Depression - 3 Not by bread alone ... De
Man does not live by bread alone. The
Jesus said, but perhaps not everyone knows it. The heart, in fact, needs its own specific nutrition.
Today, perhaps more than ever, the first victims of depression, all over the world are children.
Unique in the animal world, baby, just born, he already knows and tries to smile as much as possible, immediately, immediately after the first cry, used to make him live on this planet "blue", although "Heavenly."
He does by instinct, even if it is an instinct merely "human." He does
to be accepted, per manifestare una profonda, anche se ancora inconscia, gioia di vivere.
Ma anche per invitarci a fare altrettanto.
Senza il nostro sorriso, il nostro calore, il nostro contatto, infatti, il bambino non riuscirà a sopravvivere.
Due studenti universitari americani, un ragazzo ed una ragazza che condividevano un appartamento per motivi di studio, decisero di fare un figlio.
Il bimbo venne al mondo e, per qualche settimana, fu il polo d'attrazione dei due giovani genitori.
Ma era solo un passeggero interesse. Il bambino, per loro, era solo poco più di un giocattolo.
Dopo un po' finirono per tornare alla loro vita di sempre, dimenticandosi quasi del tutto del bambino.
Abbandonato a se stesso, left dirty for long periods alone in the house, received almost the only food necessary to do otherwise starve.
Three months weighed less at birth, could not lift his head and he was practically dying.
hospitalized in a pediatric clinic, thanks to the intervention of a social worker, had the good fortune, we could call it fate, be taken care of by a "real" doctor.
The pediatrician, brilliant and rich human experience, made a decision that proved pivotal to save the child.
not the shelter, in fact, in a small room in the ward, but in a hallway where everyone, doctors, staff and visitors, passing the time. Above
his bed he put a sign. "My name is Mikael , if you call me by name and take me in your arms, you make me happy ..."
After three months she had regained weight and motor skills "normal" and, especially, the urge to smile and live.
In our world of privileged rich kids have lost the smile: you can see when we go around, or go to a poor country, to realize.
There, in fact, everyone - or almost - they smile, we almost anyone.
Maybe in Italy things are a bit 'better, even if we have the lowest birth rate in the world.
not smile because adults, starting with parents, smiling troppo poco, per non dire nulla.
Andando per strada, impegnatevi a sorridere se incontrate un bambino: verrete sempre ricompensati con lo spettacolo più bello della natura: il meraviglioso sorriso d'un bambino!
Se siete (o fate) i depressi, cominciate da questo, sorridete ai bambini, a tutti i bambini che incontrate e provate a farlo sempre.
Vi garantisco, anche per esperienza personale, che sarà il primo passo, forse il più importante, per uscire dalla depressione.
I bambini, come dicevo, oggi soffrono sempre più di depressione, ma sono vittime innocenti della mancanza di vero calore umano, dei loro genitori e degli adulti in generale.
L'adulto depresso, qualunque sia la causa, instead, in the end, only a victim of himself, since experience and (self-) education should at least teach them how to get out, not only as caderci ...
To exit the depression, whatever it is, we must strive to do something.
only receive medication and psychotherapy treatments, even if it helps, I can not can never be enough.
Based on what I told you, we begin to realize that if we are alive, it means that, as children, we have received from our parents' food, both the body and heart, which is necessary for us to live.
Although there have forgotten about and if it suits us to believe otherwise.
An essential practical to help us feel good, is as follows.
Sitting in an upright position, after hearing the breath for a few minutes, let's see, not only to imagine seeing the faces of our parents.
each called by name, at least pause for a breath between one and another, and each time add "thank you".
Try it now possible, because , later, we will be overwhelmed by the habits and distractions of everyday life (starting from the results of elections , say something now), we will provide more than ample justification for continuing to not do anything to feel better, but continuing to pretendendere that others do ...
Smile and thank you are two basic steps to get out of depression, but not only ...
But we'll talk next time.
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