Depression - 2 causes
Of cause there are so many stories as there are human beings, from the mundane to the most noble and profound.
One of the greatest people in human history, Gandi, fell into terrible depressions in the last years of his life, to the chagrin (and the assumption of moral responsibility) in the face of mutual massacres between Hindus e Mussulmani, dopo la conquista dell'indipendenza dell' India dagli Inglesi. Gandi aveva un grandissimo livello di coscienza etica.
Ne uscì ogni volta rinnovando e profondendo il proprio impegno verso gli altri.
Sempre in India, qualche decennio dopo, un'altra anima nobile, Madre Teresa, patì crisi depressive così gravi (e così mal capite ), da essere sottoposta , specie nell'ultimo anno di vita, ad alcuni interventi d'esorcismo...
Nel suo caso, probabilmente, oltre a motivi morali, ebbero una non trascurabile importanza la condizione fisica (un grave scompenso di cuore, con ripetuti interventi di by- pass coronarico) e la condizione tossica secondaria ad un vero e proprio bombardamento farmacologico, cui era quotidianamente sottoposta.
Molti dei più grandi spiriti dell'umanità conobbero la sofferenza della depressione, anche a più riprese, nella loro vita.
Per tutti questi casi, con le parole di Dante, sarebbe da dire " O dignitosa coscienza e netta, come t'é picciol fallo amaro morso!"
Nella vita di un uomo che abbia ancora una pur minima coscienza etica e morale, è impossibile non incorrere in episodi depressivi.
Il depresso vero, come ho già detto, fa colpa a se stesso di quello che non riesce ad accettare.
La maggior parte degli uomini, invece, di fronte something unpleasant, it simply blame others. But this road, though widely practiced, and (by some psychotherapists), it is a way out: just a step backwards ...
Who has not experienced episodes of depression, even small (but I think they are few), he probably killed all of his conscience or gave up looking for ethical values: they live only to satisfy their basic instinctual needs.
depressive Not all situations, however, have a root ethics, shall we say, noble.
Often the reasons, at least as apparent, are frivolous or trivial: how many, for example, have come to commit suicide over the loss of a football game!
Allora, qual é, se c'é, la causa prima comune a tutte le depressioni?
Anche se la scienza medica ufficiale parla di tre tipi di cause: endogene, esogene e miste, sono convinto che bisogna ricercare una causa iniziale comune a tutte e tre, per non finire in separazioni che finiscono, quasi inevitabilmente, per far colpa o agli altri, o alla vita stessa od al carma personale.
Altrimenti non esisterebbero vie d'uscita percorribili e praticabili fino in fondo.
Per esperienza anche personale e dopo lunghe riflessioni, sono convinto che, sempre, alla base, vi sia il rifiuto di qualcosa che è successo ( o che abbiamo fatto, ed é comunque successo), nella nostra vita.
In questo rifiuto, that the experts call the conflict, and that in most cases is related to the loss of something or someone, is consumed, often in a very short time, our share of "spendable" physical energy, mental and moral.
In fact, at the level of vital force, the reserve was virtually infinite, but no longer know how to draw.
It 's a bit like the case of failure, that even with substantial economic resources, is desperate to have spent the last penny of' argent de poche "in his pocket ...
We can not stubbornly refuse something that was sent out of life, without going into crisis.
If this rejection of reality is not, nor recognized or resolved, the suffering of life can become so unbearable that make us want (and unfortunately implement), it quits.
But, please, before you do, ask whether it's worth it: because commit to do something that eventually happens by itself?
So, from life, so far, no one is left alive (and no one has ever lived)!
And then, let's not attach too much importance: our suffering, after all, is neither the only nor the most important on earth, even if it seems to us like that!
A glimmer of irony (and self-irony), it can often save a life. A
life, whatever we have committed, or has happened to us, always has a good reason, an intrinsic right to redeem and be worth living.
The boat ferries ever suffering a single person at a time. In the sea of \u200b\u200bsuffering is not never sail "in little boat, but on a huge ocean liner!
No human being, with a minimum of sanity, can ever hope to leave out of his life suffering or be an animal, or mad!
sadness, but it's a personal option, a choice not necessary nor inevitable: a practical standpoint, his spare time, though never completely useless!
In any case, it is still at experience ... we used scis! (If you know to use).
The acceptance of this fact, the inevitability of suffering, is already the first step, and most importantly, to get out of that tunnel, that seems endless and without the side streets to escape, that we call depression.
If we look closely, the suffering is the real fuel of life, what makes us move forward as human beings. There is suffering for its own sake ...
The other key step is to realize that there are faults, either personally or others, but the causes and effects, involving accountability and the implementation of actions which, in the field of our actual capacity, to be able to get out.
We must learn to forgive ourselves first, then everyone else.
No one else can do it for us or for us ...
True confession can not be made to another, but to ourselves, and we must give the last absolution there with us, fixing our mistakes!
But we, and others, speak next time.
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