Depression - 5 The revenge of the body
The mood definitely affects the physical condition, so that it is claimed that every illness has a psychological origin. Instead is given little importance to the positive influence of physical exercise on mental condition.
In fact, it is very difficult to believe that you can get out of depression by using only the most damaged by it, the mind exactly.
This is not to belittle the work of psychotherapists and psychologists, certainly useful, important and tiring.
I'm just saying, if you take the contact and the use of the body, abstain from using a potential (self-) therapeutic unique and irreplaceable.
How many times, so severe in patients suffering from incurable seem, I had to engage, physically, they and myself, the sweat, because irrompesse a new prosperity, as spring breeze, in the cold and heat to the body red glow of the mind!
For those who are in almost total physical inactivity for years, with minimal metabolism and a mental torment without end, a relaxing therapy alone does nothing but poison it even more.
suggest instead, who is a therapist, the following practice.
With the patient lying on the ground (and not on a bed!), Place your right hand, open the abdomen, just below the navel, and let it move in every possible way against the strong, determined resistance of your hand .
Try to do so until the limits of the possible, not giving up, continuing to encourage a hands-free (even the style of "sergeant-to-train-recruits", if done rightly, with inner awareness and deep respect, it can - and sometimes must - be put into practice!).
Do not be afraid only of losing a customer: what matters is to save a patient and brought to salvation!
Eventually the patient will thank you, because will feel, finally, better ... and you too! It is in fact happening
the beginning of a profound change in the physical and mental condition, caused by development of the force between the abdomen and lower back, called in China, "Tan Tien" in Japan "Hara" in the West and "Belly "indispensable foundation for good health. The Master Oki
, after due consideration and practical experience may be unique in the world, repeatedly said: "I am convinced that all problems of modern man stem from the loss of the strength of the abdomen and lower back."
suggest to everyone in the practice of everyday life, whatever you're doing, to make and maintain at least a little 'commitment the abdomen and lower back strength.
For example, if an object falls to the ground, you have two ways to pick it up: angry because "fell", or try to bend to pick it up as best you can, by starting the movement from the belly!
Another simple exercise. used to positively change the mood, is the twist of the lower back.
Lie on the floor, supine, with arms outstretched, palms down, closed fist, thumb inside the fingers:
- breathe slowly, bringing the foot with the hammer and inflating the abdomen, lower back while pushing up
- holding the breath, bend one knee and rotate la gamba flessa dal lato opposto, fin dove vi è possibile e per il tempo che vi è possibile, con il massimo impegno dell'addome
- giunti al limite, espirate di colpo e riportate la gamba a terra, rilassando il corpo tutto nella frazione di un attimo.
- dopo un recupero in totale rilassamento, ripetere l'esercizio, tre o quattro ( o più volte, a piacere), per lato.
Fra le altre cose, questo esercizio serve a spremere dall'addome, insieme al sangue stagnante, anche grosse quantità di serotonina, il famoso mediatore del benessere che, guarda un po', è prodotto, al 90%, dalle cellule "entero cromaffini " dell'intestino, e solo per il 10% nel cervello...
Inoltre, il corpo diventerà caldo, la mente fresca e vi sentirete riposati, leggeri e rigenerati come non mai.
Voglio spendere due parole sull'uso dei farmaci nella depressione.
I più usati sono le benzodiazapine (i cosiddetti tranquillanti) ed i farmaci che aumentano la disponibilità della serotonina a livello delle giunzioni dei neuroni ( inibitori della ricaptazione pre sinaptica).
Se li state già utilizzando, rendetevi conto che, qualunque sia il prezzo che inevitabilmente ne pagate, lo state facendo per vostra scelta e perché avete la fortuna di vivere in un paese "ricco".
Anziché lamentarvene, ringraziate per the more opportunities you are getting, knowing that they are in any case, subrogated commitments which, for various reasons, did not have the strength or the will to take ...
Then, do at least something to feel better, as much as you allow it, if you wish, to reduce them gradually, to suspend them altogether if you decide that it is better to live life to its fullest ...
Since this step is very delicate because of the danger of withdrawal symptoms or relapse, let advice from experts in the field.
A good efficacy in improving mood, I found it in the nettles, which among other things, have many other positive effects (see the blog: 's time to ... nettles).
Instead, both St. John's wort that valerian, I have produced negative effects, of a toxic, rather strong.
Olive St. John's wort for outdoor use, however, is an excellent remedy for many problems (see Olive hypericum).
To balance by supplementing the physical effort by some of the exercises so far proposed, I suggest, finally, following the practice.
Sitting, standing, with lumbar support, listen with your eyes closed breathing for a few minutes, until becomes regular.
Breathe in and out with the nostrils, without forcing it, let alone rectify the breath, solo ascoltandolo.
Adesso, mentre inspirate lentamente, sillaba per sillaba, fate risuonare mentalmente la parola ARMONIA. (Qualunque altra parola positiva, LUCE VITA FELICITA', vanno comunque bene).
Espirando, immaginate che la vibrazione della parola si diffonda ad ogni cellula, scendendo per il cervelletto e lungo il midollo spinale...
Fatelo, per almeno cinque minuti, tutte le volte che volete.
Ho proposto molte pratiche, di vario tipo, su questo argomento ed anche in molti altri articoli su questo blog.
L'ho fatto per averne sperimentato l'efficacia numerosissime volte, su me stesso.
Spero che almeno uno possa fare al caso vostro.
La vita, nel suo insieme, con tutto quello che contiene, is too beautiful, precious, not only to try and do everything possible to live it fully and humanly ...
"Man finds happiness only when he can make the most of their work in the present, do something creative and useful not only for himself but also for someone else"
(M ° Masahiro Oki )
nice day.
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