Pakistan - Afghanistan: memories from the front
This morning I drank the first cup of coffee along with Ahmed, a Pakistani who lives by selling necklaces on Italian beaches.
Smoking a cigarette together, he said that his country, now in full civil war, is dying of hunger ...
The Pakistani government, to secure American economic aid, has embarked on a civil war in the north, an area always under control of Al Qaeda , a stronghold of Pakistani supporters of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
desperate war that threatens to spread throughout the country and already considered lost more ...
Pakistan is situated between two fronts: to the east as India to the issue of Kashmir for over sixty years' struggle between the two countries, and west to Afghanistan, with the interposition of the so-called " tribal area," Pakistan formally, in reality no man's land, controlled by the warlords and the ethnic Pashtun Has always been at war with each other and against any attempt external submission.
smuggling of weapons and drugs are the fundamental economic basis, to ensure that those people a kind of perpetual invincibility, along with a fierce warlike character, independent of everything and everyone. And that since the time of Alexander the Great ... But back to
Ahmed. His name made me think of come to Ahmed Shah Massoud , hero of the independence of Afghanistan from the Russians, almost legendary myth of courage, love for your country, ideological moderation and personal morality: it is not took bribe from anyone.
was killed in an attack suicide, two Arabic (Tunisian, naturalized Belgians), September 9, 2001, two days before the attack on the Twin Towers.
was fighting, illegally yet another personal battle against the onslaught of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the valley of Panshjir from their workers.
But it was also clearly spoke out against the rampant corruption and growing dependence on U.S. government Karzai, recently formed, beginning, perhaps, to annoy them both.
He dreamed of a country free from outside interference, moderate and tolerant, morally immune from corruption, with an economy no longer dependent on opium market. L ' Afghanistan, in fact, is still the first manufacturer in the world.
few days before his death, he informed the UN of an imminent attack on American soil, and another to kill him, but was not heard nor protected. The same
Karzai, with considerable political cynicism, he was appointed, then, a national hero and has erected a mausoleum overlooking the valley of Panshjir.
Massoud, if it could talk, surely reject both.
proposed for posthumous Nobel Prize for peace, as Gandi , so far none has been received as at that time, the same Gandi ...
From Alexander the Great, the Russians, Americans, the Taliban, Bin to Laden and Al Qaeda : why so much interest in a poor country, without any special resources?
Its importance, enormous, is strategic.
And 'in fact, always been the crossroads between east and west, and between north and south, all the economic interests of the world, although with different specific characteristics over time.
Think of the oil and gas in Siberia, which should go there to be traded profitably .
Just as the "lion" Massoud was able to free the country from the yoke of Soviet imperialism, old and new, probably would be able to do the same with the Taliban, il corrotto regime attuale e l'espansione, sempre maggiore dopo l'undici settembre, dell'ingerenza americana (ed europea, Italia inclusa), in Afganistan .
Sicuramente, nella sua morte, ha giocato un ruolo determinante una eterogenea "convergenza d'interessi", non nuova alla storia del mondo, antica e recente...
Ora gli americani, sul punto d'abbandonare l' Irak al suo destino, sotto l'egida dell' Onu e con il concorso di molti altri, stanno per aumentare il loro ( e nostro) coinvolgimento in Afganistan .
Gli interessi in gioco sono infatti troppo grossi, e lo scudo ideologico (lotta al terrorismo islamico), è molto ben radicato world public opinion, as well as realistically credible and convincing.
But the warlords never moves for reasons ideals, if there were not even half of the range of strategic and economic supremacy, in this case, planetary. The September 11
then nearly erased the memory of Massoud , of \u200b\u200bwhich today no longer speak.
Three months after his death and the American intervention, I was in Peshawar, Pakistan, with a group of 'Italians.
I saw what was there left to see: the model field and well outfitted Sham s Hatù , but not the fields, to the west, where, not to die of hunger, ate grass meadows.
And I saw the biblical exodus of Afghans, fleeing from the bombing of the Americans. Millions of refugees from Pakistan who had officially rejected, although in vain, closed borders, they are already present on its territory more than six million refugees, old and new ...
I saw in tents placed on the bare mud, orphaned children, miraculously escaped from the rubble of Kabul, arrived there after five hundred miles of escape on foot. Supported
only by the mercy of other refugees.
Every night, some of the newcomers were dying of cold. You can die of cold, the lack of a blanket, in Pakistan, in December, when, two months later, one will die of heat already.
Any attempt to give something to those poor, resulting in a sort of revolt among thousands of people to grab a sweater, a blanket, a pair of socks ...
After doing some therapy with bare hands and bare ground within, say so ... preferred (but we were the only ones privileged, with passport and plane ticket in his pocket), I tried to solve, somehow, the problem of how to leave them something, without causing riots.
So as darkness fell, the bus that brought us back to the comfortable hotel rooms, I have thrown out the window, a little 'time, what was sweaters, warm clothes, even shoes on his feet, soon imitated by some other fellow travelers ...
As you can see, between wanting to help and create problems, the distance is short, yet something, however, you can try to do.
Today, millions of new refugees, this time Pakistanis are fleeing from Pakistan, burnt down by the new, yet another war, Pakistan to a more secure, but who knows how long.
For many of us here in the West, none of this is that a tragic event, among many in the world, worth more than a distracted look of the chair in front of the telly .
But who was there, even though eight years have passed, forget or turn your head, believe me, it's really impossible.
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