Detta anche tisi (dal greco ftysis , consunzione), scientificamente tubercolosi, per i caratteristici noduli che ne costituiscono la base anatomo - patologica, é da sempre il male più temuto, che suscita orrore e vergogna, paura ed umiliazione, vituperio e desolazione.
Associata alla miseria ed ai vizi, anzi, agli stravizi, specie quelli legati al sesso , alla masturbazione, alla prostituzione, alla lussuria, ma anche al sovraffollamento, alla promiscuità, all'aria viziata delle case più malsane e povere, eccolo il male che simboleggia tutti i mali dell'umanità, dai suoi albori ai nostri giorni.
E' superata, nella cattiva reputazione, solo dalla peste, che però hit and run (while TB can last decades) and leprosy, caused by mycobacteria, such as TB, but it has very low infectivity, at least in advanced stages of disease.
Almost all are infected, but relatively few if they get sick. It
die each year about two million, more than AIDS, but less than for the hunger and the diseases of affluence: atherosclerosis, stroke and diabetes.
L 'acronym, TB, shows that the name itself, tuberculosis or, more modernly, tuberculosis, is a taboo ...

Then came the great Pasteur, to demonstrate the microbial origin of many diseases, and Koch (in the drawing), which identified the mycobacteria in sputum of patients. The same
Koch also discovered the cholera bacillus.
Both are Nobel laureates in medicine.
infinite works in the literature to have a protagonist the disease itself.
Among all, just mention "The Lady of the Camellias" by Dumas , which Verdi set to music admirably as significant, of La Traviata.
A bit 'to play down, let me digress a little. The first of
Traviata at La Fenice in Venice, with the presence of Verdi, was a resounding flop, you want the topic rude, want because the leading soprano was, according to the fashion of the time, rather ... robust, ruddy and compact, inspiring laughter, cackling and whistles at the time of the tragic end to "consumption".
Verdi, in a stormy night, he returned to coach at Villa Condulmer at Mogliano , where he was a guest. For
fury of fate, the coach, under a deluge, overturned in a ditch ...
At the same villa, now "Hotel de charme" is still visible on the plane on which he composed some pieces of his work, which became a success universal.
But back to TB. The bacterium that causes is characterized by having a membrane structure is very resistant to withhold the staining (method Ziello - Nillsen ) even after washing with absolute alcohol and sulfuric acid, of being insensitive to common antibiotics and to be highly contagious, even at concentrations of minimum environmental standards.
also is spread by droplets of saliva that emit breathing and speaking.
Fortunately for us immune, even though she was (almost) all infected, 90-95% infection unscathed.
In poorer countries, however, for many reasons, the morbidity is much more high. P-Aminosalicylic Acid
, acid hydrazide isonicotinico , streptomycin, ethambutol , rifampicin and pyrazinamide are the drugs most known and used in therapy.
Many, we are no longer used, because extremely toxic, for example . streptomycin, which almost always results in deafness and damage to the liver and kidneys (but equally other toxic).
In Africa, however, the low cost, are still very much used. The cure is
(one case), completely free, but lasts for years, dispensaries are often very distant, there is no money to pay for gasoline, information is lacking, and the shame does the rest ... Add
that, currently, there are emerging strains extremely virulent and insensitive to all known drugs, even in multiple associations, and the picture is complete.
egg oil, of which I spoke at length in the previous article, has proven almost shocking effective in all cases, until the terminal stages ...
Well known in Japan, where he was born, sold in pharmacies and well-studied at the university level, immediately after the Hiroshima bomb and Nagasaghi , the same fate as many other noble and good traditions in Japan: the oblivion and no official recognition, even to cover the interests of multi national drug.
Many other natural products are now being studied, because the disease, either by the multi-resistance, do you want for the new ultra-virulent strains, is creating panic in the scientific community, but the prejudices, especially when they cover an enormous interest die hard.
I left the village, in Togo, a supply of oil enough egg to try to treat all cases of TB, even in villages and for many years.
I hope the cooperation of my friends there, even because maybe I will not be in Togo.
I want to bring the same product in other countries, and learn the use of new remedies, natural and effective.
not boast any personal merit, I have no expectations of any kind, other than the health of sick people ...
I just want to thank and bless that doctor, dead for many years and his grandmother, real humble benefactors of humanity.
But for them and those like them, there will never be any Nobel, only one of his own conscience. Thanks
Africa, thanks for everything and everyone, see you soon in some other memorable, wonderful and terrible country!
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