Thursday, May 21, 2009

French Wedding Congratulation Card

Religion Religion Religion

am not at all synonymous, and not even comparable. Religion comes from the Latin
religere , ie collect formulas and rituals.
As you can see, we're already on a plane outward, though in itself not negative.
Religion is from the late Latin religiositas , with a meaning already released from the previous year, reported the inner plane and subjective research of absolute and eternal values.
For many enlightened minds, is synonymous search for truth.
Einstein said that, in all ages, many atheists, rejecting the partial figure of a god, made in the image of human failings, were and are true seekers of God as truth.
Religion leaves no doubt: this refers to differences in the dogmatic, theological, ritual and external, imposed by the successors of the great enlightened human spirit ( Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed , to name only in chronological order best known), which produced, in order, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, in their various sects ...
I do not want to comment on this level, I think, beyond the outer form, are equal tutte, nel loro senso originario più profondo.
Gandi , il più grande profeta dei tempi moderni (ed il più frainteso, odiato e deriso, al di là delle dichiarazioni ufficiali e della retorica celebrativa), ha detto cose molto illuminanti su questo argomento.
Ai vari missionari cristiani di tutte le sette, che pullulavano ( e pullulano) in India, i quali, facendogli notare la vicinanza del suo insegnamento a quello di Gesù, gli chiedevano di convertirsi al cristianesimo, rispose, con profondo rispetto: potrei farlo nel momento in cui, questi amici, mi dimostrassero, con il loro comportamento, di mettere in pratica il Suo insegnamento...
Preferisco, nell'attesa rimanere Hindu faithful to my home and try to follow in my daily practice the 'essence of Indian sacred texts, especially the Githa , the Riga and Uphanishad.

Jesus founded a religion based on love alone, but was misunderstood ... Thus, even with special characters for each, they also Mahavira, Buddha and Muhammed.

omit any consideration of their current religion, their recent history and the old ... each face itself, in the depths of his conscience: it is not so important.
What matters in choosing a good teaching, is to try to put it into practice, in daily life, following the basic principles.
remember only two sentences from the Bible: "Do not build temples, if not in your heart" and "There are those who say Lord, Lord, but who does the will of my Father who is in heaven ...". A

Lomé, the capital of one of the poorest countries in the world, while the People's Assembly building is less decent of a stable model, such as Bavaria, there is a building so large, lavish, futuristic as I have not seen in Italy, not even in Milan (Milan, and is not Lomé !).
You understand it is a bank ...
Here they are the real and unique cathedrals of the modern era, templi di quell'unico dio ormai da (quasi) tutti adorato, ricercato, invocato, fino alla più sfrenata idolatria.
Speriamo che nel suo nome, non si compia in pratica, quella unità di tutti i credenti di tutte le religioni, così a lungo-ed inutilmente- invocata, predicata e retoricamente proposta dai grandi capi religiosi, specie nella nostra attuale "aurea Aetas ".


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