Depression - 5 The revenge of the body
The mood definitely affects the physical condition, so that it is claimed that every illness has a psychological origin. Instead is given little importance to the positive influence of physical exercise on mental condition.
In fact, it is very difficult to believe that you can get out of depression by using only the most damaged by it, the mind exactly.
This is not to belittle the work of psychotherapists and psychologists, certainly useful, important and tiring.
I'm just saying, if you take the contact and the use of the body, abstain from using a potential (self-) therapeutic unique and irreplaceable.
How many times, so severe in patients suffering from incurable seem, I had to engage, physically, they and myself, the sweat, because irrompesse a new prosperity, as spring breeze, in the cold and heat to the body red glow of the mind!
For those who are in almost total physical inactivity for years, with minimal metabolism and a mental torment without end, a relaxing therapy alone does nothing but poison it even more.
suggest instead, who is a therapist, the following practice.
With the patient lying on the ground (and not on a bed!), Place your right hand, open the abdomen, just below the navel, and let it move in every possible way against the strong, determined resistance of your hand .
Try to do so until the limits of the possible, not giving up, continuing to encourage a hands-free (even the style of "sergeant-to-train-recruits", if done rightly, with inner awareness and deep respect, it can - and sometimes must - be put into practice!).
Do not be afraid only of losing a customer: what matters is to save a patient and brought to salvation!
Eventually the patient will thank you, because will feel, finally, better ... and you too! It is in fact happening
the beginning of a profound change in the physical and mental condition, caused by development of the force between the abdomen and lower back, called in China, "Tan Tien" in Japan "Hara" in the West and "Belly "indispensable foundation for good health. The Master Oki
, after due consideration and practical experience may be unique in the world, repeatedly said: "I am convinced that all problems of modern man stem from the loss of the strength of the abdomen and lower back."
suggest to everyone in the practice of everyday life, whatever you're doing, to make and maintain at least a little 'commitment the abdomen and lower back strength.
For example, if an object falls to the ground, you have two ways to pick it up: angry because "fell", or try to bend to pick it up as best you can, by starting the movement from the belly!
Another simple exercise. used to positively change the mood, is the twist of the lower back.
Lie on the floor, supine, with arms outstretched, palms down, closed fist, thumb inside the fingers:
- breathe slowly, bringing the foot with the hammer and inflating the abdomen, lower back while pushing up
- holding the breath, bend one knee and rotate la gamba flessa dal lato opposto, fin dove vi è possibile e per il tempo che vi è possibile, con il massimo impegno dell'addome
- giunti al limite, espirate di colpo e riportate la gamba a terra, rilassando il corpo tutto nella frazione di un attimo.
- dopo un recupero in totale rilassamento, ripetere l'esercizio, tre o quattro ( o più volte, a piacere), per lato.
Fra le altre cose, questo esercizio serve a spremere dall'addome, insieme al sangue stagnante, anche grosse quantità di serotonina, il famoso mediatore del benessere che, guarda un po', è prodotto, al 90%, dalle cellule "entero cromaffini " dell'intestino, e solo per il 10% nel cervello...
Inoltre, il corpo diventerà caldo, la mente fresca e vi sentirete riposati, leggeri e rigenerati come non mai.
Voglio spendere due parole sull'uso dei farmaci nella depressione.
I più usati sono le benzodiazapine (i cosiddetti tranquillanti) ed i farmaci che aumentano la disponibilità della serotonina a livello delle giunzioni dei neuroni ( inibitori della ricaptazione pre sinaptica).
Se li state già utilizzando, rendetevi conto che, qualunque sia il prezzo che inevitabilmente ne pagate, lo state facendo per vostra scelta e perché avete la fortuna di vivere in un paese "ricco".
Anziché lamentarvene, ringraziate per the more opportunities you are getting, knowing that they are in any case, subrogated commitments which, for various reasons, did not have the strength or the will to take ...
Then, do at least something to feel better, as much as you allow it, if you wish, to reduce them gradually, to suspend them altogether if you decide that it is better to live life to its fullest ...
Since this step is very delicate because of the danger of withdrawal symptoms or relapse, let advice from experts in the field.
A good efficacy in improving mood, I found it in the nettles, which among other things, have many other positive effects (see the blog: 's time to ... nettles).
Instead, both St. John's wort that valerian, I have produced negative effects, of a toxic, rather strong.
Olive St. John's wort for outdoor use, however, is an excellent remedy for many problems (see Olive hypericum).
To balance by supplementing the physical effort by some of the exercises so far proposed, I suggest, finally, following the practice.
Sitting, standing, with lumbar support, listen with your eyes closed breathing for a few minutes, until becomes regular.
Breathe in and out with the nostrils, without forcing it, let alone rectify the breath, solo ascoltandolo.
Adesso, mentre inspirate lentamente, sillaba per sillaba, fate risuonare mentalmente la parola ARMONIA. (Qualunque altra parola positiva, LUCE VITA FELICITA', vanno comunque bene).
Espirando, immaginate che la vibrazione della parola si diffonda ad ogni cellula, scendendo per il cervelletto e lungo il midollo spinale...
Fatelo, per almeno cinque minuti, tutte le volte che volete.
Ho proposto molte pratiche, di vario tipo, su questo argomento ed anche in molti altri articoli su questo blog.
L'ho fatto per averne sperimentato l'efficacia numerosissime volte, su me stesso.
Spero che almeno uno possa fare al caso vostro.
La vita, nel suo insieme, con tutto quello che contiene, is too beautiful, precious, not only to try and do everything possible to live it fully and humanly ...
"Man finds happiness only when he can make the most of their work in the present, do something creative and useful not only for himself but also for someone else"
(M ° Masahiro Oki )
nice day.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Alpha Hydroxy Acid Lotion Tattoo
Depression - 4 feet off again
The feet are the body part most sacrificed, abused, misunderstood and despised, yet, if we want to get out of depression, should start from there, and for many good reasons.
There is no other body part which, if untreated, also gives mental relaxation.
A simple foot massage is the best treatment for all family.
In children, then, is perhaps the best therapy for any type of problem.
Parents, please, whatever the problem of your children, before giving them the drugs, increasingly used today, try to hear the real message that you send your child with his suffering! Try
, first of all, to create contact, communication, and heat and massage their feet. Five-
ten minutes each evening will be sufficient. You do not need a specific technique, you just rely on pure instinct. Here what matters is the attitude of the heart, not technique.
Among other things, the benefit sarà parimenti distribuito fra chi riceve e chi lo fa.
Provate prima di giudicare, poi potrete anche credere o non credere...
Ancora, per i piedi: fare un pediluvio caldo con acqua, sale (una manciata) e un cucchiaino di polvere di peperoncino, rabboccando con acqua ben calda ogni tanto. Meglio la sera, prima di coricarsi.
Fa abbassare la tensione mentale, riportando l'energia verso i piedi.
Il sale serve a far espellere tossine, oltre che a dare un ulteriore stimolo alle terminazioni sensitive.
Il peperoncino prolunga questi effetti per molte ore, mantenendo un forte stimolo alla circolazione sanguigna.
Inoltre, camminare, camminare ogni giorno, almeno mezzora. Se non avete abbastanza tempo, alzatevi prima. Ridurre le ore di sonno è dimostrato che giova alla depressione.
Se il vostro è un caso grave (o se fate di tutto per non fare niente!), partite per un viaggio a piedi. Non esiste depressione che non scompaia o migliori nettamente, dopo tre giorni.
Se pensate che avete troppo da fare per fare questo, vuol dire che non state poi così male come credete (o volete far credere).
Per chi convive con un depresso, anziché passare decenni a dare coperture ed appoggio, partite con lui, a piedi, che sia mezzora o tre o più giorni. Sarà il tempo speso meglio.
Un'attività fisica regolare, di tipo aerobico, qual è appunto camminare, fra i tanti benefici physiological, it also increases the production of substances (neurotransmitters) that produce wealth.
Among these, the endorphins (substances with similar effects to opiates, but produced in a physiological manner and modulated), serotonin and many others.
Another effect of the walk is to harmonize with the sympathetic nervous system the parasympathetic.
Walk barefoot as much as possible, even on the stones. Within minutes ber changing mood. Beat
feet firmly on the ground, lifting the side as much as possible a leg at a time and letting it fall to the ground, with low center of gravity, ie knees just a little 'bent: on the side for more than twenty times. The human feet
have unique structure and function in the animal world. They are used to create the basis for a human-like gait and posture, and this for two fundamental characteristics: an angle of 45 degrees per foot and the existence of the arch. Other characters
anatomo-functional characterizing the human posture are:
-angle between the femur and hip-
180 ° lumbar lordosis, which in turn creates and sustains the other two corners, and dorsal cervical
- the great occipital foramen position and horizontal axis perpendicular to the base of the skull
The end result is the vertical, resulting in a harmonious hand column of the three curves, with Summit and anus on the same line, the front facing forward, not down, facing the summit of the universe.
An incorrect posture with support of the foot (outer edge) and toes parallel or converging, a femur constantly flexed hip, the loss of the lumbar curve, the chest closed with the blades open and their converging on a central axis, an obvious high kyphosis (between the shoulder blades), and head dangling down, are the unmistakable stigmata of mental and physical condition is not harmonious.
In the brain, the final effect of a posture, among other things, is to keep the pituitary gland in an optimal position to receive the best stimulus dalla radiazione solare (notoriamente dotata di effetto antidepressivo), ed alla epifisi di rimanere in comunicazione con la radiazione cosmica universale, nel campo della "luce" invisibile. Ma di questo ho già ampiamente parlato in un altro articolo sul blog (vedi: Cervello, cervelletto ipofisi ed epifisi).
Da un punto di vista non solo statico, ma anche funzionale, la corretta postura umana, invece, è la base essenziale per creare quella atmosfera o forza di bilancio fra addome e lombari che, come mirabilmente ha spiegato il Mastro Masahiro Oki , è la condizione fisica indispensabile per mantenere in salute (ossia in armonia), il corpo, la mente ed il cuore.
Questo argomento is of such importance that it deserves a separate discussion.
The feet are the body part most sacrificed, abused, misunderstood and despised, yet, if we want to get out of depression, should start from there, and for many good reasons.
There is no other body part which, if untreated, also gives mental relaxation.
A simple foot massage is the best treatment for all family.
In children, then, is perhaps the best therapy for any type of problem.
Parents, please, whatever the problem of your children, before giving them the drugs, increasingly used today, try to hear the real message that you send your child with his suffering! Try
, first of all, to create contact, communication, and heat and massage their feet. Five-
ten minutes each evening will be sufficient. You do not need a specific technique, you just rely on pure instinct. Here what matters is the attitude of the heart, not technique.
Among other things, the benefit sarà parimenti distribuito fra chi riceve e chi lo fa.
Provate prima di giudicare, poi potrete anche credere o non credere...
Ancora, per i piedi: fare un pediluvio caldo con acqua, sale (una manciata) e un cucchiaino di polvere di peperoncino, rabboccando con acqua ben calda ogni tanto. Meglio la sera, prima di coricarsi.
Fa abbassare la tensione mentale, riportando l'energia verso i piedi.
Il sale serve a far espellere tossine, oltre che a dare un ulteriore stimolo alle terminazioni sensitive.
Il peperoncino prolunga questi effetti per molte ore, mantenendo un forte stimolo alla circolazione sanguigna.
Inoltre, camminare, camminare ogni giorno, almeno mezzora. Se non avete abbastanza tempo, alzatevi prima. Ridurre le ore di sonno è dimostrato che giova alla depressione.
Se il vostro è un caso grave (o se fate di tutto per non fare niente!), partite per un viaggio a piedi. Non esiste depressione che non scompaia o migliori nettamente, dopo tre giorni.
Se pensate che avete troppo da fare per fare questo, vuol dire che non state poi così male come credete (o volete far credere).
Per chi convive con un depresso, anziché passare decenni a dare coperture ed appoggio, partite con lui, a piedi, che sia mezzora o tre o più giorni. Sarà il tempo speso meglio.
Un'attività fisica regolare, di tipo aerobico, qual è appunto camminare, fra i tanti benefici physiological, it also increases the production of substances (neurotransmitters) that produce wealth.
Among these, the endorphins (substances with similar effects to opiates, but produced in a physiological manner and modulated), serotonin and many others.
Another effect of the walk is to harmonize with the sympathetic nervous system the parasympathetic.
Walk barefoot as much as possible, even on the stones. Within minutes ber changing mood. Beat
feet firmly on the ground, lifting the side as much as possible a leg at a time and letting it fall to the ground, with low center of gravity, ie knees just a little 'bent: on the side for more than twenty times. The human feet
have unique structure and function in the animal world. They are used to create the basis for a human-like gait and posture, and this for two fundamental characteristics: an angle of 45 degrees per foot and the existence of the arch. Other characters
anatomo-functional characterizing the human posture are:
-angle between the femur and hip-
180 ° lumbar lordosis, which in turn creates and sustains the other two corners, and dorsal cervical
- the great occipital foramen position and horizontal axis perpendicular to the base of the skull
The end result is the vertical, resulting in a harmonious hand column of the three curves, with Summit and anus on the same line, the front facing forward, not down, facing the summit of the universe.
An incorrect posture with support of the foot (outer edge) and toes parallel or converging, a femur constantly flexed hip, the loss of the lumbar curve, the chest closed with the blades open and their converging on a central axis, an obvious high kyphosis (between the shoulder blades), and head dangling down, are the unmistakable stigmata of mental and physical condition is not harmonious.
In the brain, the final effect of a posture, among other things, is to keep the pituitary gland in an optimal position to receive the best stimulus dalla radiazione solare (notoriamente dotata di effetto antidepressivo), ed alla epifisi di rimanere in comunicazione con la radiazione cosmica universale, nel campo della "luce" invisibile. Ma di questo ho già ampiamente parlato in un altro articolo sul blog (vedi: Cervello, cervelletto ipofisi ed epifisi).
Da un punto di vista non solo statico, ma anche funzionale, la corretta postura umana, invece, è la base essenziale per creare quella atmosfera o forza di bilancio fra addome e lombari che, come mirabilmente ha spiegato il Mastro Masahiro Oki , è la condizione fisica indispensabile per mantenere in salute (ossia in armonia), il corpo, la mente ed il cuore.
Questo argomento is of such importance that it deserves a separate discussion.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Solid Steel Price Per Pound
Depression - 3 Not by bread alone ... De
Man does not live by bread alone. The
Jesus said, but perhaps not everyone knows it. The heart, in fact, needs its own specific nutrition.
Today, perhaps more than ever, the first victims of depression, all over the world are children.
Unique in the animal world, baby, just born, he already knows and tries to smile as much as possible, immediately, immediately after the first cry, used to make him live on this planet "blue", although "Heavenly."
He does by instinct, even if it is an instinct merely "human." He does
to be accepted, per manifestare una profonda, anche se ancora inconscia, gioia di vivere.
Ma anche per invitarci a fare altrettanto.
Senza il nostro sorriso, il nostro calore, il nostro contatto, infatti, il bambino non riuscirà a sopravvivere.
Due studenti universitari americani, un ragazzo ed una ragazza che condividevano un appartamento per motivi di studio, decisero di fare un figlio.
Il bimbo venne al mondo e, per qualche settimana, fu il polo d'attrazione dei due giovani genitori.
Ma era solo un passeggero interesse. Il bambino, per loro, era solo poco più di un giocattolo.
Dopo un po' finirono per tornare alla loro vita di sempre, dimenticandosi quasi del tutto del bambino.
Abbandonato a se stesso, left dirty for long periods alone in the house, received almost the only food necessary to do otherwise starve.
Three months weighed less at birth, could not lift his head and he was practically dying.
hospitalized in a pediatric clinic, thanks to the intervention of a social worker, had the good fortune, we could call it fate, be taken care of by a "real" doctor.
The pediatrician, brilliant and rich human experience, made a decision that proved pivotal to save the child.
not the shelter, in fact, in a small room in the ward, but in a hallway where everyone, doctors, staff and visitors, passing the time. Above
his bed he put a sign. "My name is Mikael , if you call me by name and take me in your arms, you make me happy ..."
After three months she had regained weight and motor skills "normal" and, especially, the urge to smile and live.
In our world of privileged rich kids have lost the smile: you can see when we go around, or go to a poor country, to realize.
There, in fact, everyone - or almost - they smile, we almost anyone.
Maybe in Italy things are a bit 'better, even if we have the lowest birth rate in the world.
not smile because adults, starting with parents, smiling troppo poco, per non dire nulla.
Andando per strada, impegnatevi a sorridere se incontrate un bambino: verrete sempre ricompensati con lo spettacolo più bello della natura: il meraviglioso sorriso d'un bambino!
Se siete (o fate) i depressi, cominciate da questo, sorridete ai bambini, a tutti i bambini che incontrate e provate a farlo sempre.
Vi garantisco, anche per esperienza personale, che sarà il primo passo, forse il più importante, per uscire dalla depressione.
I bambini, come dicevo, oggi soffrono sempre più di depressione, ma sono vittime innocenti della mancanza di vero calore umano, dei loro genitori e degli adulti in generale.
L'adulto depresso, qualunque sia la causa, instead, in the end, only a victim of himself, since experience and (self-) education should at least teach them how to get out, not only as caderci ...
To exit the depression, whatever it is, we must strive to do something.
only receive medication and psychotherapy treatments, even if it helps, I can not can never be enough.
Based on what I told you, we begin to realize that if we are alive, it means that, as children, we have received from our parents' food, both the body and heart, which is necessary for us to live.
Although there have forgotten about and if it suits us to believe otherwise.
An essential practical to help us feel good, is as follows.
Sitting in an upright position, after hearing the breath for a few minutes, let's see, not only to imagine seeing the faces of our parents.
each called by name, at least pause for a breath between one and another, and each time add "thank you".
Try it now possible, because , later, we will be overwhelmed by the habits and distractions of everyday life (starting from the results of elections , say something now), we will provide more than ample justification for continuing to not do anything to feel better, but continuing to pretendendere that others do ...
Smile and thank you are two basic steps to get out of depression, but not only ...
But we'll talk next time.
Man does not live by bread alone. The
Jesus said, but perhaps not everyone knows it. The heart, in fact, needs its own specific nutrition.
Today, perhaps more than ever, the first victims of depression, all over the world are children.
Unique in the animal world, baby, just born, he already knows and tries to smile as much as possible, immediately, immediately after the first cry, used to make him live on this planet "blue", although "Heavenly."
He does by instinct, even if it is an instinct merely "human." He does
to be accepted, per manifestare una profonda, anche se ancora inconscia, gioia di vivere.
Ma anche per invitarci a fare altrettanto.
Senza il nostro sorriso, il nostro calore, il nostro contatto, infatti, il bambino non riuscirà a sopravvivere.
Due studenti universitari americani, un ragazzo ed una ragazza che condividevano un appartamento per motivi di studio, decisero di fare un figlio.
Il bimbo venne al mondo e, per qualche settimana, fu il polo d'attrazione dei due giovani genitori.
Ma era solo un passeggero interesse. Il bambino, per loro, era solo poco più di un giocattolo.
Dopo un po' finirono per tornare alla loro vita di sempre, dimenticandosi quasi del tutto del bambino.
Abbandonato a se stesso, left dirty for long periods alone in the house, received almost the only food necessary to do otherwise starve.
Three months weighed less at birth, could not lift his head and he was practically dying.
hospitalized in a pediatric clinic, thanks to the intervention of a social worker, had the good fortune, we could call it fate, be taken care of by a "real" doctor.
The pediatrician, brilliant and rich human experience, made a decision that proved pivotal to save the child.
not the shelter, in fact, in a small room in the ward, but in a hallway where everyone, doctors, staff and visitors, passing the time. Above
his bed he put a sign. "My name is Mikael , if you call me by name and take me in your arms, you make me happy ..."
After three months she had regained weight and motor skills "normal" and, especially, the urge to smile and live.
In our world of privileged rich kids have lost the smile: you can see when we go around, or go to a poor country, to realize.
There, in fact, everyone - or almost - they smile, we almost anyone.
Maybe in Italy things are a bit 'better, even if we have the lowest birth rate in the world.
not smile because adults, starting with parents, smiling troppo poco, per non dire nulla.
Andando per strada, impegnatevi a sorridere se incontrate un bambino: verrete sempre ricompensati con lo spettacolo più bello della natura: il meraviglioso sorriso d'un bambino!
Se siete (o fate) i depressi, cominciate da questo, sorridete ai bambini, a tutti i bambini che incontrate e provate a farlo sempre.
Vi garantisco, anche per esperienza personale, che sarà il primo passo, forse il più importante, per uscire dalla depressione.
I bambini, come dicevo, oggi soffrono sempre più di depressione, ma sono vittime innocenti della mancanza di vero calore umano, dei loro genitori e degli adulti in generale.
L'adulto depresso, qualunque sia la causa, instead, in the end, only a victim of himself, since experience and (self-) education should at least teach them how to get out, not only as caderci ...
To exit the depression, whatever it is, we must strive to do something.
only receive medication and psychotherapy treatments, even if it helps, I can not can never be enough.
Based on what I told you, we begin to realize that if we are alive, it means that, as children, we have received from our parents' food, both the body and heart, which is necessary for us to live.
Although there have forgotten about and if it suits us to believe otherwise.
An essential practical to help us feel good, is as follows.
Sitting in an upright position, after hearing the breath for a few minutes, let's see, not only to imagine seeing the faces of our parents.
each called by name, at least pause for a breath between one and another, and each time add "thank you".
Try it now possible, because , later, we will be overwhelmed by the habits and distractions of everyday life (starting from the results of elections , say something now), we will provide more than ample justification for continuing to not do anything to feel better, but continuing to pretendendere that others do ...
Smile and thank you are two basic steps to get out of depression, but not only ...
But we'll talk next time.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Leather Jacket In Family Man
smoke nihil nisi evil
smoke you can not say that bad!
I am allowed to paraphrase a well-known Latin proverb, which, instead saying: "de mortuis nihil nisi good" ...
My grandfather, good soul, if he should speak ill of the dead, for example: "This was a real stinker," he added, "Speak to live." So, for good luck, because with the dead can never know.
Similarly, it is said, joking with the soldiers (the living), and star leaves the saints (the dead).
of smoking, however, can not be said that all possible harm, and possibly even a little bit more.
The reasons are numerous scientific "arena almost quae est in breakers maris."
can not relate them all, even because the most important are among the few things known to all (well, means well, who is the last winner of Big Brother and the results of the football league, the remaining culture media of Italians). I
that giving public scandal, I preclude smoking, where do I put the same question, "as she is a doctor and smoke, why do it? "I can not give other answer than the following:" because I like ...".
I am even allowed in recent years, to make cycling a Tappone Dolomite (step Fedaia , Campolongo and Stelvio, so to speak), often with a lighted cigarette Up for the bends. Worse still, two years ago, I walked in one night, more than ninety miles, the pale red light cigarette .. . (now I sixty-five years).
That said, discourage all, peremptorily, to smoke.
recognize, and I say sincerely, that is a defect that causes dependence and may hurt.
I do not recommend particularly for those who ask me the big question above, and already, in most cases, would not be able to walk a mile without getting huff and puff ...
Rather, counsel to the detractors of smoke, every now and then to renew the repertoire, which is a bit dull and predictable ... to make them more sympathetic and persuasive. For example
, for a young lady at the counter of a motorway tobacco, put there against his will, perhaps for a miserable salary, and I suggested, politely, not to buy cigarettes, because hurt, "rather than buys a lottery ticket ...", I promptly and politely replied: "Dear Miss, I tried smoking lottery tickets, but they made me come a terrible cough and cost too dear ..."
He had to smile and believe me, today is not easy to smile a crusader dell'antifumo!
I instead went wrong with another tobacco shop (but I just can not find another job? Mala tempora currunt ...).
I said that I am allowed, without sarcasm, to thank him for giving me a package on which was written "smoking harms you and others around you", while almost everyone else went wrote "Smoking kills".
To which the gentleman in question, among other owner of the restaurant, I replied that for him the smokers potevano anche crepare tutti! (sic!). Forse, in cuor suo, si sarebbe accontentato di vender caramelle e gratta e vinci... Ma guarda un po', cosa ci tocca fare per vivere!
Dicevo, dunque, de fumo nihil nisi male, non però, in estensione, anche dei fumatori " im allgemeine oder alles zusamen ", prego...
Quante volte d'inverno, fuori di un ristorante, alla pioggia sferzante ed al vento gelido, mi sono acceso una sigaretta in compagnia di uno sventurato quanto occasionale sodale, mentre dentro, in sana allegria, persone ai limiti dell'infarto e ben oltre quelli dell'obesità grave, introducevano porzioni di cibo che, per quantità e qualità, avrebbero fatto morire d'indigestione anche una balena di medie dimensioni... (ma quanto non riescono a mangiare, oggi, gli Italiani!).
Oggi ci si lamenta che, statistiche alla mano, il numero dei fumatori in Italia stia aumentando.
Sarebbe il caso di riflettere su di una certa pubblicità anti fumo che produce un aumento dei fumatori...
Ma forse "hoc erat in votis ", era proprio questo che si voleva, perché, da noi, il primo beneficiato del fumo è lo Stato, oltre che le multinazionali..
Sarebbe bene ricordare che non si é mai bevuto così tanto, come durante il proibizionismo!
Why not say, too, that the scratch cards, slot machines (are swarming like mushrooms!), The lottery etc, have ruined millions of families ... Ah, the State, State gambler!
If we wanted to make a list of what hurts, it would end the most, butter, sugar, pesticides and chemical contaminants of food and so on.
In fact, there is nothing that is good or bad at all. It depends on how, even more than by how much.
ill with terminal cancer a few days before he died, he begged me to put away his wife with an excuse, well opened the windows together and asked me to smoke a cigarette ... So, without many words.
After he smoked, he told me, "is the latest and greatest pleasure I have left ... now I feel really good."
Sometimes, a cigarette can also do some 'good ...
(Article written in polite question on the subject)
smoke you can not say that bad!
I am allowed to paraphrase a well-known Latin proverb, which, instead saying: "de mortuis nihil nisi good" ...
My grandfather, good soul, if he should speak ill of the dead, for example: "This was a real stinker," he added, "Speak to live." So, for good luck, because with the dead can never know.
Similarly, it is said, joking with the soldiers (the living), and star leaves the saints (the dead).
of smoking, however, can not be said that all possible harm, and possibly even a little bit more.
The reasons are numerous scientific "arena almost quae est in breakers maris."
can not relate them all, even because the most important are among the few things known to all (well, means well, who is the last winner of Big Brother and the results of the football league, the remaining culture media of Italians). I
that giving public scandal, I preclude smoking, where do I put the same question, "as she is a doctor and smoke, why do it? "I can not give other answer than the following:" because I like ...".
I am even allowed in recent years, to make cycling a Tappone Dolomite (step Fedaia , Campolongo and Stelvio, so to speak), often with a lighted cigarette Up for the bends. Worse still, two years ago, I walked in one night, more than ninety miles, the pale red light cigarette .. . (now I sixty-five years).
That said, discourage all, peremptorily, to smoke.
recognize, and I say sincerely, that is a defect that causes dependence and may hurt.
I do not recommend particularly for those who ask me the big question above, and already, in most cases, would not be able to walk a mile without getting huff and puff ...
Rather, counsel to the detractors of smoke, every now and then to renew the repertoire, which is a bit dull and predictable ... to make them more sympathetic and persuasive. For example
, for a young lady at the counter of a motorway tobacco, put there against his will, perhaps for a miserable salary, and I suggested, politely, not to buy cigarettes, because hurt, "rather than buys a lottery ticket ...", I promptly and politely replied: "Dear Miss, I tried smoking lottery tickets, but they made me come a terrible cough and cost too dear ..."
He had to smile and believe me, today is not easy to smile a crusader dell'antifumo!
I instead went wrong with another tobacco shop (but I just can not find another job? Mala tempora currunt ...).
I said that I am allowed, without sarcasm, to thank him for giving me a package on which was written "smoking harms you and others around you", while almost everyone else went wrote "Smoking kills".
To which the gentleman in question, among other owner of the restaurant, I replied that for him the smokers potevano anche crepare tutti! (sic!). Forse, in cuor suo, si sarebbe accontentato di vender caramelle e gratta e vinci... Ma guarda un po', cosa ci tocca fare per vivere!
Dicevo, dunque, de fumo nihil nisi male, non però, in estensione, anche dei fumatori " im allgemeine oder alles zusamen ", prego...
Quante volte d'inverno, fuori di un ristorante, alla pioggia sferzante ed al vento gelido, mi sono acceso una sigaretta in compagnia di uno sventurato quanto occasionale sodale, mentre dentro, in sana allegria, persone ai limiti dell'infarto e ben oltre quelli dell'obesità grave, introducevano porzioni di cibo che, per quantità e qualità, avrebbero fatto morire d'indigestione anche una balena di medie dimensioni... (ma quanto non riescono a mangiare, oggi, gli Italiani!).
Oggi ci si lamenta che, statistiche alla mano, il numero dei fumatori in Italia stia aumentando.
Sarebbe il caso di riflettere su di una certa pubblicità anti fumo che produce un aumento dei fumatori...
Ma forse "hoc erat in votis ", era proprio questo che si voleva, perché, da noi, il primo beneficiato del fumo è lo Stato, oltre che le multinazionali..
Sarebbe bene ricordare che non si é mai bevuto così tanto, come durante il proibizionismo!
Why not say, too, that the scratch cards, slot machines (are swarming like mushrooms!), The lottery etc, have ruined millions of families ... Ah, the State, State gambler!
If we wanted to make a list of what hurts, it would end the most, butter, sugar, pesticides and chemical contaminants of food and so on.
In fact, there is nothing that is good or bad at all. It depends on how, even more than by how much.
ill with terminal cancer a few days before he died, he begged me to put away his wife with an excuse, well opened the windows together and asked me to smoke a cigarette ... So, without many words.
After he smoked, he told me, "is the latest and greatest pleasure I have left ... now I feel really good."
Sometimes, a cigarette can also do some 'good ...
(Article written in polite question on the subject)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Country With Most Aids/hiv Victims
Depression - 2 causes
Of cause there are so many stories as there are human beings, from the mundane to the most noble and profound.
One of the greatest people in human history, Gandi, fell into terrible depressions in the last years of his life, to the chagrin (and the assumption of moral responsibility) in the face of mutual massacres between Hindus e Mussulmani, dopo la conquista dell'indipendenza dell' India dagli Inglesi. Gandi aveva un grandissimo livello di coscienza etica.
Ne uscì ogni volta rinnovando e profondendo il proprio impegno verso gli altri.
Sempre in India, qualche decennio dopo, un'altra anima nobile, Madre Teresa, patì crisi depressive così gravi (e così mal capite ), da essere sottoposta , specie nell'ultimo anno di vita, ad alcuni interventi d'esorcismo...
Nel suo caso, probabilmente, oltre a motivi morali, ebbero una non trascurabile importanza la condizione fisica (un grave scompenso di cuore, con ripetuti interventi di by- pass coronarico) e la condizione tossica secondaria ad un vero e proprio bombardamento farmacologico, cui era quotidianamente sottoposta.
Molti dei più grandi spiriti dell'umanità conobbero la sofferenza della depressione, anche a più riprese, nella loro vita.
Per tutti questi casi, con le parole di Dante, sarebbe da dire " O dignitosa coscienza e netta, come t'é picciol fallo amaro morso!"
Nella vita di un uomo che abbia ancora una pur minima coscienza etica e morale, è impossibile non incorrere in episodi depressivi.
Il depresso vero, come ho già detto, fa colpa a se stesso di quello che non riesce ad accettare.
La maggior parte degli uomini, invece, di fronte something unpleasant, it simply blame others. But this road, though widely practiced, and (by some psychotherapists), it is a way out: just a step backwards ...
Who has not experienced episodes of depression, even small (but I think they are few), he probably killed all of his conscience or gave up looking for ethical values: they live only to satisfy their basic instinctual needs.
depressive Not all situations, however, have a root ethics, shall we say, noble.
Often the reasons, at least as apparent, are frivolous or trivial: how many, for example, have come to commit suicide over the loss of a football game!
Allora, qual é, se c'é, la causa prima comune a tutte le depressioni?
Anche se la scienza medica ufficiale parla di tre tipi di cause: endogene, esogene e miste, sono convinto che bisogna ricercare una causa iniziale comune a tutte e tre, per non finire in separazioni che finiscono, quasi inevitabilmente, per far colpa o agli altri, o alla vita stessa od al carma personale.
Altrimenti non esisterebbero vie d'uscita percorribili e praticabili fino in fondo.
Per esperienza anche personale e dopo lunghe riflessioni, sono convinto che, sempre, alla base, vi sia il rifiuto di qualcosa che è successo ( o che abbiamo fatto, ed é comunque successo), nella nostra vita.
In questo rifiuto, that the experts call the conflict, and that in most cases is related to the loss of something or someone, is consumed, often in a very short time, our share of "spendable" physical energy, mental and moral.
In fact, at the level of vital force, the reserve was virtually infinite, but no longer know how to draw.
It 's a bit like the case of failure, that even with substantial economic resources, is desperate to have spent the last penny of' argent de poche "in his pocket ...
We can not stubbornly refuse something that was sent out of life, without going into crisis.
If this rejection of reality is not, nor recognized or resolved, the suffering of life can become so unbearable that make us want (and unfortunately implement), it quits.
But, please, before you do, ask whether it's worth it: because commit to do something that eventually happens by itself?
So, from life, so far, no one is left alive (and no one has ever lived)!
And then, let's not attach too much importance: our suffering, after all, is neither the only nor the most important on earth, even if it seems to us like that!
A glimmer of irony (and self-irony), it can often save a life. A
life, whatever we have committed, or has happened to us, always has a good reason, an intrinsic right to redeem and be worth living.
The boat ferries ever suffering a single person at a time. In the sea of \u200b\u200bsuffering is not never sail "in little boat, but on a huge ocean liner!
No human being, with a minimum of sanity, can ever hope to leave out of his life suffering or be an animal, or mad!
sadness, but it's a personal option, a choice not necessary nor inevitable: a practical standpoint, his spare time, though never completely useless!
In any case, it is still at experience ... we used scis! (If you know to use).
The acceptance of this fact, the inevitability of suffering, is already the first step, and most importantly, to get out of that tunnel, that seems endless and without the side streets to escape, that we call depression.
If we look closely, the suffering is the real fuel of life, what makes us move forward as human beings. There is suffering for its own sake ...
The other key step is to realize that there are faults, either personally or others, but the causes and effects, involving accountability and the implementation of actions which, in the field of our actual capacity, to be able to get out.
We must learn to forgive ourselves first, then everyone else.
No one else can do it for us or for us ...
True confession can not be made to another, but to ourselves, and we must give the last absolution there with us, fixing our mistakes!
But we, and others, speak next time.
Of cause there are so many stories as there are human beings, from the mundane to the most noble and profound.
One of the greatest people in human history, Gandi, fell into terrible depressions in the last years of his life, to the chagrin (and the assumption of moral responsibility) in the face of mutual massacres between Hindus e Mussulmani, dopo la conquista dell'indipendenza dell' India dagli Inglesi. Gandi aveva un grandissimo livello di coscienza etica.
Ne uscì ogni volta rinnovando e profondendo il proprio impegno verso gli altri.
Sempre in India, qualche decennio dopo, un'altra anima nobile, Madre Teresa, patì crisi depressive così gravi (e così mal capite ), da essere sottoposta , specie nell'ultimo anno di vita, ad alcuni interventi d'esorcismo...
Nel suo caso, probabilmente, oltre a motivi morali, ebbero una non trascurabile importanza la condizione fisica (un grave scompenso di cuore, con ripetuti interventi di by- pass coronarico) e la condizione tossica secondaria ad un vero e proprio bombardamento farmacologico, cui era quotidianamente sottoposta.
Molti dei più grandi spiriti dell'umanità conobbero la sofferenza della depressione, anche a più riprese, nella loro vita.
Per tutti questi casi, con le parole di Dante, sarebbe da dire " O dignitosa coscienza e netta, come t'é picciol fallo amaro morso!"
Nella vita di un uomo che abbia ancora una pur minima coscienza etica e morale, è impossibile non incorrere in episodi depressivi.
Il depresso vero, come ho già detto, fa colpa a se stesso di quello che non riesce ad accettare.
La maggior parte degli uomini, invece, di fronte something unpleasant, it simply blame others. But this road, though widely practiced, and (by some psychotherapists), it is a way out: just a step backwards ...
Who has not experienced episodes of depression, even small (but I think they are few), he probably killed all of his conscience or gave up looking for ethical values: they live only to satisfy their basic instinctual needs.
depressive Not all situations, however, have a root ethics, shall we say, noble.
Often the reasons, at least as apparent, are frivolous or trivial: how many, for example, have come to commit suicide over the loss of a football game!
Allora, qual é, se c'é, la causa prima comune a tutte le depressioni?
Anche se la scienza medica ufficiale parla di tre tipi di cause: endogene, esogene e miste, sono convinto che bisogna ricercare una causa iniziale comune a tutte e tre, per non finire in separazioni che finiscono, quasi inevitabilmente, per far colpa o agli altri, o alla vita stessa od al carma personale.
Altrimenti non esisterebbero vie d'uscita percorribili e praticabili fino in fondo.
Per esperienza anche personale e dopo lunghe riflessioni, sono convinto che, sempre, alla base, vi sia il rifiuto di qualcosa che è successo ( o che abbiamo fatto, ed é comunque successo), nella nostra vita.
In questo rifiuto, that the experts call the conflict, and that in most cases is related to the loss of something or someone, is consumed, often in a very short time, our share of "spendable" physical energy, mental and moral.
In fact, at the level of vital force, the reserve was virtually infinite, but no longer know how to draw.
It 's a bit like the case of failure, that even with substantial economic resources, is desperate to have spent the last penny of' argent de poche "in his pocket ...
We can not stubbornly refuse something that was sent out of life, without going into crisis.
If this rejection of reality is not, nor recognized or resolved, the suffering of life can become so unbearable that make us want (and unfortunately implement), it quits.
But, please, before you do, ask whether it's worth it: because commit to do something that eventually happens by itself?
So, from life, so far, no one is left alive (and no one has ever lived)!
And then, let's not attach too much importance: our suffering, after all, is neither the only nor the most important on earth, even if it seems to us like that!
A glimmer of irony (and self-irony), it can often save a life. A
life, whatever we have committed, or has happened to us, always has a good reason, an intrinsic right to redeem and be worth living.
The boat ferries ever suffering a single person at a time. In the sea of \u200b\u200bsuffering is not never sail "in little boat, but on a huge ocean liner!
No human being, with a minimum of sanity, can ever hope to leave out of his life suffering or be an animal, or mad!
sadness, but it's a personal option, a choice not necessary nor inevitable: a practical standpoint, his spare time, though never completely useless!
In any case, it is still at experience ... we used scis! (If you know to use).
The acceptance of this fact, the inevitability of suffering, is already the first step, and most importantly, to get out of that tunnel, that seems endless and without the side streets to escape, that we call depression.
If we look closely, the suffering is the real fuel of life, what makes us move forward as human beings. There is suffering for its own sake ...
The other key step is to realize that there are faults, either personally or others, but the causes and effects, involving accountability and the implementation of actions which, in the field of our actual capacity, to be able to get out.
We must learn to forgive ourselves first, then everyone else.
No one else can do it for us or for us ...
True confession can not be made to another, but to ourselves, and we must give the last absolution there with us, fixing our mistakes!
But we, and others, speak next time.
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