smoke nihil nisi evil
smoke you can not say that bad!
I am allowed to paraphrase a well-known Latin proverb, which, instead saying: "de mortuis nihil nisi good" ...
My grandfather, good soul, if he should speak ill of the dead, for example: "This was a real stinker," he added, "Speak to live." So, for good luck, because with the dead can never know.
Similarly, it is said, joking with the soldiers (the living), and star leaves the saints (the dead).
of smoking, however, can not be said that all possible harm, and possibly even a little bit more.
The reasons are numerous scientific "arena almost quae est in breakers maris."
can not relate them all, even because the most important are among the few things known to all (well, means well, who is the last winner of Big Brother and the results of the football league, the remaining culture media of Italians). I
that giving public scandal, I preclude smoking, where do I put the same question, "as she is a doctor and smoke, why do it? "I can not give other answer than the following:" because I like ...".
I am even allowed in recent years, to make cycling a Tappone Dolomite (step Fedaia , Campolongo and Stelvio, so to speak), often with a lighted cigarette Up for the bends. Worse still, two years ago, I walked in one night, more than ninety miles, the pale red light cigarette .. . (now I sixty-five years).
That said, discourage all, peremptorily, to smoke.
recognize, and I say sincerely, that is a defect that causes dependence and may hurt.
I do not recommend particularly for those who ask me the big question above, and already, in most cases, would not be able to walk a mile without getting huff and puff ...
Rather, counsel to the detractors of smoke, every now and then to renew the repertoire, which is a bit dull and predictable ... to make them more sympathetic and persuasive. For example
, for a young lady at the counter of a motorway tobacco, put there against his will, perhaps for a miserable salary, and I suggested, politely, not to buy cigarettes, because hurt, "rather than buys a lottery ticket ...", I promptly and politely replied: "Dear Miss, I tried smoking lottery tickets, but they made me come a terrible cough and cost too dear ..."
He had to smile and believe me, today is not easy to smile a crusader dell'antifumo!
I instead went wrong with another tobacco shop (but I just can not find another job? Mala tempora currunt ...).
I said that I am allowed, without sarcasm, to thank him for giving me a package on which was written "smoking harms you and others around you", while almost everyone else went wrote "Smoking kills".
To which the gentleman in question, among other owner of the restaurant, I replied that for him the smokers potevano anche crepare tutti! (sic!). Forse, in cuor suo, si sarebbe accontentato di vender caramelle e gratta e vinci... Ma guarda un po', cosa ci tocca fare per vivere!
Dicevo, dunque, de fumo nihil nisi male, non però, in estensione, anche dei fumatori " im allgemeine oder alles zusamen ", prego...
Quante volte d'inverno, fuori di un ristorante, alla pioggia sferzante ed al vento gelido, mi sono acceso una sigaretta in compagnia di uno sventurato quanto occasionale sodale, mentre dentro, in sana allegria, persone ai limiti dell'infarto e ben oltre quelli dell'obesità grave, introducevano porzioni di cibo che, per quantità e qualità, avrebbero fatto morire d'indigestione anche una balena di medie dimensioni... (ma quanto non riescono a mangiare, oggi, gli Italiani!).
Oggi ci si lamenta che, statistiche alla mano, il numero dei fumatori in Italia stia aumentando.
Sarebbe il caso di riflettere su di una certa pubblicità anti fumo che produce un aumento dei fumatori...
Ma forse "hoc erat in votis ", era proprio questo che si voleva, perché, da noi, il primo beneficiato del fumo è lo Stato, oltre che le multinazionali..
Sarebbe bene ricordare che non si é mai bevuto così tanto, come durante il proibizionismo!
Why not say, too, that the scratch cards, slot machines (are swarming like mushrooms!), The lottery etc, have ruined millions of families ... Ah, the State, State gambler!
If we wanted to make a list of what hurts, it would end the most, butter, sugar, pesticides and chemical contaminants of food and so on.
In fact, there is nothing that is good or bad at all. It depends on how, even more than by how much.
ill with terminal cancer a few days before he died, he begged me to put away his wife with an excuse, well opened the windows together and asked me to smoke a cigarette ... So, without many words.
After he smoked, he told me, "is the latest and greatest pleasure I have left ... now I feel really good."
Sometimes, a cigarette can also do some 'good ...
(Article written in polite question on the subject)
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