Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spectrobes Origins Tote Garda

Depression: The evil man - a

This is one of the last items you publish on this blog.
Provided someone does not ask me something specific about your condition, use the email address found next to the name.
E 'duty to an article based on personal and professional, which sends a message hope and faith in itself.
But what I'm about to say will be in many ways shocking also a source of confusion, misunderstanding and, perhaps, rejection and anger .

from depression, there is no cure, much less , we can be cured: just goes out, recognizing that everything and everyone are already helping and supporting us in this direction, and that the last step only touches us themselves.
I said deliberately evil, and not the disease, and evil man, not humanity, since there are many who are depressed, depression, and depression itself is not an entity nosographic, nor a hereditary fate, or infection, nor a meteoropathy, disease or wear, or a disease or socio-economic deficit or excess, although sometimes it seemed so.

Another common misconception is to call everything depression, the depression is only true, as it were, the vestibule, the outline, the main road that leads there.
Many often come to believe of being depressed, whereas only in a kind of limbo, all in all comfortable and livable " without shame and without award", to quote again the words of the great Dante.

Infatti, tutti coloro che ancora riescono ad arrabbiarsi , a far colpa agli altri, a mettersi in dipendenza dagli altri con raffinata e sottile " ars vivendi" (o barcamenandi ...), sono ancora fermi ai primi gradini della depressione o, per così dire, non ne hanno ancora varcato l'Ade, l'Acheronte o, quantomeno, lo Stige

Il depresso "vero", infatti, non sa arrabbiarsi con nessuno, fare colpa ad altri, condividere il proprio quotidiano con qualcuno che lo protegga ed assista. All this still requires a good energy boost, which he no longer has. Sa
only to blame himself, and angry only himself and his own life and does not tolerate the presence of others: in fact, try too ashamed of their condition.
Many of those who pretend to be suffering from serious depression at this point, you will already angry for what, by a deliberate provocation, I'm writing: do not worry, their case, after all, is not so bad !

The rest are things known and common enough to most people, though with different individual characteristics case.
fatigue for all: to perform the common actions of daily , washing, dressing, going out, talk, listen, store, feel your body, work, etc..
But even more, make choices, even easier, make decisions and take responsibility
at any level, although expressing minimum force of will. The depressed
is a bent twig at the slightest breeze.
We are especially skilled people, even at an unconscious level, in taking possession of the depressed and submit to their will or to his whim.
All and all, for the depressed, have the same power of a cult, and many of them take advantage. In particular
healers magicians, fortune tellers, groups pseudo spiritual, but also doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists low professional profile, especially those who, unable to heal themselves, dare to heal others, becoming a guide.
In fact, all of them, they end up creating a more or less calculated dependence, sometimes as long as the very life of the depressed, which is the surest way to survive as depressed, but not to heal ...
Everything I know, it may seem (and is) very hard, but take note of reality is the first step to save himself.

The greatest evil, however, is another.
E 'loss of affectivity, l'incapacità di provar gioia o dolore per ciò che ci circonda, di lacrimare e sorridere; é il deserto dell'amore, della compartecipazione, della pietas una parola, l'indifferenza.
Avete presente il cactus nel deserto, che sopravvive secco, spinoso, indifferente, ai decenni di siccità: tale è la vita del depresso...
Eppure, bastano quattro gocce di pioggia per farlo "riviver tutto e tutto rifiorire", riaprirlo quasi alla gioia di vivere, rivestirlo di colori (quanto nero e viola, oggi, nel mondo, e non è per moda: la moda studia solo le tendenze di fondo dell'animo umano, facendosene interprete a proprio vantaggio commerciale...).

Di che dobbiamo aver paura?
If Mother Nature sends, sometimes, four drops of rain even on the most arid deserts, which are enough to make them flourish, we must realize that sometimes it takes very sincere four tears, not paid on itself, but for someone else to do the same with their lives.
But we'll talk tomorrow ...


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