pure l'artemisia che avevo piantato il mese scorso.
L'ho trapiantata, ed ora una decina di piantine sono la nuova sfida alla malaria e la nuova, piccola speranza per il futuro.
Non sta per niente bene, invece, la cavalletta, quella che ogni notte distruggeva i nuovi germogli d'artemisia.
Having completed its growth cycle, is dead as a doornail at the foot of Artemisia, and so I photographed ...
Ah, grasshopper, grasshopper, you who innocently every night, you eat the hopes of Africans, perhaps you'll never know how many two-legged locusts, perhaps out of jealousy or envy, or perhaps only for greed, they do the same What!
few days still prepare the egg oil to treat tuberculosis.
I saw the man who three weeks ago he was dying.
Within days, thanks to olive egg, has regained energy, appetite and strength.
He began to live, move, work ... and smile as you can see that into the picture.
Even the children at risk of dying from malaria after treatment with artemisia and transfusion of blood from his father, has healed completely.
I feel a little 'more calm and serene.
Against the dark sky, the first glimmers of dawn design the profile of distant hills, wrapped in a light fog.
A new day is about to begin, as every day, always and as always ...
The dawn of a new African morning, as old as the mountains, like the young new shoots of Artemisia, erupted in the middle of the night, drawing the background of clear sky, geometric patterns of palm shrouded in silence, to meet the light.
Good day to all
About the epidemic of influenza A H1N1, I inform you that the green soybean has already proved effective in eradicating the disease (see the blog soy).
the alarm, however, only serves to further depress the immune system.
On the other hand, because the disease is not as dangerous, is already a back seat, in the media.
The vaccine will be ready in months, when everything is already forgotten, and the virus, perhaps, no longer the same ...
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