Yesterday, finally, I prepared the egg oil.
This is a recipe, centuries-old tradition derived from Japanese popular.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a Japanese doctor had become famous throughout the world for the amazing effects he achieved in the treatment of tuberculosis. Famous
to the point that was enough to direct a letter to Dr. TB, Japan, this was duly delivered.
One day, finally, he revealed the secret of his medicine: no secret, the recipe was her grandmother's oil for the preparation of an egg!
So today I want to talk at length and detail of this recipe, having repeatedly and several parts of the world occurred in the extreme effectiveness of this remedy to heal what's grandmother, has always been the most feared (and also the most widespread) disease, tuberculosis.
What follows is a chronicle, almost live, an alchemical transformation through the heat, I also tried to document photographically.

the eggs are dispersed in the forest for the pleasure of snakes and other animals, which abound everywhere (you often find them at home).

I have served a very useful (and fragrant) oil stove, and a heavy aluminum pot, with the shape of " pot au feu ", that is rounded and a bit 'narrow at the top.
This pot is a direct descendant, in some ways, the crucible of the alchemist.
In it I paid the fifty red and I turned on the flame to medium heat.

The ladle (a tree branch), must never stand still. With this , manipulated in various ways, are mixed, grind and squeeze clots that are formed quickly.
This is the stage of "scrambled eggs" when the temperature exceeds 45 ° C, proteins begin to coagulate, joining the one to the other, through hydrogen bonds between the airport terminals NH amino acids and the COOH .
At this stage there is a slight change from G (protein dispersed in the aqueous phase), gel (water enclosed by plots of protein).
Other links are formed between the sulphydryl (SH ) of sulfur amino acids, abundantly present in the egg, facilitating the creation of a clot. These are groups that give the characteristic odor to rotten eggs.

This phase, in which they turn a beautiful yellow yolks - always darker brown egg and lasts a long time, over an hour.
Towards the end of this phase, when temperatures will reach the entire mass of 100 ° C, the residual water will boil, forming a vapor cloud of light, which will raise the remaining egg fragments, a first bubble, the vapor bubble.
Now the temperature can rise above 100 ° c, and d fragments' coagulated egg will begin to groan the first signs oil: cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids (including lecithin and others).
At this point, the flame goes down, not to cause frying oil that is being formed.

has begun to release the first sulfhydryl residue , a smell, I started to hear buzzing flies.
In a short time, from the four corners of the world, thousands of flies, of all shapes, sizes and colors, they formed a real cloud, all around the pot, throwing like crazy to suck debris and micro spray leaked from the pot.
Among other things, in a few minutes, they did clean up waste left in the shells.
I had never seen anything like it: they were to feed and care for their illnesses ...
I understood to be on the right track ...
Meanwhile, the small blue cloud of steam, began to be replaced the first oil fumes, always darker.
The smell, the mixture of smells: sulfur, oil, oil begins to scorch, permeates everything, and a worthy stench of the last circle of hell will bind almost inextricably to all: T-shirt, hair, even sandals ... In comparison, a cigarette seems to look like a spring morning ...
Everything now begins to groan and hiss: "As a strain of green ch 'is burned by one of the sides, another from cries and moans, to smoke that goes away" (Dante, Inferno ).
further lower the heat, always stirring, while in the second bubble is formed, the boiling oil.
Residues solids tend to come together again in a second clot, more mellow, flowing, slightly glassy, \u200b\u200blike caramel.
oil begins to separate by mass.
facilitate the separation, by tilting a bit 'the pot and bring the gang in training on the one hand, leaving space for the oil bubble that forms.
Raising the maximum flame for half a minute and turn off everything. Pick up the spoon, solid mass will come off entirely, petrified in pure carbon.

Wait for everything to cool, then filter and decant into dark glass bottles with dropper.

is the oil of egg, everlasting, incorruptible, ready to heal even the most severe cases of tuberculosis ...

But we'll talk another day.
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